03 Mar


So it has seemingly been Decided that this particular blog is to be the first of my 'ketchup' offerings...

But is it really a catch-up one??? - that would seem to be the real question...

To which i would offer the following...

All such outstanding blog titles/ideas came to me consecutively over the course of the last few winter months or so - as i was generally doing / taking care of other, much more mundane/everyday stuff...

However, the 'A' Team members Who i most regularly W/work with very much seemed to be Residing inth Background (The Away Team perhaps), so i never really felt the Impetus to work on them...

Twas only today (Wednesday 2 March 2022) that i seemed to be very much Prompted to make a start on them, so in that respect (and from my own personal perspective), twood very much seem that the time has now come to indeed start working on them...

So from such a perspective, rightly or wrongly, it could seem that perhaps such ideas possibly came from a Higher/Different Source originally, and were simply left in obeyance until O/our Chief Editor, the very Lovely JJ, was perhaps Instructed to Prompt me to get started on them...

Tis a perspective anyway Jim (a Star Trek reference btw), but not as we would normally know it to be perhaps :-) :-) :-) ...

So anyway, the thought of two previous 'NewLightBeings' blogs came to mind - with the thought of offering them here, for the first time, in blog format coming to mind also - with the first of the now three consecutive blogs being found inth evening of 2 March 2022...

They sort of explain where i / W/we were at (the state of play), at that particular moment in time - as well as how i viewed things to be at that particular moment in time also...

They collectively represent the very first time i felt confident enough to more openly share that part of my life - and this particular blog offering now allows me to bring all three of them together within a singular blog offering, on this 'ere website of O/ours...

I was generally left to my own devices whilst being a member of the comparatively quieter NewLightBeings website, so it felt 'safe'/okay for me to do so...

...Whereas the Lightworkers website, that i previously contributed offerings within, was a lot busier and i sensed that i wasn't particularly welcomed there - mainly due to me being more nervous / less confident/relaxed - and therefore appearing perhaps rather cold and uninviting/adversary to a certain extent, i think...

So anyway, without further ado, offer all three of them i will now do, in verbatim form...

...With the fourth, somewhat related, 'I Love You' NewLightBeings blog having been published earlier on this 'ere website of O/ours within the 'Ms Janis Joplin' blog...

...'Related', in the sense that the added comments to such an 'I Love You' blog offering contained 'JJ' references - as well as the backwardly/cryptically offered 'Somebody To Love' reference also - and thus heralded the very first time i had actually alluded to a specific A Team Member, given that my memory serves me correctly anyway...

A) What's My Job??? (@ 7 May 2016)...

Well, in its most simplistic sense i am a Postman who delivers Communications from Others...

Very occasionally i find myself writing stuff, in forgetfulness of the fact that i am being Inspired to a certain extent or another - but most times i now realise that an Inspired communication is taking place...

1) Blogs And Comments...

My job is not that of a simple scribe, in the sense that i transcribe Given words, from start to finish, directly/completely, and then offer them in the form of a 'blog' or comment - i have been Told that it is more in the form of a 'collaboration'...

A multi-collaboration, if you will - a three-way one, in its most simplistic sense...

There is me, and there is/are the Inspirer(s) of me, and there is/are the Communicator(s) who wish to Impress certain/specific words, and/or groups of words, onto/within my mind...

So tis like the Weaving of a Communication, whereby certain, sometimes dialectical, Words / groups/strings of Words, are directly Offered within mind, and which are then woven Inspirationally within/into an Inspired script...

2) Musical Videos...

Sometimes, parts of a tune will play within mind - most times with lyrics, but not always so...

Sometimes i will know the title, or part thereof, of the tune segment - and on other occasions i have to do some work in order to deduce such facts, in order to offer it...

On other occasions i will be on YouTube and my eyes will be drawn to a certain musical video...

And on other occasions, a song title, or some lyrics, will be incorporated, Inspirationally, within blog offerings and comments...

3) Inspired, Phrases / groups of words...

Sometimes i can be doing everyday stuff within my home - making a cuppa or some food to eat within my kitchen, for example...

