26 Mar


Sheeesh - talk about an achin' body...

Never agen - ever...

My main mistake lay in takin' me beloved knotted 'ankey with me - that now seems crystal clear...

And let me say this yeah...

...Them wild mushies ain't a bit like the one's you buy at your local supermarket - not in anyway what-so-eva...

All i'm prepared to say on the matter, at this point in time anyway, is they really seem to mess with yer inner directional compass a bit...

Dear dear me - wot a day yesterday turned out to be...

And me 'eads still not fully functionin'...

Prolly best just to play some accompanyin' tunes and leave it at that eh - for now at least...


And me beloved knotted 'ankey???...

No - it would seem that i never did find it...
