16 Oct


This particular blog is offered on a purely food for thought basis - it is a topic that i have occasionally perhaps thought about / given consideration to on a number of different, not too fleeting, occasions perhaps...

In the context of reincarnation (many successive lives, rather than a singular one) - which, btw, simply makes much more sense to me personally (within an environment of so-called eternity especially) ...

...I have envisaged a possible scenario whereby we are Offered a selection of immediate-next-life gender-based incarnational possibilities - possibly based upon our individual personal outstanding karmas...

...With, perhaps, such Selections possibly increasingly limited, within / based upon, the nature of such possible outstanding karmas - be they of a more deleterious nature, or otherwise...

So let's take a situation whereby we have, perhaps, particularly enjoyed a possible immediate last life incarnation as a female (it could of course equally have been one whereby we we housed within a male physical vehicle of expression) - and we find ourselves, quite naturally perhaps, drawn to experiencing another immediately-successive female incarnation...

And let's suppose/presume that such a scenario repeats itself throughout a number of successive physically incarnated future lives...

Within such a possible ongoing scenario, would/could it not be at least possible, at some point at least, that we then find that we are attracted (feeling an increasingly greater affinity / mutual attraction/understanding towards/with such other likewise incarnated females or males) more and more to certain people who are housed within the same physically gendered vehicles of expressions as ourselves??? - potentially, at least???...

...Due to us continually relating, more and more, to such repeated female/male (same sex) energies...  

Giving rise to us perhaps eventually wondering why this should be so??? - a 'why did God make me this way' scenario/dilemma???...

And then what would possibly occur if we found that there came a time when we were perhaps Offered a reduced number of similarly female/male gendered incarnational lives to Choose from, in a possible attempt to bring us back into a greater sense of balance regarding our previous male-female incarnations - nature continually tends toward balance after all, does it not???...

And so/then, in possible realisation of such a growing gender imbalance having developed within Us, we then chose (welcomingly or not perhaps) to incarnate within a physical vehicle of expression of the opposite polarity(???) than the ones that we had come to increasingly relate to due to a string of same physically sexed previous physical incarnations - how could/would we possibly feel, energetically???...

...That we had been born into the 'wrong' sexually oriented body perhaps???...

Like i have already said, such thoughts are simply offered on a food-for(possible)-thought basis - tis simply something that i have given consideration to on a number of occasions - in an attempt to answer/understand such possibly asked questions, possibly more readily...

Jesus has been reported to have said, 'let him without sin cast the first stone' - has He not...

...And did Jesus Himself choose to 'cast the first stone' within such a presumed situation??? - i don't think He did, did He???...

...And what is 'sin', within such a presumed/possible above situation anyway??? - it sounds a bit guilt-trippy to me...

A term that could possibly be used/adopted within an attempted ongoing controlling/dominating situation perhaps??? - a term preferred by controlling/dominating Romans perhaps (or certainly seemingly some of them anyway) ???...

And who was it that seemingly adopted the Teachings of Jesus (under suffrage/insistence of the masses(???) perhaps) years later - some of the controlling/dominating Romans perhaps, who could possibly have been tempted to distort such Teachings for their own benefit (possibly increasingly so over time???) perhaps???...

No, surely not, who could possibly consider such a possible scenario, possibly developing more and more over time - i mean, Heaven forbid, it's not like such Romans hated/despised / found Jesus to be in any way threatening/challenging to their possible agendas of control/domination is/was it (and it's not like such succeeding Romans were the original authors and disseminators of the Bible after all, was it)...

I mean, come on, let's be reasonable yeah - for what real possible reasons could they have possibly chosen/found to conduct such possibly ongoing dastardly deeds - pure fantasy surely...

So anyway, whatever the truth of the matter may be, i would simply like to say to the particularly intolerant amongst us, 'please learn to show some tolerance/Love and acceptance towards such of our fellow brothers and sisters' - for as Elvis Aaron Presley once wrote (in a book that i once read btw) 'Don't criticize what you don't understand, son - you never walked in that man's shoes'...
