05 Mar


This particular verbatim dream comprises the second part of 'a rather interesting full colour and rather lucid dream that i had prior to awakening, this morning' (on 17 March 2016 apparently), which was typed into a blog entitled 'Dreams And Ponderings' onth same date - so, as i have just offered the first part (A Healing Dream) within DREAMS, i thought i would offer this one also - apparently i may have had a third unremembered one/part also btw ('i suspect that there may have been an unremembered/unrecollected part previous to these' [two]) ...

This had the feeling of being in a room within a castle, perhaps...

Anyway, i was sat at a table, where two beautifully dressed young women were sat - their garments/dresses colourfully flowing within interestingly beautiful, not overly intricate, designs...

A small dark brown cotton-type pouch was produced and opened upon the rather substantially large table - upon which some runes of an amber-like nature started to partially, fall out / emerge, from said pouch...

Then, with the scene moving on, the similarly elegantly attired young lady, sat to the left of the other one, arose from her rather olde-worlde substantially built wooden chair, and left the room...

Thereby leaving the other young lady, with long flowing ginger/reddish hair, remaining on her own - or so i thought...

It was then that i noticed that sat along-side, to the right, was another young lady, whom i had not noticed before...

This young lady was dressed in a rather plain, skyish-blue, less flowing dress - which caused me to wonder, with a certain amount of surprise and dissapointment, why she was not attired within equal splendour and beauty as the other two young ladies, that i had originally seen, were...

Such surprised seeming inequality caused me to immediately awaken into full daylight, within my bed - leaving me to ponder upon such a seemingly rather extended full and richly-coloured dream remembrance...