18 Nov


What's life all about, one may reasonably ask (a 'What's It All About Alfie' moment perhaps)...

Well, in a nutshell, it's about doing the best we can, within the situations we find ourselves in...

For after we (each and every one of us) expire our last breath, comes our own personal Life Review...

Where we find that each of our Earth-plane 'bad'/hindered actions sends us lower down (lowers our Vibrations) - and that each of our 'good'/meritorious actions takes us further up (raises our Vibrations)...

And that the overall Balance is where We find Ourselves Abiding/Residing, within the Afterlife - the conditions we will find Ourselves within...

...Until our next incarnation - whenever that may be, and within whatever our circumstances may be...

And it doesn't matter one iota whether we were a king or a pauper - for the Process is exactly the same for each and every one of us...

Motives, one would most readily suggest, play their part too...

For example, were such actions done within a perhaps cold, and calculating mind??? - or were they done within a perhaps warm, and True heart???...

All such factors as this go into the Balance, one would most readily suggest - like ingredients being blended together in a mixer perhaps...

This is simply what my Inspiration leads me to write, ladies and gentlemen - so, is it true or not???...

Well, i guess each and every one of us will find out, sooner or later - so let's simply (re)view it as a 'tick-tock tick-tock' situation (whilst preferably trying to live our lives as best we can (in the best ways possible) - as well as seeking to mend a few perhaps broken/damaged bridges (if it is still possible to do so of course) along the way (if we so choose to do so, of course) eh)...
