20 Aug


So what is this covid thingy and when and where was it originally detected???...

Well apparently it is a virus that was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019 - hence it's given name of 'COVID-19'...

Such a virus apparently spread very rapidly around the world - a viral outbreak that very quickly indeed became known as a 'pandemic'...

And what exactly is a 'pandemic', if you don't mind me asking???...

Well, the word 'pandemic' is described as an 'epidemic over a wide geographic area affecting a large proportion of the population'...

And what is an 'epidemic' described as???...

Well, it is described as 'an outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely' - and 'an outbreak that spreads 'rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time'...

And what does 'contagious' actually mean???...

Well, it is described as a disease that is 'transmissible by direct or indirect contact with an infected person'...

Thank you for explaining...

So, is there any evidence of such an outbreak that is 'affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time' where you live???...

Interesting question...

Well, of the 150 or so people that live in my immediate area, i know of absolutely nobody that has shown any signs whatsoever of having contracted such a virus...

And going slightly further afield to include an area of around 500 people, i know of THREE people who have apparently contracted such a labelled virus - all of whom have fully recovered, and have thus gone back to living a perfectly normal life once again...

So, no deaths amongst such a catchment area of around 500 such people then???...

Well, there have been two elderly people that i know of who passed away earlier this year actually - one was a female who was in her early eighties apparently - and the other was a seemingly very robust golfing gentleman who i knew personally, and whom i would estimate to have been in his mid seventies...

And were such deaths ascribed to having contracted such a virus???...

No, such bodily deaths were ascribed to other causes - although they had seemingly only fairly recently had their second 'COVID-19' vaccination before such bodily deaths occurred interestingly enough...

So, based upon such information, could you, in all truth, say that there is an active pandemic within such a local population of around 500 people???...

Well obviously not - in fact it would be completely ridiculous of me to suggest that there was...

Seemingly, if the official and often/continually repeated script is to be believed, almost all of the 500 or so of us must be living within some sort of 'covid-free bubble' - even when venturing outside of such a limited area - lucky us eh, some may say...

Hmmm, interesting - so, have any governmental precautions been put in place since such a 'pandemic' seemingly spread like wild-fire around the globe???...

Oh yes - there have been 'lockdowns', during which the general populace have been told to only venture outside of their homes for 'essential' purposes, such as buying food and exercising...

...And there has been a 'social distancing' rule put into effect, whereby people are advised not to get within two metres of each other when venturing outside - although i think this may have been reduced to one metre now...

...And hand and shopping trolley/basket sanitizing stations have been put in place at my local supermarket - and advice has been given for people to wash their hands regularly of course...

...And there has been a 'mask wearing' rule put into effect when within shops for example - with such measures sometimes strictly enforced, and sometimes seemingly not strictly enforced - whereby it is simply strongly advised that such masks should be worn...

And have you chosen, of your own free-will, to strictly comply with such measures???...

Ummm - well no actually - although i have socially distanced if the other person/people i have stopped to chat with seem to have wished me to do so...

...And i have worn a bandana over my nose and mouth when ordered by the security staff within shops to do so - only to have pulled said bandana down to either mouth or chin level when i have passed them by...

Well you naughty boy you - and why have you chosen to do so???...

Well, for three reasons actually - firstly and foremost because i have claustrophobic tendencies, and secondly, in order to maintain my 'canary-in-a-coalmine' status - and thirdly, it simply seems rather ridiculous to believe that a mask (or indeed bandana) that you can breathe air freely through could in any way prevent any microscopic organism/virus from being breathed into your lungs also...

...And, to be perfectly honest, such advised/mandated 'protective' measures seem to be rather disproportionate to the chances of me actually contracting such a supposed virus...

And have you survived 'covid-free' over the eighteen plus months since such a declared 'pandemic' was stated to have been in existence???...

Yes - so far the effects of such a declared 'pandemic' seem to have completely avoided me - even though, as a pensioner, i am apparently within the most vulnerable category...

So are you in fact claiming some sort of miracle status???...

Well not yet - however, if i survive the coming winter unscathed, when the many declared variants of such an apparent viral pandemic have been forecast to possibly get a whole lot worse, then who knows, such a status may be conferred upon both myself and other non-vaxxers who live within my local area - including some who are 'A class' drug users and alcoholics btw...

So have you no fears about contracting such a supposed virus???...

