07 Oct


A couple of daze ago now, if my memory serves me correctly, the Mail Online newspaper published the following article entitled...

Students in Manchester hold 'Covid Positive' parties where only people with the infection get in as Exeter University kicks out 'small handful' who broke coronavirus rules ...

As is my usual want, i offered the following two comments...

1) What an absolutely brilliant way to handle catching this phantom Jackanory virus (from my own experiential perspective of course - added afterwards only on this website) - get together and party together - they've already caught it so what's the problem - over to you government and scientist(s) - let's see what your (ever so 'you know it makes sense') response is to this one - if indeed you're actually going to posit one of course - this could become very interesting indeed let me tell you - rock on the 'infected' lol - you made my day not so punks (flower power kinda people instead yeah) - let's get some more (uninvasive) testin' done fast eh - i'm rather suddenly all for it lol - herd immunity here we come...

2) Now that's usin' yer noggin innit - what very intelligent individuals they must be - three cheers for the education system say eye - mucherous kudos dudes and dudettes - a very impressive solution indeed if i may be permitted to say/observe...

I'm still not sure whether they were accepted for general publication or not - so let me go and check yeah...

No they weren't - surprise surprise eh...

So anyway, plan B - i've decided to publish them here instead...

I would just like to say a very hearty WELL DONE to such students - rightly or wrongly, it doesn't, from my Perspective, really matter one iota - so just know that you have my COMPLETE and utter support (if you choose of your own free-will individual choices to embrace such peaceful actions, of course) yeah; VERY ingenious indeed, if (well quite obviously W/we are - free-will C/choices of individual expression after all yeah) i, may be allowed to share (or should that be Cher lol) such heart-felt sentiments to/with you all...
