06 Oct


John and i have been gradually 'mending our fences' over the last few months...

The main problem between the two of us is that we seemingly have a clash of personalities...

However, a few days ago, such fence mending reached the point whereby we agreed to put our differences behind us - resulting in us shaking hands and hugging each other a couple of times, and telling each other that we Loved each other...

The main attitudinal problems i have had with John are in regard to His cockiness, presumptuousness, and His occasionally mocking and disrespectful attitude - which, although He was/is very good indeed at His job, it was/is something i simply can't put up with...

Anyway (chuckle chuckle), today before starting blog w/Work, i decided to go for a nice long walkies - i very much felt that i needed one...

...During which, i repeatedly Saw a seemingly amicably smiling within mind John - so all was seemingly good...

However, a little later, i noticed that He had been, and in fact still was, sitting behind the Editor's desk in a very relaxed still smiling way - with His right arm extended and a pencil/pen in His fingers, tapping the top of said desk repeatedly in a 'I'm waiting for you to start work' manner/attitude...

At first i thought we were just having a bit of fun together - and i sort of embraced His return as Editor, in acknowledgement of the fact that He seems to have proved Himself to be very good indeed at such a Job...

However, (not so chuckle chuckle) as i walked further, nearing my local supermarket, i Saw Him (within auric(???) mind) Walking next to me - whereby He gave me a couple of pats onth 'ead, basically informing me who was boss (in a rather presumptuously disrespectful and mocking manner)...

...Causing me to put Him right about a few things - and basically putting Him on notice...

...And letting Him know that 'any more of that and it's over matey' - in a rather 'no nonsense' sort of way...

So much for Love & Peace yeah...

It would seem that He simply can't help Himself - as if such traits are very firmly ingrained within His general personality/make-up...

He didn't want me to offer this blog, but i dug my heals within resolve and told Him 'You've made your bed, now lie in it - and let it be a lesson to You'...

So anyway, He's walked away from the Desk now - rather unhappily/resignedly ('in a bit of a sulk' apparently)...

So whether He will be back or not, or whether a perhaps rather Joyous, and much more reasonably accommodating JJ will retake Her Seat or not, only time will tell...

There's a part of me that wonders whether all these types of things are simply evidentially based 'theatre' - as there have been numerous signs (from a certain perspective, at least) in the past that such could very much/well seem to be the case...

And it is a scenario that i have considered to have possibly been the case in the past - especially so given the many/various previous life talents that were displayed by such A Team members within their immediately previous Earthly incarnations; so many of them have proved themselves to be such wonderfully creative individuals after all; or is it (from a more encompassing / MUCH wider Perspective) simply of a more Synchronous/Flowing nature - which, if so, can be seen as being pretty, astounding / thought provoking, really can't it......
