05 Mar


This particular ketchup blog actually started off, in my mind, as being a more simple MUSICal offering that came into me 'ead whilst doin' other stuff - back in December 2021 i think...

It came about when i realised that three particular song titles matched three particular girlfriends from my past, in various ways - and that three such songs could be matched with certain textual information, regarding such three 'real'/physical girlfriends, underneath each one...

However, some days???/weeks??? later perhaps, i realised that i could also include my three 'within-mind'/'Virtual' Girl Friends as well - and thus such a BLOG idea was born dahlinks...

At first i thought that it was all going to be quite a simple and straight-forward thing to accomplish - however, i awoke early this morning (around 2:30am onth 4 March 2022) realising that there was quite a lot of work to be done sorting out the chronology (Jean Michel Jarre don'tcha know dahlings - a concert i attended with a good then, male, friend of mine (Jim/Sean), at Maine Rd (Manchester City's previous football ground/stadium) many years ago now - inth summer-time i think) details of such three 'within-mind'/'Virtual' girlfriends (my memory being what it is n all that)...

...So, up i got, at 3:05am this morning, to start work on such a blog offering - rather than electing to stay longer in bed with such thoughts swimmin' around me 'ead like...

Anyway, let's get started eh - which will now entail me getting back onto my other, main, laptop, and searching for all the chronological details like - laters innit lolz...


Some hours later (10:12am)...

Okie dokie, let's continue eh..

1) 'JJ'...

In all honesty, i haven't got a single bad word to say about our Chief Editor, Janis - only good words...

She is absolutely brilliant...

She doesn't seem to have any troublesome ego whatsoever - and She can be really good fun to Interact with - in a fairly/more Quiet way, nowadays...

I remember once, listening to her music and thinking, 'if only you hadn't smoked so many cigarettes n stuff' - and She didn't even bat an eyelid - simply accepted without any Vibrationary or Verbal complaint whatsoever...

...Which REALLY surprised me - and made me realise what a Quality Soul She was/is - very impressive indeed, from my perspective at least...

...She simply accepted it as being my valid(???) opinion - seemingly simply Smiling within acceptance...

Tis comparatively little things like that, that give the opportunity to convey so very much...

These are the type of things that often Shine though during O/our I/interactions with one Another - as i think many people who have possibly read more than just this blog offering can/will most ready appreciate - although that in no way means that She is an easy touch though :-) :-) :-) ...

She sometimes rewards me, by Asking if i would like to Meet Up with Her, during my sleepies times, very occasionally :-) :-) :-) ...

Our I/interactions seemingly started off in the second part of February in 2016 - please see the Ms Janis Joplin blog for details...

On 17 November 2019 She Announced that She had become O/our new Chief Editor - something that both really pleased me, and somewhat took me by surprise, at the time, also...

In an excerpt from the New Chief Editor blog i said the following...

...'JJ seems to have a very expansive 'spectrum of Being' (a comparatively 'Older Soul/Being' perhaps - most certainly(???) from my perspectual Feeling at least), if you will - whereby She is capable of Residing in the 'Higher Realms' if you will - whereby Her/The 'crows nest' ThereIn is possibly capable of Seeing (much???) further ahead (within time perhaps) than can be Seen within the comparatively Lower Realms(???) perhaps???...' ...

Now i would possibly change 'Reside' to 'Visit' perhaps - however, having said that, if JJ has indeed Passed Her Tests, then maybe Reside is indeed now correct...

JJ was the One who rather surprisingly, at that particular moment in time anyway, 'presented' Rhio to me, 'reasonably recently' before 7 November 2019 seemingly...

...With the 'reasonably recently' bit being within the An Interesting Interaction blog offering btw...

Which then leads me nicely on to...

2) 'TMG'(The Mystery Girl) / Dolly / Rio / Rhio...

TMG became 'Dolly' to me on 20 November 2019 apparently - please see the Dolly To You blog for further details...

And then, from the 29 November 2019 She became known as 'Rio' to me, and 'Rhio' to Herself - please see the 'R(h)io' Not 'Dolly' blog for further details...