And an aphorism, for example, may develop, whilst pondering something or other - or one may simply come unbidden to mind...

At other times, i may be going for walkies - upon which occasions, all three categories of Inspiration may simply come to mind, or develop within mind...

Sometimes my mind can/may be tired, to varying degrees - causing me to struggle with a mind that simply wishes to, 'switch off' / disengage, from more concentrated/focussed forms of thought ...

During such times, words of expression can/may be more difficult to, come by / 'find' - so i may simply engage the internet on fewer occasions, or for lesser durations of time, per occasion...

Sometimes i seem to have Inspiration-free periods of time, of varying lengths/durations - which is when i tend to partake in, perhaps multiple, sleep periods during the day, in order to recover my energies...

Sometimes things can come with great Energy, and sometimes with a more subtle/refined/lesser Energy - sometimes things can come with a greater clarity, and sometimes with a lesser clarity...

Sometimes things can seem far away, and sometimes things can seem close-up and more personable - sometimes/often with an Energy of humour/levity, and sometimes with an Energy of seriousness...

So, in essence, i am a simple Postman - but, in practice, as now explained, it is obviously more involved than that...

Like all I/interests, things, are / can be, in constant development/flux and refinement - so this blog represents how i would explain the details of what takes place, at this moment in time...

Whether it becomes more 'rooted', possibly within greater Flow and Clarity, only time will tell - however, i hope that this blog provides a greater insight into what actually takes place, for those who may be interested in such detail... Added Note...

I sometimes wonder whether any preparatory Work is taking place during sleep periods in general - but am not consciously aware of this being so...

B) So Who Communicates??? (@ 7 May 2016 also apparently)...

1)Apre Amble...

This is a question that caused me all sorts of problems initially - for how can one really know, in an absolute/categorical sense, that People whom impart Thoughts into/onto my mind are really who They say they are???...

The most obvious answer is that you simply can't - which is why i put the matter into the Hands of That which we call God / The Universal Creator / our Father/Mother, and walked away from it all, many years ago now...

Only to find, some approximately 16-18 years later perhaps, that i was, seemingly, unknowingly making successful predictions within 'The Sun' online newspaper, soon after i had started making comments there...

And that a gradual growing Awareness later caused me to realise that i was writing/communicating Inspirationally...

So, with a growing Awareness that the over-riding Hurdle, of said People not being able to prove categorically that they are who they claim to be, seemingly being removed, by that which we call God / The Universal Creator / our Father/Mother, i have continued on a food for thought basis, whilst slowly but surely lessening my resistance to what would seem to be my pre-destined 'Job'/Path...

2) Mane Wot Sit...

So, who Communicates???...

Well, there would seem to be People from many and varied, previous Earth-life, backgrounds - some famous, some anonymous, and some ordinary, one supposes...

And what do they communicate, you may ask...

Well, within a very simplistic sense, they seem to communicate small, but meaningful, evidential snippets of information, one supposes - some from perhaps memorable parts of their previous Earth-lives, or some communication that took place, close / immediately prior to the, shedding of their mortal coils / physical bodily deaths, perhaps...

And why do they communicate such information, you may ask...

Well, for those that 'died' natural or accidental bodily deaths, it can be simply to reassure, still Earth-living relatives, friends, and/or perhaps interested individuals, that They Live on within another Place...

And for those that 'died' unnatural/premeditated bodily deaths, it can be in order to communicate the fact that They await, perhaps in eager anticipation, for the 'deaths' of those who were, directly and indirectly responsible for forcibly removing and Relocating them from planet Earth - after all, as is said, karma is not always a sun-drenched beach on some far-away tropical island paradise, is it...

3) Some 'Arry...

Tis not peasant, revisiting emotional/psychological pain/suffering - twas 'ard...

So, phew...

Wiv an ising of silliness - tis over...

C) So Why Me??? (@ circa 18 May 2016???)...

In order to paint a more readily understandable picture, i will try to explain things, from my current Perspective, as simply as possible, within a fairly limited/immediate Perspective - trusting that this will provide an easy to comprehend overview...

