30 Nov


I don't, through personal preference, choose to listen to too much radio these days - and whenever i do so choose, i turn the treble setting high and the bass setting low...

And even so, i can't help but notice the 'boom, boom, boom' beat repeating on seemingly so many songs/tunes that are played on the radio (well, on the station i tend to listen to anyway - i've not tried any others to tell you the truth)...

I have noticed that sometimes my listening senses seem to be lulled into a very relaxed and receptive state by the playing of a couple or more really lovely songs/tunes - and then 'wham' a bassy and sometimes negatively worded/sounding song/tune follows them...

I tend to turn the radio rather readily off at such a point...

And guess what??? - a phew!!! moment of blessed relief greets me rather welcomingly...

Why not try it and see how it feels for you???...

They use, or indeed intend to use, low frequencies as a sort of disabling/controlling weapon - for crowd/enemy disabling/control purposes...

And parents (older people who's minds are less resilient perchance???) seem to become quickly agitated when  their (much more resilient minded???) children play loud bassy music, within their homes for example - and what about the 'boom booming' effect of loudly playing in-car music, especially when the window(s) are wound down or a car door is opened eh???...

Fortunately we are often able to choose what to musically feed our minds with, are we not??? - and no, i will not be offering a musical video accompaniment to reflect such 'boom booming' songs/tunes btw...