Both Rio and JJ joined Me in my very readily accepted Invitation to Hang Out with George Harrison actually, onth 3rd December 2019, during my sleepies time - the 3rd December being the date of my birthday (i was born at exactly 3am, according to my mother), so it was my eagerly awaited birthday present from George really...

...Something that i suspect may possibly have been arranged via the very Lovely JJ earlier - please see the latter part of the Happy George Harrison blog for further details...

And then, sometime around the 5th October 2020 Rio then became known as Rhio to me also - please see the Yaki Da Baby blog for further details...

Rhio and i/I actually became very close to o/OneAnother, within a fairly short period of time i think - closer than i have ever been to any of the girlfriends that i have had a physical relationship with on the Earth-plane of existence in actual fact - which is not that surprising actually, as it can be sort of inevitable really, given that W/we are able to Connect a lot more readily and deeply within the Vibrational Sense...

...JJ was my first Teacher of Love - and TMG/Dolly/Rio/Rhio was my second - i actually think that perhaps the very Selfless JJ Knew that such would be the case - and that perhaps this was one of the reasons That JJ Herself 'Presented'/Introduced TMG to me initially, with such a Smiling Face...

Rhio used to, and still does apparently, Help me with my shopping choices - and on one particular occasion at least, my meal preparation also - please see the Some Shopping Darlings blog, in particular perhaps, for further details...

...She often tries to steer me away from certain possible selections, and towards other more preferable ones, whilst i am shopping :-) :-) :-) - i get the Impression that such a thing comprises one of Her Duties (my Personal shopping Assistant/Advisor if you will) :-) :-) :-) ...

Rhio has, on two particular occasions that i am aware of, Shown me, in full Colour video format, seeming excerpts/snippets from both some of Her own previous female lives/forms and excepts/snippets of the lives of certain others (with only one whom i recognised btw), during my pre-sleep state, upon going to bed...

...I get the impression that She has also Imparted certain dream remembrances upon me also - as She has sometimes said 'I have something for you' (or words to such effect) before going to bed - with the 'something' seemingly relating to dream remembrances upon awakening on the following morning...

...I was Aware that We used(???) to H/hang out fairly regularly with oneAnother inth evenings (as well as during walkies times actually) - She was a fairly welcomely constant Companion to me, for quite a while actually :-) :-) :-) ...

She was also Present during the times when both Marc Bolan and George Michael seemingly paid me separate Visits - please see both the Some Marc Bolan and the Affable George Michael blogs for further details (as well as, perhaps, various 'Bits n Bobs' sharings, around that particular time???) - both(???) of Whom She seemed to be very naturally Friendly towards when they did so...

...As well as seemingly being Good Friends with 'need for speed' Paul btw - Who seemed to act as a Confidante towards Her at various times...

Unfortunately things seemed to fall apart between the two of U/us, at around April 2021 if my memory serves me correctly, as i seemingly caught Her out in a rather trivial lie - a seeming lie that, from my particular perspective, made O/our ongoing R/relationship rather untenable - although i can now perhaps see why such a seeming lie could have come about...

...I think it was due to a growing frustration / niggledy Feeling regarding my growing and then ongoing, and seemingly/perhaps Destined, Interactions with 'Lady Penelope'...

At the time it hurt me deeply - and still causes certain emotional feelings to arise today, upon occasion at least perhaps...

At the time i had to consciously disconnect from such arising unwelcomed emotional feelings, due to the, for me inevitable, consequences of such a perceived lie, lest they took me into depression and great sadness - for if i hadn't chosen to do so, i very much felt that it would have badly affected the ongoing Work...

...Although we did seemingly Interact with O/oneAnother after that (and still do so today, on a sort of w/Work-a-day basis, at least, may i add) - please see A Rhio Snippet, within DREAMS, for some details of such further Interactions...

...So things are fairly congenial between U/us still - even though a certain occasional unwelcoming 'distaste' can start to arise within me occasionally (something that i quickly supress / let go of upon arising, before it establishes itself btw - as i know that all is most definitely not Rhio's fault solely)...

