15 Oct


I have actually written two previous/earlier personal blogs regarding 'the incarnational diamond'...

...The first was/is called 'The Whole Self And Interconnectedness' - and was written way back in time, on 7 August 1991...

...And the second was actually called 'The Incarnational Diamond' - and was written (well typed actually) on 23 April 2017...

And it was the re-finding/reading of both that resulted in me deciding to offer such a blog here on this website...

That was back in January of this year (2021)...

However, the problem i had was, which one do i offer???...

...Or should i offer both???...

...Or should i simply incorporate the various details/themes within each version into a completely new version???...

This general dilemma caused me an additional problem though - as i tend to write in a lot more relaxed/simplified style now - whereas before i started this 'ere website i used to write in quite a serious/deep manner...

So, with the quandary that this dilemma caused/raised, surprise, surprise, such an idea got put on the back-burner, within the 'pending' file, so to speak...

However, only a few days ago, whilst still laying in my bed, a certain clarity of how to present/approach/structure such a blog came to mind...

So, now, many months later, and without further ado, here's a much simplified version (a stripped-down one, if you will)...

Such an 'incarnational diamond' could very much be viewed as a fairly misshapen stone / piece of rock at the start of our many incarnational journeys - with each facet barely recognisable...

Then, as we start learning more about the many lessons that life within this Earth school of learning has to teach us, so each of the many facets upon such a 'diamond' start to develop into more distinct and recognisable forms...

...With each individual facet representing a different general type of lesson that we are working our way to gradual mastery of...

For instance there could be the general musical facet, and the general science facet, and the social sciences facet, and the artistic facet etc etc...

...With each main facet comprising a number of sub-facets, representing/mirroring a more detailed level of growth/understanding within such main facets...

So, as our evolution progresses, and as our mastery of that which is contained/represented within each facet grows/increases, so the definition/form of each facet becomes increasingly more defined and symmetrically pure/true...

...Like the honing of a lense, if you will, that we look out of, from within such a 'diamond' - with the inside of such an 'incarnational diamond' representing our home/soul / complete Being, if you will...

So what of pride and an inflated ego, the reader may quite reasonably ask/enquire??? - how would they both be represented within such a structure???...

Well, i would simply see them both as being represented by tainting and distortion upon and within each main facet - causing us to not see as clearly/true as we could possibly do through such individual 'lenses'/facets...

So, could such individual 'incarnational diamonds' be seen from any other possible perspective, the reader of these words may perhaps ask/enquire???...

To which i would answer, why yes, they could...

For example, those who believe in soul groups could perhaps see the combined progress of all the individuals comprising one particular group soul being represented by one singular soul group incarnational diamond - with the development/progress of each facet visually representing the overall development/progress of the whole soul group...

And how about perspectives wider than the Earth school of learning??? - could they also be visually represented by such incarnational diamonds??? - well yes they could...

For example, the Earth school of learning incarnational diamond could possibly be represented by one single main facet within our particular solar system incarnational diamond - with each of the other facets representing other possible schools of learning within our particular solar system - past, present, and future perhaps...

And then we could possibly have a galactic incarnational diamond - with each main facet representing one particular (or group of similar perhaps) solar system(s) school of learning...

And then we could possibly have a universal incarnational diamond - with each main facet representing one particular (or group of similar perhaps) galactic school of learning, for example...

With each of the above possibly being represented both at an individual and soul group level perhaps...

There are of course possibly many other ways of representing such incarnational diamonds - the above are simply the ones i have chosen as possible examples - what would yours be???...
