17 Oct


I had yet another Boris dream last night whilst in the depths of sleep - one of those smooth-looking/blending (rather than stark - not Koo though, obviously), blackish/whitish ones...

It was another one where i seemed to be his personal confidante...

...Whereby, although he very much seemed to value my input, he treated me in a sort of ingrained presumptious/offhand-but-warmish manner/'hammor'...

I remember introducing a once live-in girlfriend/partner to him - only for him to start walking off with her (hand-in-hand if my memory serves me correctly)...

To be fair, said girlfriend was going willingly - in a sort of 'a man of this stature could be very advantageously good for me'...

Anyway, in another scene, i was removing said girlfriend's hands from Boris' hands - whilst looking rather sternly and determinedly into his eyes...

In yet another scene, within an indoor social setting (seemingly consisting of older, rather well-to-do, cigar-type smoking males - well, maybe one of them at least), where the males seemed to be speaking in an 'i say old chap, frightful weather we're having at the moment hey what' sort of way - and using phrases/terms that only members of a certain clique(???) would perhaps use (there is one such phrase that i should have remembered really, as it was said within my close company, but alas i cannot recall it, at this present moment of time at least)...

And in yet another scene (this time within a work-a-day office setting) Boris was using staff rather inappropriately - asking (nay telling) them (one in particular within this scene at least) to go run an errand for him (to buy some tobacco, within this particular instance)...

...Yet again his attitude very much seemed to be of a somewhat ingrained and dismissively presumptuous nature - as if it was natural behaviour for him (flippant???), and as if nothing whatsoever was incorrect/wrong with adopting such a (relaxed???) way of interacting with others (within a workaday life only??? - oooh i hardly suspect so actually)...


And that is all i am most readily able to recollect about such a third(???) Boris dream - at this moment in time anyway...

...Apart from when i focused on Boris a little later (still within my sleep-state???) as i sought to recollect/remember/retain more of such a dream - only, this time (for the first time ever in fact) i was seemingly presented with a rather strange instant clear image/scene(???)...

It was of a number of non-humans (humanoids - the upper half of them) who were seemingly wearing white theatre (medical) smocks(???), whilst looking down at what was presumably an operating table, with medical tools/implements in their hands - i was looking at such a scene from in front of (but not directly so - and seemingly somewhat below) a square (wooden-framed???) water-coated window/portal(???) that had rivulets(bands) of water going laterally across (strangely enough) such a window/portal(???) also, seemingly in order to impair/obscure my view of such an image/scene (???); cue the X-Files music once again, hey what (hot off the press - Boris has been abducted/'taken' by almond-eyed aliens by gosh (it's seemingly 'probin' time' (once again???) Boris)) - remember, you heard it here first folks)...