Well, seemingly, if i did contract such a virus, it's effects upon my body could cause bodily death - and since i have vowed to simply self-isolate within my rather humble abode if symptoms arose, rather than call upon the assistance of my local hospital, such possible bodily death could be rather uncomfortable/challenging - however, my personal view is that such a possible scenario could be rather soul strengthening, and we all have to 'die' in some way or another, after all, don't we (and most certainly have done so in a variety of different ways, at the end of each of our many previous incarnations upon planet Earth)...

...And also, i am very much looking forward to returning Home actually - for let's face it, i am simply no longer a productive member of society, and will inevitably become an increasing burden upon society as the years pass by - and also the world is, in my opinion at least, already somewhat over-populated, and such over-population would very much seem to be of increasing detriment to the already declining health of planet Earth, so surely returning Home would be a rather beneficial thing to do, within such a respect, would it not...

Possibly so - anyway, moving on, have the governments around the world produced a vaccine in order to fight such a declared 'pandemic' yet???...

Oh yes - in record time apparently - and it is said that a single dose is simply not sufficient to combat such a declared 'pandemic' - you see this particular apparent virus has been seemingly declared as being such a threat to humanity that people have to be 'double dosed' within a twelve week period for it to be in any way effective (as well as possibly being required to have a 'booster' vaccination every September btw)...

And when was such a vaccine made available to the general populace???...

Well the first dose started being administered from the 8th of December 2020 onwards - almost exactly one year after it was first identified in Wuhan China actually...

...And the second dose started being administered within twelve weeks after the first dose...

So presumably such 'double dosing' provides complete protection against such a declared viral pandemic then does it???...

Erm, far from it actually - for it apparently only reduces the symptoms of such a seemingly possible viral infection - and even then it apparently doesn't stop such a stated viral infection from being passed on to other people...

...Although, obviously, such an official script could seemingly possibly change sometime in the future - who knows, quite possibly depending upon what direction the metaphorical wind happens to be blowing in...

So both the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated can pass on such a stated virus to others can they???...

Well, seemingly equally so, yes...

And have you chosen, of your own free will, to be vaccinated - or 'double-dosed' as you call it???...

Erm, well no actually...

And do you feel in any way pressured to do so at any time in the future???...

Erm, well not in the slightest actually...

...After all, why on earth would someone like me, within my personal circumstances, wish to reduce my chances of returning Home at the earliest possible opportunity...

Hmmm - good point - and do you expect to return Home by becoming victim to such a declared viral pandemic???...

Well, based upon the infection rate within my local area, the chances of doing so seem to be rather remote at the moment - but hey, never say never eh...

...After all at least one person seems to win the lottery almost every week - so why not a 'non-vaxxer' (rather than an 'anti-vaxxer') like myself eh...

So, purely out of interest, how many times has such a 'COVID-19' vaccine be offered to you within the last eight months that it became available to the general public???...

Umm - three times actually - once by my local GP, and twice via postal NHS communications...

And what about other annual vaccinations for viral infections such as the seasonal flu for example - have you chosen to have those???...

Umm - no - i get offered them each September(???)/October(???) by my GP, but each time i have declined such offers...

And have you ever caught this seasonal flu virus???...

No - never in my life actually...

So your immune system seems to be fairly robust then...

Apparently so, yes - although i read in a national online newspaper fairly recently that the immune system's effectiveness supposedly starts to decline from 55 years of age onwards - and that when you reach the age of 75 years it's effectiveness is apparently very seriously compromised indeed (go figure eh)...

And talking of the seasonal flu virus, since the announcement of this COVID-19' viral outbreak, is such a seasonal flu virus still as prevalent as it has been in previous years???...

Well actually no - seemingly it has all but disappeared...

Really??? - that seems rather strange - so what is the official reason for such a declared sudden near eradication/nullification of such a seasonal flu virus???...

The wearing of easy to breathe through masks apparently - although, as with this supposed 'COVID-19' virus, such a seasonal flu virus is microscopically small - so one quite naturally wonders how such a thing is actually possible...

...And people take their masks off once they enter their predominantly winter heated homes - so go figure eh - all one can reasonably deduce is that such viruses have somehow agreed that human homes have now become strictly enforced no-go-zones...

...Well, seemingly, any way...

Well that was a very interesting - many thanks for accommodating me within such a respect...

No probs Ork - well not yet anyway...

...And please feel free to contact me again for an update - sometime after the end of winter next year perhaps - given that my body is still sucking air (as well as possible viruses) by that time of course...

Dork out...
