14 Oct


It wood seem that w/We have a rather ongoing problem in getting some of o/Our comments accepted for publication within The Mail online newspaper...

In the greater many of cases, w/We, seemingly perhaps, simply can't understand why...

...Which leads u/Us to wonder whether THEY wish u/Us to seem like some sort of 'goody-two-shoes' - so are therefore, rightly or wrongly, seemingly doing their best to paint such a picture, of u/Us seemingly in particular...

Although, quite obviously perhaps, it is nice to be liked/appreciated, w/We would (most obviously) like a more true, 'warts n all' picture painted of u/Us through such online comments - that's only fair after all, is it not???...

After all, journalists, and those working within such a media-driven industry, are themselves truth-seekers and upholders of the rights to an individual's free speech rights, are they not??? - and possibly upholders of an individual's free-will choices also, are they not???...

So that being the case, why are w/We not being afforded such commonly upheld rights, within such an expressive online environment, also???...

...It is something that seemingly simply baffles u/Us...

W/we all have our various individual opinions about certain things, events, and people, after all - do w/We not???...

And although w/We understand that it is the implicit right of such online newspapers to decide what is and what isn't deemed to be acceptable, w/We don't, in all possible honesty, believe that any of o/Our non-published comments have breached any particular guide-lines that may have been put in place...

Perhaps such non-accepted comments simply reflect a rather persistent glitch within the software eh - or simply be reflective of a rather ongoing 'systems error'...

...One that has seemingly homed-in on u/Us in particular, perhaps...

Hmmm, a possible D0H moment has been seemingly been expressed by myself folks - well, so my many rather Wonderful Friends would seem to think anyway...

So, anyway, moving perhaps rather embarrassingly onwards - let me show all that may happen to be reading this blog offering, a selection of those comments that haven't been published over the previous three days...

...Together with the article headings that each of them relate to, if i may - 'of course you may dummy (i was called this once before, a few moments before the 'Dummy' album by Portishead was posted through my letterbox a few days ago btw - hmmm, perhaps it's a hint for me to play it eh) - eeeh They can be rather cleverly humorous  inth future Knowing department at times, can't they), it's o/Our website after all'...

...Oh yeah, course it is - D0H... 

So anyway, without further ado - hear they all are...

@ 11 10 2020...


'He came back into our lives': Elizabeth Hurley reveals how she healed rift with her son Damian's father Steve Bing months before he died

Why do articles like this one only tell the reader half the story??? - in this particular instance we are told that 4 'A-levels were attained - but are not told the most interesting part - what subjects were such attained A-levels in??? - it would be nice to know in what directions his mind was most inclined towards after all, would it not??? - sorry DM but in all fairness i am only prepared to award you (well if i'm being generous any way) a C+ for such an article - 'please try to concentrate on the details a little more in future', would be the submitted page marking annotation dahlings...


'There is no reason why he won't be in the frame': Ryan Giggs could be the NEXT Manchester United manager if he guides Wales to another successful Euros next summer, says former Red Devils striker Mark Hughes

I'm going to say something possibly very contentious now - i think Ryan Giggs has been over-rated as a player - ask yourselves the following question - what comes most readily to mind with regards to Ryan's footballing contributions for Manchester United??? - the 'Arsenal dribble' perchance??? - and then what comes next??? - a 'hmmm' moment perchance??? - the number of occasions when his contributions came frustratingly to nothing (simply resulting in the opposition regaining possession) - all that wasted team-player effort/energy - it would have been best if he had never been given the ball - would it not???...


Fan fury could force U-turn by the Premier League on their £14.95 pay-per-view price for non-televised matches next week

Surprise article of the week eh - next week's article - former fans find new things to do / occupy their minds and time with...


OLIVER HOLT: Our greedy and arrogant clubs will squeeze the fans until they squeak... the pay-per-view stunt the Premier League fat cats have pulled on supporters was tone-deaf

I suppose we can always look at the results online - or follow the game via online newspapers min to min commentary/feedback - or via the radio perhaps...


Talk about myopia eh...


Hot off the press - football has now been relegated to the 'passing interest' sport...


BOTH Manchester City and Manchester United are 'eyeing-up Mauricio Pochettino' with Old Trafford club ready to ditch Ole Gunnar Solskjaer without upturn in form and doubts over Pep Guardiola's future

No-one expected the Spanish Inquisition'...


BOTH Manchester City and Manchester United are 'eyeing-up Mauricio Pochettino' with Old Trafford club ready to ditch Ole Gunnar Solskjaer without upturn in form and doubts over Pep Guardiola's future

A good/timely message to the owners perhaps... (not with regard to Ole though - may i rather hastily add within this blog offering)...

(in reply to hadEnoughOfThisBull who said 'Man Utd need rid of the directors first and then maybe the manager.')


'He's crossed a line beyond friendly rivalry': Elton John, 73, will 'set the record straight' about his fallout with Rod Stewart, 75, in his book... after the Maggie May rocker slammed his tour

Related tune - We Don't Talk Any More ~ Cliff Richard ???...

@ 12 10 2020...


The War With Grandpa 'wins' at the box office with just $3.6 million for the lowest-grossing debut since 1988

The 'Box office' photo - 'Who you lookin at' - 'it better not be me'...

@13 10 2020...


RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Driven by fear and dodgy science, this was bound to end in tiers

My view about the whole corona scene is that they're simply trying to put the frighteners on everyone because they realise that if Joe public gave such fears the two fingers then everyone would realise that it's all a (control based???)  scam - and it's THEM that are scared of being rumbled - i go for the herd immunity route - let's simply put it to the test and see what the truth of the matter REALLY is yeah...


No holiday & sad skin? This 'miracle' CBD tanning mist can give you a glow AND help clear your complexion. Here, three women share their stories...

One of the many benyfits of da 'erb man - and the plant can be pretty useful two - enjoy your future daze young Caitlin...

So as you can see, it's not just the odd comment that hasn't been published over the previous three days - it's been TWELVE, out of a submitted thirty eight...

...Almost a third of the comments submitted by myself...

So i think w/e're justified in highlighting it in a blog, are w/We not??? - my Chief Editor, in particular, seems to think that it's important to highlight such seeming 'failings', anyway...

...And She is da Boss innit...

...In fact She has seemingly insisted that time be set aside for such a publication...

Well done 'JJ', say eye...

Actually, talking about 'JJ' - She would seem to have brought something else to my attention also...

The fact that some of o/Our made comments seem to be somewhat delayed upon occasion, regarding their publications - which obviously renders them (to varying degrees/extents of course) less lightly to be read by others, does it not???

Anyway, with a possibly rather justified(???) 'neer neer ner ner neer' moment, i deem this blog to be now officially completed - here's hoping it's okay with our rather erudite and highly attentive Chief Editor, 'JJ' also eh...
