29 Dec


I awoke sometime after having another one of my occasional p&c dreams - to glimpse some snowflakes falling onth other side of my bedroom window...

With interest immediately piqued, i lifted the underside of my net curtains to see that it was in fact snowing rather profusely...

'It's snowing!!!' thought i, correctly...

I love seeing a blanket covering of snow - and i absolutely love watching snow falling from white skies also...

...And tis nice watching and listening to the children playing in it with a certain amount of gay/happy abandon too...

I remember the last time there was a blanket of snow - it was very cold and such a blanket covering was a number of inches thick...

I further remember introducing an initially rather uncertain Rocky to it also - it was possibly over ten years ago now...

...And of course Rocky is now no longer with me - which is a pity really, as a fleeting thought of picking him up, once again, and carrying him to a window to witness such a spectacle for himself passed through my mind...

Ooooh, i have just seen a passing-through fox from the window in front of me - i wonder if it is the one that i leave food out for nightly???...

...The very healthy looking one, with a thick shiny coat of sandy looking fur - perhaps not, as this one didn't look nearly so majestic...

The thing that i really love about a thick blanket covering of snow is how comparatively expansive everything looks - especially with it clinging to the now leaf-denuded branches of the trees, and the roofs of the nearby houses...

So, even though it has now stopped snowing (oh well, never mind), after i have finished my cup of warm morning coffee, orft i intend to go, tread by careful tread tooth supermarket to do a bit of not quite so essential shopping - and to further enjoy the moment, from a personally experiential perspective of course...