A bunch of people shed their mortal coils over a certain period of time - some, perhaps, find themselves Residing within Surroundings/Conditions that are pleasing to Them, and, perhaps, the greater number of People find themselves Abiding within Surroundings/Conditions that are not so pleasing to Them, to varying degrees perhaps...

So the Unhappy Ones go to That which we often call God to ask how they can reach and Reside within the Place that the more Fortunate People Reside within...

So That which we often call God assigns them a Mission that, if successful, is guarranteed to improve their Quality of Vibrations sufficiently enough to allow Them, of their own accord, to Reside within the Place that they wish to be...

The focus of part of their Mission is someone who still resides upon the Earth-plain of existence, who is wishing to learn Truth - me...

This group of People go about trying to Communicate to the people of Earth, in an inconsiderate/unwise way, through said focus - not realising/understanding that such a said focus (me) also has his own God-Given free-will choices...

Said focus decides of his own freewill choice that he doesn't wish to Interact with said group of People, and so tells them so, in an appropriately communicative way - electing, within his confusion, to put/leave the matter within the Hands of That which we often call God, before 'walking away' from Them...

Said group of People then go back to That which we often call God for Guidance, and That which we often call God basically tells Them that They have made a bit of a mess of things, and that Assistance will be afforded/provided to Them, from People Residing within more pleasing Places perhaps, but that said focus (me) will obviously require a period of time before They can restart Their Mission with him - and that They have now accrued certain karmic responsibilities in respect of said focus, so the choosing of an alternative focus, within such a respect, is no longer an option available to Them...

Which then leaves us where we are today - seemingly continuing said Mission within our increasingly congenial/harmonious circumstances/Interactions, perhaps...

However, from a much wider Perspective, every hair on each head has been Counted...

So all was, and is, Known by He of the 'Three Omns' - or He Whom Sitteth within/upon the Highest Crow's Nest within-without the universe...

'Why do you say so', you may ask - to which i would answer, 'i remember an Interaction i experienced, when but a wee bairn, that would/could tend to indicate that such may be the case'...

As you can possibly see, i was pretty circumspect, within communications, in those days, as i simply didn't have the confidence to provide greater/personal detail (understandably, perhaps, as it was all rather a big deal for me, at that particular time) - and i was indeed abiding within a certain level of comparative ignorance anyway - twas only later that certain Others gradually made Themselves known to me...

I guess it seemed more like a band of People at that particular time - whereas it now seems to be more like an orchestra perhaps, with various sections, such as Comedic, Musical, Thespian, and other such disciplines being available when Called upon perhaps - and W/we are a lot closer / more personable with each O/other now of course, upon occasion / within my eyes at least...

Also, i have very much cast aside the crutch of religion now - as i now see the Spiritual side of Life in a much more expansive way than the compacted Christian view of simply ourselves, Angels, Archangels, Jesus and God - i now 'see' it all as comprising a vast ascending array of increasingly Evolved Spiritual Beings, with that which we most commonly refer to as 'God' ('The Universal Creator' in my eyes) as being at the top of such an ever so lofty Spiritual Tree, if you will...

Such a mentioned childhood 'Interaction', btw, being the time when i was sat at one end of a single bed, reciting a number of rhyming poems to another child/Child(???) who was sat at tuther end of said bed, saying, rather excitedly, 'More!!! More!!!'...

...Before i heard the footsteps of my mother ascending the stairs within our then home - and Seeing, within mind, a 'flying' Lady with long flowing ginger hair - a Lady who simply Said, within mind', 'there will be plenty of time to show off later'...

So where are W/we today, the reader of these words may possibly ask...

Well i remember in around September of last year Seeing JJ, within mind, looking rather pensive/concerned, and Feeling, rightly or wrongly, that the time of 'Adjudication' was perhaps rather imminent for at least some of Them...

...And then, shortly(???) afterwards Seeing JJ, 'need for speed' Paul, and 'Davy B' (but only to me of course, lolz), Smiling very Happily - causing me to believe that, at least Those three had indeed passed their Tests, and were now perhaps Residing in more Pleasing/Welcoming Environs...

