10 Nov


Over the past few weeks or so i have been intermittently copying a backlog of music cd's onto the iTunes software onth one of me lappy's...

Anyway, about a week ago now i started copying my backlog of 7 Pink Floyd music cd's...

As i was copying 'The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn' album i found myself rather spontaneously perhaps, singing the 'Bike' song...

I've never knowingly owned this album before, but for some reason i am fairly ofay (au fait dahlings) with the 'Bike' song - in terms of its musical energetics, if you will...

I suspect i may have heard it many, many years ago (my later-ish teen years), when a bunch of us stayed overnight at someone's presumably rented accommodation - twas a night when we had a wee 'smoke' dahlings, and a night when our host introduced me (and perhaps others also) to some rather interesting musical albums by bands such as The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, and no-doubt other unknown (to me, at that time, anyway) bands...

Anyway, back on track, so to speak, the only 2 lines of the 'Bike' song that i am (still???) conversant with are the 1st and the 5th lines...

Namely, 'I've got a bike you can ride it if you like' and 'You're the kind of girl that fits into my world'...

So there i was, singing and 'do do do do doopy doopy doopy do'ing along very happily/joyously - thinking that maybe/perhaps such a seemingly silly/inconsequential song/tune must have perhaps been written/penned during a time period when such lads had perhaps 'partaken' of certain 'substances', such as cannabis, perhaps...

Anyway, thoughts of Syd and his seemingly untimely death came to mind...

I had forgotten how he had died, so decided to look him up on wikipedia - whereby i found myself reading about him with increasing interest...

What an incredibly talented person he would seem to have been - i remember realising/thinking that at such an age, especially (later teens and beyond perhaps), i would have felt completely inadequate within such company, and so would almost certainly have found myself slinking away in embarrassed and acknowledged silence...

He had built an amplifier at the age of 15, was seemingly very artistically inclined, and rather obviously perhaps, had a gift with words - as well as having, by that time, developed the ability to seemingly play a number of different musical instruments...

But then his father died/passed over less than a month before he was 16 - a day when he, seemingly rather uncharacteristically, omitted to make a diary entry (a fact that i found played on my emotional heart-strings rather deeply)...

Then he seemingly met and became friends with Storm Thorgerson, who later found himself a guru and was admitted into such a guru's Sikh sect - whereas Syd was refused entry (and was seemingly 'extremely upset by' such a 'rejection'), because he was 'deemed too young to join' apparently...

Then, somewhat later Syd linked up with a girl, only to find that she was sleeping around, so to speak...

Such apparent facts caused me to feel a great sadness for him...

Anyway, a little later i was pondering such apparent facts in a greater, overall perspective type/kind of way...

Twood seem that his father's death/passing hit Syd hard, and that he was in search of a love / father substitute perhaps...

The only word that came to mind during the/my whole 'Syd appreciation period', if you will, was 'tart' - obviously in relation to said easy-going girlfriend, one assumes...

I could sort of understand why he may have felt such a way about her - he was seemingly in search of an emotional crutch afterall...

However, from my standpoint of greater overall, relatively detached perspective, i could see that such a girlfriend was possibly simply of a comparatively free and easy nature, and thus perhaps not worthy of being assigned with the rather hurtful 'tart' label - these were liberated times afterall, and from my perspective at least, if guys can play, the field/around / have a bit of fun, then why can't the women also???...

Such an unkind label was simply reflective of the supposed hurt that Syd was carrying around with him - surely???...

So anyway, moving swiftly forwards, twood seem that Syd's seemingly increasing over-dependence on/for  mind altering substances, rather tragically caused his mind to be, (much to his detriment) altered permanently...

Once again, my reading of Syd via wikipedia, caused me to appreciate how tough such a radical change in Syd's mental health must have been for all those associated with the band to deal with - they had gigs to attend etc, but tried to deal with Syd's rather/somewhat problematic presence as best/kindly as they could do under such troublesome circumstances seemingly...

What a tragic loss...

Here was Syd, such a gifted individual, if only comparatively speaking, with the whole world at his fingertips, so to speak - and then the death of his father seemingly causing his whole life to unravel in a seemingly spectacular slow motion style of gradual(???), and then ever-so-sudden, deterioration...

What a tragic and seemingly untimely loss for the whole musical world also eh...

Anyway, as i said earlier, i only heard that one, possibly rather hurtful word, from what i would presume was from Syd, at that particular time...

I have been (and still am) aware of His rather interested Presence (from my own personal perspective, of course) with me, as i type these words - indeed He seems a lot Happier now (a lot more upbeat), after such a sharing process...

In summation (and from my own personal perspective, of course), He would seemingly be saying that, 'I'm sorry to have let you guys down in the way that i did - i am/(have???) resolved to do better next time around - See you all later, hopefully'...
