06 Oct


Prior to 24 September 2021 i had 5 potential blogs queued up and ready to be developed / worked on - all but one of which already had accompanying tunes/songs ascribed/associated to/with them...

One such queued blog being one that, in particular, was to include a particular 'dream' experience that i recently remembered/re-remembered(???) having had, sometime during the second half of the 80's if i remember correctly - with such a blog having David Bowie's 'Loving The Alien' tune/song tentatively ascribed/associated to/with it as a potential accompanying tune/song...

Then, on the morning of 25 September, as i was laying in my bed, i found myself thinking about 'The Green Manalishi' tune/song by the then Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac band - and wishing that i had a blog that it could accompany...

...When the following idea/thought came clearly to mind - 'why not have the blog reflecting the tune, rather than the other way around' - 'hmmm, what a novel/good idea' thought i...

...Resulting in me eventually(???) getting up and writing 'The Backwards Blog' in my then current note book/pad - with 'a blog reflecting / based upon the accompanying tune, rather than the tune reflecting the blog' written directly under such a title - and further down, under 'accompanying tune', i wrote 'The Green Manalishi ~ Fleetwood Mac'...

This was then left in abeyance for later possible development - with the realisation that i would have to 'Google' the associated lyrics sometime in the future in order to hopefully work on /create a blog that i could readily associate such a tune/song with - and simply left it at that...

And then, on the 27 September, i published 'Some David Bowie' within MUSIC - a selection of three David Bowie tunes/songs - the last of which was 'Loving The Alien'...

...Resulting in me later realising that i would now either have to use such a 'Loving The Alien' tune/song twice - or possibly have another tune/song accompanying such a future earlier mentioned queued blog - no particular biggie eh...

So anyway, this morning (5 October) i did indeed decide to find/discern the lyrics to 'The Green Manalishi' - firstly by going to 'azlyrics.com' - and then by listening to such a song/tune myself, in order to verify that such lyrics were in fact the correct/accurate ones (these are in actual fact the ones i have chosen to use within the associated/related/accompanying VIDEO btw)...

...And upon so doing, i realised that the details of such an earlier mentioned particular dream experience could perhaps very aptly reflect such lyrics - 'voila', as they say dahlings - strange huh...

...And hence the new title of The 'Backwards' Blog - rather than simply The Backwards Blog, as originally intended...

So anyway, the details of such a particular 'dream' experience...

Within such a 'dream' i was having sexual intercourse with a seemingly human female - who was laying in the missionary position...

However, at the start of such a 'dream' experience, when i was inserting my penis into said female's sexual organ, i remember thinking that it didn't quite feel like a human female sexual organ...

...And the face, although looking very much like a human female face, didn't quite feel right either - it was as if a possibly different being's face was possibly being 'masked' somehow by such a visually perceived human female face - possibly hinting at some form of 'mind control' possibly being exerted upon me perchance???...

And yeah, i know full well that this may seem to be decidedly 'out there' and somewhat 'X-Files'-like - but, in complete honesty, this is exactly how such a 'dream' experience felt to me...

Further more, this was not the only occasion upon which i remember having had such a 'dream' experience of such a similar/likewise nature - (yeah, twood seem that i may possibly be regarded as being prime breeding stock folks)...

...For i seem to remember at least one other - where, upon this occasion i was laying underneath such a female sexual partner - twood very much seem to posibly indicate that, like us, they like/enjoy a certain amount of variety within their sexual interactions too yeah...

Weird huh - but there again, i have had many 'UFO' type dreams in the past - a possible flurry of them, seemingly during the second part of the 80's in particular - the same time-frame where i suspect such 'dreams' of a sexual nature were remembered, if my memory does indeed serve me correctly...

...The mid 80's being the time that i ascribe what i have labelled as comprising the start of a fairly extensive and in-depth 'Spiritual Unfoldment' period within my adult life btw...

So anyway, have any other people reported/uncovered any such non-human sexual encounters, one may quite reasonably ask/enquire???...

The answer being - well yes actually - seemingly quite a few in actual fact...

...As i discovered for myself - within a certain number of books that i have read...

However, in the main, such sexual encounters seem to have involved human females, who were allegedly abducted by non-humans - seemingly in order to have sex with non-human males...

...With the result of such alleged sexual encounters being that hybrid children were born...

...Hybrid children that were kept within such non-human care and regularly visited by their human mothers in order for them to interact with them...

And Why on Earth (well, seemingly off-Earth actually) would such a scenario actually take place, one may quite reasonably take ask/enquire???...

Well, from what i have read, such non-humans have seemingly gone down the wrong evolutionary path - with such a path seemingly leading them progressively(???) further away from their former emotions, and towards a seeming state of looming self-extinction - well, seeming physical self-extinction anyway...

...And hence the reason for such alleged human/non-human sexual interactions - with the human mothers of such alleged hybrid children seemingly regularly visiting and interacting with them in order to promote a seemingly much needed emotional component into their psyche's / better nurture/develop emotional growth within them...

And yep once again, i know this seems decidedly 'out there' and 'X-Files'-like - but thus have i read anyway...

...With a lot of these alleged experiences apparently being uncovered through hypnotic regression sessions - sessions that were apparently, if my memory serves me correctly anyway, being sought in order to try to help heal emotional traumas experienced by certain of the individuals involved - and sessions conducted by seemingly intelligent and professionally qualified individuals / general practitioners...

...Hypnotic regressions that, at one time, i seriously considered trying out for myself - after visiting a 'Mind Body & Spirit' convention/fair, whereby i attended a 'UFO' type lecture/seminar - where, much to my surprise, i rather unsettlingly realised that i scored very highly indeed on the possible 'close encounters of the third kind' type of scale...

...And yes, such a possibility did rather concern me - so much so in actual fact, that although i very much felt the immediate need to discuss such a possibility with those concerned with hosting such a lecture/seminar, i simply felt that i was not, at that particular time, in a fit state to do so comfortably...

I can now laugh quite heartily, looking back on it - and indeed am doing so at this present moment in time - however, at the time, i found it all to be rather unsettling, to say the least ('marbles' well and truly rearranged/dislodged dahlings)...

So anyway, moving somewhat further on, i was once told by a Christian Spiritualist medium that i would have either two or three children (i can't now remember which) - and, of course, i never have had any children - well, not to my conscious knowing at least (cue the X-Files music once again eh)...

And, in truth, i had already decided, in my late teens / early twenties, that i would never wish to have any - as my childhood had not been a particularly welcomed/enjoyable one, and i simply decided, as a result of that, i would simply not make a good father myself - and simply didn't wish to pass on such a perhaps similarly unwelcoming childhood onto anyone else...

But hey, maybe such given / passed on information by such a medium was simply incorrect eh - that would be the most obvious conclusion to arrive at, would it not - but never-the-less, all things considered, it could possibly make you wonder, couldn't it???...

So anyway, let's permanently turn off such 'X-Files' music, with one's feet firmly making contact with planet Earth / terra-firma once again shall we...

...And in so doing, bring this admittedly rather strange blog to an end...
