08 Oct


This blog has come about after / as a result of a series of YouTube interactions/exchanges with, in this particular case, three other individuals - with such interactions missing the original comment upon which such replies were spawned, as i had simply omitted to save it, for some strange/ (overlooked???) reason...

Anyway, the video in question is called/entitled, 'It's Time To Get Ready | Chief Oren Lyons (Faithkeeper Of The Wolf Clan)' - and can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzUpOpNR6aE&lc=Ugztr5s7jknP9imrsUt4AaABAg.9RKAvS0d6os9RWXI3UspeC ...

Although such reply interactions would now seem to have been removed...

...Which i find to be rather strange actually - as they are all perfectly reasonable replies, which have not, in any way whatsoever, infringed any rules/guidelines at all...

...So maybe the originator of such a thread simply didn't agree with what was said, and simply wished to deprive others from partaking of such offered/shared food for thought eh...

Interestingly perhaps, upon this particular occasion within my YouTube-based interactions, i very much felt that each of 'my' replies very much constituted Inspired ones - and what i mean by that is that i very much felt that such words came through me, rather than simply originating/coming from me, if you know what i mean...

...Which is really why i have chosen/decided (and seemingly been Prompted to do so also) to offer such YouTube interactions as the basis for such a blog sharing as this...

So, anyway, for those (including 'Foreigner' perhaps) who 'wanna know what love is' (or at least Someone's version of it perhaps), here it is...

Mary Jane (me / my YouTube pseudonym btw)...

 @Place Of Abundance I don't believe in unconditional love - i don't believe it exists (we love for a reason, and if that reason disappears, so does the love) - did the native American Indians love the white men, who slaughtered their people and destroyed their way of life, unconditionally??? (no, of course they didn't)...

Raven Odin Albrecht...
@Mary Jane It does exist. Dogs show it very well. Learn from them.

Mary Jane...
@Raven Odin Albrecht I disagree - you fall in love with someone because you are attracted to them for some reason (or indeed a number of different/separate reasons) - and you fall out of love with them when whatever caused you to fall in love with them disappears/wanes or no longer attracts you (those are the 'conditions' of falling in love - love isn't maintained without reason, so there is no such thing as unconditional love - life experiences teach you that simple truth)...

Raven Odin Albrecht...
@Mary Jane What we call life might teach that, but spirit teaches other lessons. I hope one day you find it. Love with conditions is not love it’s a passing fancy maybe or a brief obsession.

Mary Jane...
@Raven Odin Albrecht All love is conditional Raven - and as for dogs - well if you abuse them they hardly continue wagging their tails, smiling with their open mouths and start/continue licking you do they...

Raven Odin Albrecht...
@Mary Jane I wouldn’t know I am not an animal abuser. But dogs are the most forgiving creatures I have ever had the opportunity to befriend.

Mary Jane...
@Raven Odin Albrecht So if you show a dog (for example) love they show you love back - thus it is conditional upon its expectations being fulfilled - if such expectations are not fulfilled then they will look for love elsewhere until such expectations are fulfilled (thus it is conditional - as it is with all of us - there is simply no such thing as unconditional love)...

And forgiveness within love signifies a resumption of love (based upon an apology and a promise not to behave in such a way or to not do such a thing, that caused such love to cease, again, for example) - thus it is dependant upon certain conditions being met or resumed - thus it is conditional (as is all love)...

Love is often simply a term (an expression/word) that is used when certain (often emotional) needs within us are met/fulfilled by another person - a verbal conveyance of such needs having been met, if you will - and when both people within a relationship tell each other that they love the other person, it is often simply a verbal confirmation/reassurance that each person is fulfilling the others (often emotional) needs within such a relationship...

And the depth of love often simply represents the level of gratitude expressed/shown for such (often emotional) needs being fulfilled/maintained...

Raven Odin Albrecht...
@Mary Jane Maybe for you but not "us" either way hope you find better. Eventually realtionships without real love fall apart as the conditions are not always met.

Mary Jane...
@Raven Odin Albrecht If you are happy with the love you have then i am happy for you Raven...

Paul Godden...
@Mary Jane God's love is unconditional, it's only our own actions that separate us from it.

Mary Jane...
@Paul Godden So it is conditional upon not being separated from it then...

Sheri Gray...
@Mary Jane our choice is the condition, not God's.

Mary Jane...

@Sheri Gray I think receiving love can be seen in a similar way as receiving approval Sheri - and in such a sense, why would God give approval of wayward ways...

So, in summary, from my particular perspective, what is really being said here is that which is commonly called / known/referred as/to love is simply being in a position whereby the holes/gaps/spaces / perceived needs within us are being filled/fulfilled by someone else / certain others...

...And that some of us have more holes/gaps/spaces / perceived needs to be filled/fulfilled than others...

...And that those who seem to have the most holes/gaps/spaces/needs to be filled/fulfilled, are seen by those who have the least / less holes/gaps/spaces/needs to be filled/fulfilled, as needy people perhaps...

...And those who have the least / less holes/gaps/spaces / perceived needs to be filled/fulfilled, are seen by those who have the most holes/gaps/spaces / perceived needs to be filled/fulfilled, as lonely people perhaps...

For as Anais Nin quite correctly (in my particular opinion) said, (in my slightly paraphrased way anyway), 'we (tend to) see people as we are, rather than as they are'...

Simples, right??? :-) :-) :-) ...

So perhaps we can now more readily see why people/couples who were deemed to be very much in love with one-another, experience, perhaps great, loneliness when they are separated from one-another either through that which we call 'death', or for some other, perhaps health-related (such as advanced dementia for instance) reason - and why, perhaps, such individuals often say/report that their lives now feel empty without such 'loved-ones' in it...

So what of soul mates / kindred spirits / twin flames, one may quite reasonably ask/enquire???...

Well, from such a perspective as described above, they could simply comprise people whose mutual holes/gaps/space / perceived needs are filled/fulfilled by a single other i/Individual, rather than more than one other i/Individual...

Voila, as they say dahlings - from my own current point of consciousness / perspective, at least...

And with that, this blog (food for, perhaps further, thought) comes to a perhaps rather timely end...