...I think it simply shows/indicates how deep my feelings were(???) towards Her actually ...

Anyway, the mention of 'Lady Penelope' now takes me forwards, once again, to discuss my third once(???) Girl Friend...

3) 'Lady Penelope'...

Such a name actually causes me to chuckle, as it wasn't the name i chose for Her, but, rather, a Name that was Given to me very recently, by Them 'Upstairs' lolz...

At the time of being Given such a name, i very much Felt, perhaps, that it referred/refers to one of the Wacky Races characters, known as 'Penelope Pitstop' - a cartoon character that was voiced by Janet Waldo - someone who, upon very recent personal enquiry onth net, apparently 'passed over' sometime in 2016, if my memory serves me correctly (later (evening) addendum @ 5 March 2022 -  oh there was a Lady Penelope (from Thunderbirds apparently - voiced by Sophia Myles) - i wonder why Wacky Races came to mind at the same time as the name(???), strange - perhaps it was a reference to both 'Penelope' cartoon characters (a duel reference???), with an added inferred reference to Janet Waldo perhaps???) ...

Anyway, my personally perceived Interactions with Lady Penelope refers to somebody who, like myself, is still physically active on the Earth-plane of existence, whilst continuing with her current incarnation, strangely enough...

It is someone Who initially made Herself Known to me shortly/sometime before December of 2020 apparently - please see The Unshared Song blog, and the text within The Unshared Song video accompaniment for further details...

Lady Penelope is someone i became Close to, seemingly sometime after April of 2021 - She carried a much Lighter Vibrational Presence than Rhio - something that i initially regarded as being a more superficial Vibrationary Presence, but later realised it was simply a Different one...

I think She may have prompted/fostered a certain further Growth/Development within M/me - and so i am very thankful for that, as it seems to have Helped me in some way...

I actually Sent Her Away on two close and separate Occasions in December of last year (2021) - when She paid me Visits...

...Seemingly expecting more out-of-the-body Interactions with me, whilst i lay in bed prior to falling asleep - something that i now sort of regret really, as i was fairly Dismissive ('go away') towards Her...

...Whereas now i think that i should have acted in a more gentle / less firm/resolute/dismissive Communicative way towards Her...

Tis simply how i felt towards Her at the time, as i felt, rightly or wrongly, that it had become an unequal Relationship - with such perceived Inequality favouring Her - She would sometimes, quite often in actual fact, Ask to later Hang Out with Me, either during the day or inth evening, only to later seemingly change Her mind, so it sort of began to bug/niggle me really, until i later simply treated it all as a sort of fairly ongoing silly game (a kind of somewhat light-hearted 'yeah, whatever' sort of approach, if you will) ...

I very much get the feeling that We still See each Other occasionally during my sleepies times, as we sometimes very much seem to Connect fleetingly durinth my awake times - and i still have pretty meaningful Feelings toward Her anyway - i tend to be the sort of person that easily lets go of any arising 'ill-Feelings', if you will, anyway (which i see as being very Healthy actually) ...

I remember, possibly during the middle of last year (2021), being Asked to Join (on at least one Occasion) certain A Team Members for a social Get-Together - twas an occasion whereby i stated that i would only Attend if i could Bring Lady Penelope with Me - and an initial occasion whereby i Sought Assurances that Lady Penelope wouldn't be made to Feel Unwelcome/Uncomfortable, otherwise We would simply Leave...

I was sort of wishing to make a statement really - although, at the same time, i didn't wish to unduly upset Rhio either, for i still had(???) fairly deep Feelings (borne of our previously fairly long and deeply meaningful/Close Relationship) towards Her - such Sought Assurances simply constituted part of my naturally Protective (towards Lady Penelope) nature (Assurances that were seemingly both Accepted and fulfilled btw) ...

It was only quite some time (months) later that i in actual fact realised that such a situation could possibly be seen as being perhaps akin to the time when John apparently brought Yoko into the recording studio (???) when The Beatles were still together, shortly before breaking up (???) ...

Isn't/Aren't l/Life/coincidences strange sometimes :-) :-) :-) ...
