06 Nov


In this short and full-colour dream i saw a naked good looking black guy with a good body and seemingly fairly handsome face, with hands on gyrating hips swinging his dick round and round in public, outside...

I was at some distance to him in a state of partial undress, about to take my fairly large off-white coloured baggy shorts/underwear off, within a neutrality of emotions/feelings, but then realising that maybe i shouldn't, as i simply didn't measure up, comparatively at least...

End of dream...

So anyway, upon getting up, and having paid little attention / given no consideration to such a dream, i then went into the bathroom to wash my body and tootsies - yes, i do in actual fact do such things occasionally...

And then partially dressed, and with a towel around me, before getting an old newspaper, opening it up, placing it on the living-room carpet and cutting the nails on my feet upon it...

And as i was doing so, the thoughts of, 'are people with big dicks big dicks???' came to mind...

...Causing me to go to that now well trodden scenario of selecting a next incarnation from the choices available/offered...

And of seeing / focusing on such an option and saying/deciding rather eagerly that you wished to select such a 'big dick' option...

And of the accompanying Being advising against it, but you insisting on selecting such an offered option amongst such available choices, and of such a Being, in complete understanding of the nature of free-will choices, accepting, but not recommending, such a choice for such a future incarnatee...

And of such a now incarnatee, inadvisably, attracting the karmas of 'service to self' lust to both himself and others throughout such an incarnation...

And of him then returning Home and realising, within his life Review / after life circumstances perhaps, that he had gone backwards (devolved) rather than gone forwards (evolved) ...

So, was he a 'big dick' (foolish person) then??? - well, let's be kind, and say that maybe he simply needed to learn such lessons that such an, unadvised, big dick offered him eh - and maybe we all, rather inevitably perhaps, make such selection 'mistakes' before eventually listening to and heeding the Advice that such an accompanying Being can offer us eh...
