29 Mar


'Death', as it is generally known, is often seen as a tragedy - something that is not natural perhaps - and something that should be mourned...

Whereas, in reality, such 'death' is as natural as birth - in that it is something that we all share as an unavoidable inevitability...

It is simply all part of the natural flow of Life - with birth marking our entry into this physical life, and 'death' as marking our exit from / out of such a physical life - one whereby we walk in through the Door of physical life, and the other whereby we walk out through the Door of physical life...

Yet we generally see/view 'death' though very somber eyes - with the funeral service often being marked in black - black vehicles, black ties, black suits, black coats, black hats, black dresses, and black shoes...

...And downcast looks of course...

...A tradition that we often seem obliged/duty-bound to follow perhaps...

Something that could be seen to be understandable perhaps, if an Earthly life had been seen as having been cut short, tragically, at the hands of someone else perhaps / for example - but not as a generality perhaps - and most certainly not if an overall Good person's body / physical vehicle of expression had become so compromised that living within it had become very unwelcoming indeed...

And such an/a expired/deceased body is of course generally the focal point of such funeral services - with it either being cremated or buried within a box underground...

But such a body was merely the physical vehicle of expression for such a now 'deceased' person - like a car/vehicle that we drive/own perhaps - a car that we get rid of / permanently step out of when it is deemed to have become broken beyond repair perhaps...

...Only to step in to another one, at a later date perhaps...

But often such an expired/deceased body is mistaken for the person who simply inhabited it - bringing tears of great sadness when such a body is cremated/buried perhaps...

Whereas the person who inhabited such a body has simply Walked through the Door marked Exit - and been perhaps Greeted/Welcomed by Family and Friends who have Walked through such a Door before Him/Her...

And, in very simplistic terms, if such a person had lived an overall Good life, with more positive karma/actions generated/experienced than negative karma/actions then they will have returned Home, within that which is often called the AfterLife, to a better Place/Environment than the one they left to enter into the physical life that they have just completed/left...

...So, on one side of such a Door there is often sadness - and on the other side of such a Door there is perhaps Happiness...

...On one side of the Door family and friends often view such a person's very existence to have come to an end, as they focus on such a person's former body / physical vehicle of expression - and on the other side of such a Door such a person comes to Understand that such an 'existence' has merely moved on to the Other Side of Life...

And maybe He/She looks back through such a Transparent Door and is saddened by such a misunderstanding/misperception...

...A sadness that some, such as Pat Phoenix, who played Elsie Tanner in Coronation Street, for example, tried to avoid, by requesting that her funeral, in 1986, featured a large brass band, as she wanted such an event to be as lively as her life was...

So why don't we celebrate such a returning Home event, if such a person seems to have lived a Good life overall, and has brought joy and/or thankfulness into our life/lives, and be Happy that they have, in all probability, returned Home to better / more Pleasing Conditions than those that they left upon entering into the physical life, here on planet Earth, that they have now just completed...

...And why not use such an event to appraise our own life, and to consider whether any positive changes/adjustments need to be made, in order that we also may perhaps return Home to better Conditions than those we left upon entering into our current Earthly/physical life...

...And only mourn the returning Home of those who we think will, in all likelihood/probability, return Home to Conditions less favourable than the ones they left in order to enter into the Earthly/physical life that they have just completed...

As has been said within many songs/song titles /films/film titles - 'Life goes on' - so why treat the 'death'/demise of the body / physical vehicle of expression as a finality, when it simply isn't...
