13 Oct


So what is 'the butterfly effect', the reader of these words might reasonably ask/enquire???...

Well i once heard it described in the following way...

A butterfly, whilst close to the east coast of the USA, flaps its wings once - whereby an easterly wind takes its constituent energy across the Atlantic Ocean, and such initial energy gradually/progressively grows until it reaches the west coast of Africa - whereby it has then become transformed into a tornado/hurricane/gale for example...

So, from the above description,  such a 'butterfly effect' can be seen as the gradual growing of energy over distance/time - mirroring, perhaps, the well known saying - from small acorns, great oak trees grow...

Wikipedia, however, (www.en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect) describes and explains it in a more succinct way/manner...

'The concept that small changes can have large effects'...

Whereby 'initially it was used with weather prediction but later became a metaphor used in and out of science'...

So have i personally ever experienced anything / any event / sequence of events that could perhaps be described as mirroring such a 'butterfly effect', the reader of these words may also quite reasonably ask/enquire???...

Well yes, i think i have actually - and here is an account of such a possible mirroring...

On Thursday 9th February 2017 an arboriculturist  ('tree surgeon') tagged all the trees within our local area. This consisted of hitting a red oblong piece of plastic, with a sequentially unique 5 digit number printed in black upon its outer surface, with a hammer in order that its integral nail secured it to the part of the tree selected by said tree surgeon...

And then, at almost precisely mid-day, on Thursday 23rd February 2017, during a particularly windy/blustery day, the main bough of a tree, upon which such a red plastic tag had been attached with a single hammer blow, had split rather spectacularly, causing it to come crashing to the ground...

And how do i know the timing of such an unusual event, to such accuracy, the reader of these words may quite reasonably ask/enquire???...

Well, i just happened to be accompanying Rocky on one of his daily walkies at the time - and Rocky had happened to make one of his rather regular cheeky forays into a nearby neighbour's flat via said neighbour's rather unintended communal cat flap, in order to 'tax' the residing pair of twin cats of some of their daily food...

And i think i must have left him to it, and returned to my own abode, when said bough and its many accompanying/attached recently opened flower-laden branches then came crashing down, right in front of said unintended communal cat-flap - whilst Rocky was still inside said neighbour's flat, still no doubt engaged in his 'cat-taxing' activities (twas something that said twin cats owner found to be quite amusing btw - so in no way objected to)...

So, as i had noted both the date and timing of such an event within the subsequent typing/recording of it within a personal blog, rather aptly entitled 'The Butterfly Effect' (created on 8 March 2017), i can only now guess that i must have somehow noted such a time, upon the crashing down of such a main bough...

So, a main bough of a forty odd year old tree, which had no doubt experienced many such blustery days, seemingly suddenly split and came crashing down to the ground exactly two weeks after such a main bough had been tagged with the aid of a single blow from a rather humble hammer - weird huh - well, weird enough for me to later type up a record of such an event anyway...

But hey, that is not the end of such a tale...

For some twelve days after said tagging of the local trees (21 February 2017 - two days before said bough came crashing down), whilst returning from one of my regular walkies, i happened to rather spontaneously call in to chat to a nearby friend, who happened to mention that he had recently bought a second-hand dvd film called 'The Butterfly Effect' - he would often offer to lend me dvd films to watch within my own abode btw...

So, interest piqued, i asked if i could borrow it - which he agreed to, upon later retrieval of said film dvd from a long-standing friend of his...

A rather weird/strange synchronicity within the unfolding of such events eh...

But hey, it doesn't end there either - for, only a few days ago, i realised that there are a number of rather interesting numerological components within the unfolding of such events also...

Like (1) the date of the original tagging of such trees - 9 February 2017...

Whereby 9 (day) + 2 (month) + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 (year) = 21 - and 2 + 1 = 3...

And (2) the date i rather spontaneously visited said owner of 'The Butterfly Effect' dvd film - 21 February 2017...

Whereby 21 (day) + 2 (month) + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 (year) = 33...

And (3) the date that i typed up the original summation of such related events - 8 March 2017...

Whereby 8 (day) + 3 (month) + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 (year) = 21 - and 2 + 1 = 3...

And 3 + 33 + 3 = 39 - and 3 + 9 = 12 - and 1 + 2 = 3 once again...

Numerologically rather interesting huh...

And finally, the date and timing of the crashing down of said bough...

Now, if we (perhaps rather creatively - or perhaps not, who knows) suppose that the 'almost precisely at mid-day' (as typed within the original summation of such related events at 8 March 2017) actually equated to 12:01pm, and we then add that (numerologically) to the date said bough came crashing to the ground (23 February 2017)...

We have 1 + 2 (hour) + 1 (minute) + 2 + 3 (day) + 2 (month) + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 (year)...

Which equals 21 = 2 + 1 = 3 once again...

Potentially rather spooky huh...

...Especially so perhaps, given that i was born at exactly 3am on the 3rd day of the 12th (1 + 2 = 3) month - (the year of my birth reduces, numerologically, to 9 btw)...

Which now brings an end to such a, perhaps rather unusual, but never-the-less rather interesting(???) blog folks - here's hoping that you had fun reading it :-) :-) :-) ...
