12 Oct


I had a night whereby i needed to get out of bed and go for a pee quite frequently last night...

Anyway, for such a reason i was aware that i seemed to be sharing an ongoing dream with Boris throughout the whole of the night - tis a dream that i've not been paying much attention to, to be perfectly honest, as my mind has been elsewhere (and i guess i didn't really welcome it lolz) - so the bits that i can now remember (at circa 6pm) are as follows...

Firstly, i remember cycling rather quickly down a road whereby i was occasionally passing other cyclists, with Boris cycling behind me trying to keep up, and with him cycling to the left of me as we were going downhill (my bike was seemingly much slower at going downhill than Boris', strangely enough) - and in the next remembered scene i was sat fairly close to Boris as he was chatting both warmly and fondly/tenderly(???) to a rather well-built woman whom although not deemed to be particularly attractive by myself nevertheless seemed to be very good-hearted - and in the third remembered scene i was seemingly acting as Boris' personal assistant/secretary, whom Boris was doing a catch-up / progress report with, and whereby Boris was asking me whether the blackmailer had been paid, seemingly yet again (as if they were perhaps regular monthly(???) payments) ...