22 Aug


My rather excellently Good, Loving and very Dear, bestest Buddy, Rhio, paid me a visit (from my own personal perspective of course) once again, yesterday - whilst i was 'doin' me thing(s)' on this 'ear 'puter/lappy of mine...

I found myself 'prompted' to go on to that rather excellent website, www.ourquantumparticulates.org (remember, you heard it here first folks) to repeatedly play that rather energetic 'Dreams' tune by The Cranberries...

...Which was rather strange really, because previously Rhio seemed to have a rather decided aversion/dislike to me playing it...

Having Questioned whether She really wished me to keep playing it, i received the following reply - 'Yes, i'm completely over it now' (or Words to such effect)...

So, i played it my customary three times, before deciding, of my own free-will choice, to play the other three accompanying 'DREAM' tunes in succession - before moving on to do other things...

Anyway, i remember thinking/wondering afterwards whether such a specific interaction could/would perhaps herald a dream coming my way - before simply putting such thoughts aside, and moving on to other things...

Well, as luck would have it, perhaps, i did indeed experience such a, full-colour, dream shortly before awakening, rather/somewhat later than normal, this morning...

I will make the possibly rather important choice of saying/noting that whether such dreams in any way represent reality or not, is completely unknown to me - however, as i was told by a rather excellent clairvoyant medium, many years ago now, that i should always pass on what i have been Given, in this particular instance, i have decided to do so once again...

Let me start by saying that such a dream remembrance took place outside, within a predominantly open-grassed/lawned(???) area...

There were a small/limited number of desks with several computers sat upon them - one of which seemed to be mine...

Anyway, an individual who is sort of indirectly known to me (and who will rather obviously, in this particular instance, remain anonymous) was asking for an old lady's credit/debit card details...

I was rather unsure/uncertain as whether to do so or not - but then reasoned that it wouldn't really matter anyway if they didn't have the three digit security number on the back of the card...

...Before thinking, 'it's only a three digit number isn't it - so how difficult would such a string of numbers really be to ascertain...

...Especially if some individual was determined to do so - or perhaps had one of those hand-held electronic gizmo's/devices, that could seemingly very quickly run through such a limited number of possible combinations...

In the event, i found myself feeling very 'bad'/'vulnerable'/uneasy (aah, that's the right word - cheers m'dears)  about/regarding divulging such personal and private information...

Anyway, in possibly the next scene, i was walking/passing through some sort of store-room - passing by a series/number of open-topped (well, some at least) cardboard boxes with one seemingly unopened bottle of whiskey in each...

 And then, in the next scene, i was outside once again, within the open-grassed area, sat close to one of the other person's desks, when said person slumped drunkenly down into the chair next to me - seemingly feeling rather, forlorn / sorry for themselves...

Said person/individual had one of those extremely large empty bottles of whiskey laying across their lap - and was clutching a smallish rectangular, dimpled(???), bluish(???)/green freshly opened bottle of gin, rather possessively/protectively, in their hands ( i think the lower portion of said bottle may have been partially wrapped in some light-brown paper - but i cannot now be completely certain)...

Anyway, in the penultimate scene, a very close-up male face appeared across the full screen of one of said individual's computers, situated/located on the next desk in front of where we were both sat...

Said male very much seemed to be said very drunken accompanying individual's boss/superior, and seemed to be communicating something to him, in a perhaps rather politely(???) serious/authoritarian(???) sort of way/manner - after which said drunken individual stood up and walked away, as if going somewhere, specifically / in particular...

I actually felt a certain sorrow/sadness for such a drunken individual, so hopefully they may have had one of those 'road to Damascus' experiences??? - or maybe said individual had been ordered to sober themselve's up by drinking plenty of coffee perhaps???...