07 Apr


We're bored...

Well, i could tell you a thingy if you want...

Ooooh, yes please!!!...

Well did you know that the whole Thingy has Days and Nights, just like our own much lesser thingy does???...


Yes, it is in fact true - it's simply that it happens in super slo-mo mode, so very few seem to know...


Yes, really...

We are simply experiencing night-time at the moment - which is why the whole Thingy seems dark - apart from thingies like ours shining its light of course...

They are The Creator's Lanterns...

NO WAAAY!!!...

Yes, tis true...

Tis why we all cried out, at the very Beginning. 'please let their be light!!!' afterall...

...Causing The Creator Of All to say, 'you'll have to make do with these until the Daytime returns once again'...

And is why our own individual thingy rotates every twenty four hours...

Tis to help remind us all that one Day the Whole Thingy will seem to return to Daytime once again also...

Tis just that it takes so darned long - all seem to have forgotten about it...

Apart from seemingly me of course...

And now all you know also of course...

So if i ever happen to forget, each of you will now be able to remind me, okay???...

Okay thingy...

Anyway, moving on...

Did you never wonder why the whole much larger thingy that we are an integral part of seems to be all wrapped 'round itself???...

NO WAAAY!!!...

Tis true...

Tis simply curled up in order to help keep it warm whilst it sleeps...

Does it dream too???...

Well all sentient beings dream...

Both daydreams and nightdreams in actual fact...

So does it ever have nightmares???...

Well there are thingies about such possibilities...

Half forgotten stories from waaay waaay back now...

Much more than half-forgotten actually...

Which is why it is of great importance to always try and play nicely...

We wouldn't want to risk starting one afterall would we...

Heaven's knows what might happen...

Now you're starting to frighten us thingy...

Stay calm children - and simply continue to play nicely okay...

At the very least until The Time Of The Great Unfurling takes place once again...

When said much greater thingy of which we are all part awakens and starts swimming within The Great Thingy once again...

IT SWIMS!!!...

Oh yes, once it unfurls itself, and fully awakens...

NO WAAAY!!!...

Well obviously it's going to feel a little hungry isn't it - especially when it starts sensing its rather nutritious eating thingies starting to re-grow once again...

They in themselves are a beauty to behold afterall...

Especially so, with such an array of colours and shapes, and all that...


Wow indeed children...

In fact that is when the Whole Thingy in Itself will become a very Great Beauty to Behold...

Especially when they ALL start awakening...

NO WAAAY!!!...

Well obviously...

You didn't think that only our much larger thingy would awaken surely???...

What sense would that make afterall - especially when It is such A Great Thingy to swim around in...

Twood be such a waste otherwise, would it not...


Okay, thingy time over...

Back to playing nicely once again okay???...

We got it thingy - 'be nicely at play, to keep the nightmares away'...

Well done children...

And please try to do your best to remember that my name is actually Gandoof okay???...

How many times must i keep reminding you all of such a fact afterall, for Heaven's sake...

The end...
