18 Oct


Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare arrived at the same point along a country lane, at the same moment in time...

Whereupon they were each handed a brochure containing a full colour and fairly detailed map...

A map which, amongst other things, showed a long and winding pathway - which at one end said 'start', and at the other end said 'finish'...

Upon studying such a map for a short while, the hare decided that the quickest way to finish such a journey was simply to draw a straight line from the point marked 'start' to the point marked 'finish', before simply following it...

...So, after removing his compass and machete from his backpack, off the hare went, full of enthusiasm and intent...

...Whereas, the tortoise, after studying such a map with great interest, eventually decided to set out upon/along the pathway provided...

Months later, a much bedraggled hare arrived at the point on the map marked 'finish' - sweating profusely, and with many cuts upon his rather sorry looking body...

The Being stood at such a point on the pathway simply gave the hare a look of great distain, and told him that before he would be allowed to go any further he would have to return to the part of the map marked 'start' and, using the pathway provided, return once again, at a later date...

So, after much protestation, off the hare went, back to the part of the map marked 'start' - using the clearing he had forged within the undergrowth with his now rather sorry looking machete...

Meanwhile, the tortoise found himself to be having a very interesting journey indeed - for he had come across many things of great interest, and had, in the process, learned much - so on he journeyed...

Whilst the hare, having now made it back to the point on the map marked 'start', and with his previous level of determination at least partially restored, decided that if he went as fast as he possibly could along such a pathway, he could still beat such an ultra-slow/pedestrian tortoise to the point on the map marked 'finish'...

Meanwhile, back in tortoise land, overjoyment was flowing - for said tortoise had rather surprisingly reacquainted himself with his childhood love...

...With both determined to spend the rest of their lives with one-another other - so, accompany each other they did along the rest of the journey further towards the point marked 'finish' upon the map...

Months later, the much concerned hare found himself to be approaching the point on the map marked 'finish' once again - perplexed by the fact that he had not passed the tortoise - 'surely he has not beaten me?!?', he exclaimed inwardly...

But, much to his relief, upon enquiring to the rather bemused-looking awaiting Being, the hare found that the tortoise had still not been seen by said Being stood at the point upon the pathway marked 'finish'...

However, such relief was very short-lived indeed - for said hare found that, in his great haste, he was unable to answer any of the questions put to him by said Being - and was still not allowed to continue past the point marked 'finish' until he was able to do so...

So, yes, you guessed it - off he went/trudged, back to the point marked 'start' once again...

Some time later, the Being stood at the point on the map marked 'finish' saw two other beings walking upon their two hind legs together, hand in hand - with only a small tortoise shell upon each of their upright backs hinting at the transformation such a journey had afforded them both...

...And, with all questions answered successfully, onwards they continued - with a new brochure, containing a new, much different map, in each one of their hands...

And then afterwards, much much later in time, arrived a tortoise at the point on the map marked 'finish' - with only a pair of much shorter floppy ears hinting at the transformation such a, this time much relaxed journey, had afforded such a former hare...

...And he also was accompanied by a similarly transformed female tortoise - with a likewise pair of very short floppy ears...

...For, in a likewise manner, such a former hare had also wandered down many of the side paths that had seemingly silently called for him to do so - and he too had reacquainted himself with his former childhood sweetheart, who likewise decided to accompanying him along the rest of his journey in life...

And yes, you guessed it, with all such questions also answered, off such tortoises with the very small floppy ears continued, each with new brochure in hand, further along such a pathway...

The end...

And the moral of the tale???...

Well maybe i should simply leave that to the reader of these words to decide for themselves...

Anyway, here's hoping that you enjoyed reading it :-) :-) :-) ...
