05 Apr


It would seem that my 'Mr Bean' alter-ego is requesting some air-time once again folks - so here goes eh...

My local supermarket has become something of a playground lately...

Such fun starts within the part of the carpark that has been rather creatively cordoned-off for us hope-to-be shoppers...

Talk about the long and winding road - well this one has become more like a long a winding snake-like path that each of us trundle our way down; plodding in one direction and then inth tuther...

...Seemingly over and over agen, until we finally reach the home straight were the series of boxes begin - the frog-like jumps that we seem to be required to do are indeed really good exercise...

One's legs are absolutely knackered by the time one hobbles in through the main doors dahlings - that's for sure...

And then the cheeky little blighters hand out blue and white wipes for us to wash our basket/trolley handles with dontcha know...

And then one is directed to follow the blue arrows by some strict-looking partially moustachioed  woman with a 'you is my bitch innit' look on her rather self-satisfied face...

Talk about making your way through a maze - 'oh well, best to make the most of it', decided i...

Up one aisle and downth tuther - 'yes but i want that rather tempting bar of chocolate placed rather enticingly at the end of the aisle where them blue arrows is goin' inth opposite direction dahlings'...

...Oh well - no one seems to be looking after all...

Ooh, now it's the same with that rather tasty tub of yogurt that i like to add a sliced banana to - oh well, everyone seems to be rather preoccupied with other things after all...

Ooh, mustn't forget Rocky's litter - darn, it's way back inth tuther direction...

...Oh well...

Oh, more boxes to jump frog-like into...

Aah, eventually we come to the checkout...

Oh look, a blue circle to stand in whilst i am waiting to be beckoned forward dahlings...

...Time to practice my vain-glorious smiling/ posing face...

...When do the Bafta-like camera people show up i wonder???...

Ooh, time to move forward - i wonder why the check-out gal has got that bemused look on her rather fed-up face???...

Aaah, at last - the walkies home dahlings...
