12 Apr


On 5 March of this year my eyes were drawn to a YouTube video regarding 'empaths' so, interest piqued, i clicked on it - i tend to think that it may have been my personal YouTube algorithm that could possibly have highlighted such a video to me btw...

Anyway, the first thing the rather close-up and personal presenter addressed was the need that the 'empath' in 'recovery' seemingly has to 'please' - which made me think 'we all have a need to please don't we, so why are you presenting such a need as seemingly being specifically peculiar to an 'empath'???'...

...Prompting me to offer the following comment for consideration...

'Do you feel your need to be valued is being accommodated via such an outlet as this (presenter's name)??? - and as a clinical psychologist do you feel that the comments constitute a useful/valuable source for the collection of valid data, for both yourself and possibly others also???...' ...

So the first part of my question was my way of saying that the seemingly friendly and somewhat engaging presenter also has the need to please - for being 'valued' pleases, does it not???...

...And the second part of such a question was highlighting the point that a 'clinical psychologist' collects data for statistical analysis in order for them to try to understand what it is they are trying to become an 'expert' in - is this not correct???...

I then made the following second comment...

 'Also, in general terms, whom do you consider to be better suited to assist someone who wishes to recover from alcoholism for example - a recovered alcoholic or someone who has never been alcoholic???...' ...

...For what i was implying was that surely a more/fully emerged 'empath', in general terms, would be far better qualified to help/assist/advise an emerging 'empath', than someone who perhaps feels the need to both collect and analyse/categorise data before attempting to assist and offer the supposed 'knowledge' that they have amassed through such data collection and analysis/categorisation, in order to be of assistance to such an emerging 'empath' - is such not the case???...

Anyway, after listening to such a video, i then chose to read some of the many comments - one of which said the following...

'What a fantastic helpful man you are. How kind of you to offer this valuable advice for free. God bless you' ...

What?!?, thought i...

This video simply constitutes what is known in legal terms as an 'invitation to treat' ('touting for business' if you will), does it not??? - for at the end of such a presentation, such a 'clinical psychologist' then highlights the fact that he has a website for 'online coaching' and mentions the 'fee' required for each session...

...Thus, such a video as this simply constitutes a 'taster' for the 'fee' required for such 'online coaching' that an emerging 'empath' may feel the need to partake of - does it not???...

I then looked at more comments, some of which i thought, rightly or wrongly, could simply/seemingly constitute a selection of very positive 'affidavits' (rather glowing references???) that could perhaps more readily tempt/persuade a perceived in-need emerging 'empath' to pay the required 'fee' in order to partake of such advertised hourly(???) 'online coaching' - could they not???...

And another thing that i noticed, near the end of such a video, was that such a 'clinical psychologist' (of 'eleven years practice' if my hearing serves me correctly) said the following...

'I'll catch you...i'll look forward to catching you next week' ...

...And the reason that i am drawing attention to such, is because it, rightly or wrongly, could seem to suggest that it was (very???) important for such a 'clinical psychologist' to convey that he very much 'look'ed 'forward' to attracting the continued attention of listeners/watchers to/of such a video, in a possible search for (more/continued???) 'fee' paying customers perhaps - could this not indeed be the case???...

So, back to the 'eleven years practice'...

Why does the 'years' bit seemed somewhat rushed and muffled???...

Is it really an impairment of my hearing, or could such a perceived rushing and muffling point towards a possible insincerity being projected/portrayed???...

And what does such a presenter actually mean by 'eleven years practice'???...

Has he simply been a practising 'clinical psychologist' for 'eleven years'???...

Or has he been practising/teaching/specialising in 'empathy' as a 'clinical psychologist' for 'eleven years'???...

Or is neither true???...

For when in doubt, surely it is only natural to posit/ask such questions - is it not???...

So, is such a presenter truly wishing for be of service to such emerging 'empaths', or is he simply (intentionally or otherwise perhaps) seeking to 'exploit'(???) (for financial gain perhaps) an emerging niche within the 'psychological' market??? - is such not a fair question to ask???...

And if he truly is working from the heart, rather than possibly from the head, then why not operate on an truly altruistic level by offering such 'one on one(???)' coaching for free in his spare time (on a pro bono basis???), and then (with the agreement of such emerging 'empaths') offer/publish such 'one on one'(???) coaching sessions via YouTube (he could derive some sort of income from such YouTube videos after all, could he not???) - in order to be of benefit to (potentially at least) many more emerging 'empaths'???...

Anyway, moving on...

Since watching such an original 'empath' video, my personal YouTube algorithm has seemingly sought fit to inundate my homepage with such 'empath' videos - and also 'narcissist' videos, strangely enough...

...Many(???) of which seem to pit the 'empath' against the 'narcissist' for some completely unknown reason - verily my dears, everyone and his dog would very much seem to have latched-on to such labels as seeming magnets for 'teaching'...

...(Oh, the sheer potential exhaustion of it all dahlings!!!...

...Calm down my dear - do calm down...

...Aaaahhh, yes, very good advice indeed dahling - but the sheer exasperation of it all dahlings!!!...

...Tis enough to cause one to blow a gasket, so it is!!!...

Move on my dear, move on - we wouldn't wish to throw the baby out with the possible bath water now would we...

Oh yes, good advice dahling, good advice - move on, move on)...

So, two days ago i found myself somewhat tempted to click on another of said presenter's videos...

...Whereby i simply felt Inspired to make the following string of three comments (under the guise of 'Benny's Buddies' once again my rather sweet little dahlings) - rather than feeling the need to watch such an offering perhaps...

1) 'zzzzzzzzz - oh is that the time already - time for bed said zebedee...' ...

It was only later that i understood the sheer humour of such a comment btw - as such an offered video is about becoming an emotionally mature 'empath'...

2) 'Thou must only imbibe oneself within the 'mature' energies my ever so precious dahlings - aaahhh, now what does 'mature' rhyme with one wonders...' ...

(Is the sheer exasperation really beginning to show itself already dahlings???)...

3) 'Little boxes - little boxes - please remember that one must always reside within the clinically prescribed little boxes dahlings - you know it makes sense afterall...' ...

(Ooooh - perhaps so my rather precious little dahlings)...

So anyway...

...I then bid my leave, so to speak, and worked on the 'Some James Taylor' 'MUSIC'al offerings, before publishing it - then feeling the need return, (with a rather determined intent dahlings), to type the following fourth and final comment (under the guise of 'Benny's Buddies' once again)...

4) 'Answer me this question will you - how do people like you live with yourselves???...

Seemingly constantly creating new labels and boxes (seemingly under as wide an umbrella as you can manage sometimes) to put us all within (assign us to) - we all feel for heavens sake...

...We (all of us) feel love, and we feel sorrow (amongst many other things) - yet you seem to wish to separate us all (for reasons of control and manipulation perchance???) - do you simply do such things in order to keep yourselves employed/relevant / earning your salaries??? - or are you completely lost within such derived data collection and analysis??? - well let me end by telling you this, i find such things to be very distasteful/unwelcoming indeed...' ...


Well, to be completely fair, James did seemingly prompt one to 'show them the way that you feel', (rather repeatedly in fact dahlings), within the final song selection entitled 'Shower The People', - so hey, i were simply typing what came most readily to mind weren't i (tis the energies dahling - tis the energies)...

Oh - okay then...

And with that, i think i will call it a day, so to speak - so 'a dew' (as the French may say) until next time, one and all...
