04 Apr


I've had quite a lot of somewhat strange experiential episodes during my lifetime - they are things that have never particularly 'phased' me strangely enough...

One, in particular, that i would like to share happened after working late, assisting others in a number crunching capacity - unusual in itself, as it was the only time i was ever asked to stay at work beyond my normal working hours...

My immediate boss's boss, a European divisional manager who reported directly to the american CEO/chairman of such a company had paid us a visit -  resulting in himself, by boss, and a company accountant being sat in my boss's office, whilst i was in the main office crunching the fairly discrete numeric changes that were being successively presented to me, through a Commodore Pet computer...

Because such successive iterations involved only fairly discrete changes i felt fairly confident that my services would not be required for very long - however by the s-s-seventeenth such iteration i perhaps quite justifiably decided that i must have been unknowingly in the employ of 'Numbnuts Incorporated' (talk about being seemingly myopic eh - and most obviously not an effective team, that's for sure)...

By then it was around 8:30 pm and i had realised that, at such a rate of progress(???) my continued services were probably going to be required until well-beyond midnight - so as i presented such a s-s-seventeenth numeric iteration to the seemingly challenged picture painting/presenting trio, i simply informed them that i had a squash match to attend at 9pm, and so rather relievedly left them to it...

Anyway, whilst driving home i rather uncharacteristically decided to take a left turn from off the main road i was travelling down - and then took the next right turn, which meant that i was now driving parallel to the main road that i had previously been travelling down...

It was at such a point in time that my attention was drawn to my left-hand-side, where i noticed a laterally orientated rugby-shaped object seemingly hanging in the air at a low height - (it seemed to be radiating a fuzzy white-ish light, if my memory serves me correctly)...

...And then the next thing i know is that i seem to be travelling down a very well lit road, rather than a dimly lit one - and that there is a row of 'children' flanking each side of my passing car (thus making 2 rows of such 'children' in all)...

...Each of them smiling at me in a very positive and warm sort of way...

'This is a bit strange', thought i...

I was actually going to go back as i approached a roundabout to see if my eyes had been playing tricks on me, but felt a 'wrongness' about doing so - so instead i simply carried on driving home...

Upon waking up the next morning i was trying to rationalise such a perceived experience, and so wondered if there had been something that was perhaps hanging from a crane - so on my way to work i took the same route, only to find absolutely nothing that could explain such a perceived rugby-type object being seemingly suspended statically in the air...

So, shaking my head, in a figurative sense, i simply put such a perceived experience to the back of my mind and carried on with my life as normal - something that i seemed naturally inclined to do after any of the rather strange experiences that i would seem to have had during my life btw...

Anyway, some years later, during the comparatively early stages of my perceived, and seemingly fairly challenging(???), spiritual unfoldment i became increasingly aware of, and interested in, the 'ufo scene' in general...

I read 'Communion' by Whitley Strieber, and some regression books regarding such apparent 'ufo' experiences, for example...

...And then attended some sort of 'ufo' related lecture whilst partaking of a locally held 'Mind Body and Spirit' event, whereby the speaker read out a list of indicators to a possible 'ufo experience' - only to find that i could, increasingly unsettlingly, inwardly answer affirmatively to all but a couple of such apparent indicators...

...Causing me to seriously consider paying for their offered services of being hypnotically regressed to see if i had indeed had such an experience myself - something that i never did btw, as not only did it require, from my perspective at least, putting a lot of trust/faith in such unknown people, but it also required a financial outlay that i could simply not afford at that time...

During such a fairly extended period of time i also experienced a number of what i would most readily describe as being rather unusually spooky, repeated, 'owl encounters' whilst cycling home down a country lane after attending a fairly local 2 week(???) desktop publishing course...

...And had a number of 'ufo' related dreams - one of which involved a smooth and shiny stylised silver 'Z' shaped craft that was seemingly reseeding the Earth...

...And of later still, seeing within my mind's eye a picture(???) of a blue almond-eyed, white-skinned, hairless face/head of a being whilst meditating for the very first time, within my living-room on a bright sunny day - something that i found to be of a fairly relaxed, perhaps somewhat quizzical interest btw...

And thus ends such a series of 'Twilight Zone' recollections/sharings within my somewhat rather interesting life - all offered in completely good faith btw...
