04 Dec


Many different people seem to see/view God in many different ways...

I personally see God as being the Creator of the universe...

And i see the universe as being biological in nature - a biological universe...

So not surprising perhaps that i see the so-called 'big bang' (the point at which the Creation of the universe began) as being/representing, in our terms, the moment when the 'sperm' penetrated the 'ovum'...

Which then, i guess, most naturally begs the question of whether there are two Creators - a 'Male' and a 'Female' perhaps...

Well i guess such a perspective could possibly help to answer the question of whether 'God' is a Male and/or a Female, for sure...

...For the answer, from such a perspective, would most surely be both, would it not???...

Such a perspective / possible scenario could then most reasonably raise the question of Who Created the Creator(s) of our universe...

And Who Created That/Those Which/Whom Created the Creator(s) of our universe etc etc etc / and so on and so forth...

...With the 'Word' (OM/AUM) originally being Made manifest presumably somewhere within such a perspective / ongoing scenario...

The perspectives that could possibly exist within an environment of infinity eh...

For if our universe is contained (has a boundary of some sort), then what is it that contains it - etc etc etc / and so on and so forth...

Perhaps such a visual scenario simply goes on until an infinite 'Void' of future evolution of some sorts is reached - an endless 'nothingness' of/for future expansion/evolution perhaps...

So, back to our own particular universe - we can possibly visualise the mass/totality of 'us',the Created within the universe, as being comprised of B/beings of various levels of current/ongoing evolution...

...With us humans barely within our diapers perhaps - within the greater scheme of things anyway, one would most readily/humbly suggest...

...Whilst seemingly continuing within our 'seven Ages (planetary restarts???) of man' ongoing

...Convincing ourselves, perhaps, that we are a comparatively evolved species...

Comparative to what though - that is surely the real/meaningful question we should possibly be asking ourselves...

Definitely more than a worm anyway - one would most reasonably suggest...

...But how much more so - within the greater/overall scheme of things, i wonder...

...Possibly not that much at all eh...