So what about me and 'John Boy Lennon', the reader of these words may also, perhaps quite understandably, ask...

Well, in all honesty, He was always a bit of a bugbear for me - we simply seemed to clash on a personality level - for i found Him to be rather presumptuous, unwelcomingly cheeky, and perhaps somewhat over-bearing in nature towards me...

However, as in perhaps many such R/relationships, we now seem to have very much ironed out / overcome such differences/hurdles - and are now seemingly very much getting along much better with oneAnother - so hopefully, upon my return Home, We will be able to embrace each Other within Warmth, Understanding, and true Friend/Kin-ship, thankfully :-) :-) :-) ...

...Tis a Meeting that i very much look forward to actually - especially having trod such a rocky Road together, for such a seemingly long period of time :-) :-) :-) - so all is now well between U/us, from my perspective at least lolz...

I think in all honesty He was perhaps overly enthusiastic, in what i would/had considered to be a rather ill-considered, as well as a perhaps more readily evidential, way - it all started when i read somewhere that He had seemingly Communicated through a Canadian(???) trance medium, many years ago now, that He, with Others, were going to 'put on a Show' - something that i found to be particularly/unacceptably presumptuous when i realised that such a 'Show' was seemingly intended to be I/interacted through myself, btw (chuckle chuckle lolz)...

Interestingly perhaps, i was also Told, 'you lead and We'll follow', sometime after such a Trio of Smiling Faces inner Experience - something that i, for some time after, took to perhaps indicate that the Work between U/us had actually come to its conclusion, causing me to feel both somewhat sad and pleased about it all, at the same time (freed from such seeming ongoing Obligations) - however, i now believe/understand it to possibly be more within respect to O/our 'playtimes' within O/our seemingly ongoing Guardian and, to a lesser extent (currently at least), Mail Online activities, where They would seem to be Helping me, sometimes at the very least :-) :-) :-) ...

...But, hey, who really knows eh - They very much seem to Come and Go 'She/(They) Comes/(Come) and then She/(They) Goes/(Go)' afterall, don't They - :-) :-) :-) ...

In actuality, i think that one of the main ch-ch-ch changes is that They all now seem to Operate more inth Background - which is, in one sense at least, actually advantageous to me, as i now feel more freed of such seeming, and more personal, Interactions - but at the same time i find myself missing such, a sometimes, Closer Companionship also - tis simply a transition that i am now more readily accommodating / getting/becoming used to i guess...

There is one other rather Interesting change/development that seems to have taken place, that i would also like to mention before finishing this particular blog offering - and that is in respect to Paul Newman, Who had previously only Appeared within mind on one particular fleeting occasion, a number of years ago in actual fact (an occasion whereby He simply Smiled, if my memory serves me correctly) - for i have now Seen His Smiling Presence/Face on a number of occasions (since around December of last year if i remember correctly), and tend to think, rightly or wrongly, that He may have assumed a Position of Life-Guide in Training, if you will...

... And by that, i mean that He is perhaps in Training to be a Life-Guide for someone else, in the future, for the whole of their Earthly Lives...

...And, if so, tis something that pleases me very much, as i very much both like and admire Paul, as He seems like a very nice Person indeed...

And why would you think such a thing, the reader of these words may quite understandably enquire...

To which i would simply reply, when the Vibrations of two I/individuals Touch ('and sometimes when we Touch the Honesty's to much'), often Words are not necessary for possible Understanding to take place - tis akin to dipping one's big toe into the Rivers of (Emotional???) Life, one supposes - a time when our respective Vibratory States/Beings Intermingle/co-Reside/overlap to a certain extent, if you will - if only partially...

I get the impression that W/we perhaps share / have shared certain incarnational(???) commonalities/interests(???)/mindsets(???), as strange at that may perhaps seem - for it is as if He understands where i am coming from, experientially perhaps - causing Him to simply Smile within (the) Warmth and/(of) Understanding/commonality...

Anyway, that now seems to have brought such a blog to its natural conclusion perhaps...

...So, tis a wrap, as they may sometimes say within certain circles perhaps - for the moment at least - :-) :-) :-) ...
