04 Sep


So, why did i decide to award myself a perhaps well-deserved summer holiday, the reader of these words may understandably ask...

Well, for a number of reasons actually...

Firstly and foremost was that i found myself thinking one day, 'surely i'm not going to be sat in front of my laptop during the summer months am i???' - for such a possibility seemed like a very unwelcoming one indeed - and usually when i feel like that i do something about it...

Secondly was the fact that my internet service provider informed me that i was to pay just under £50 per month, simply for a low speed broadband connection, and no more than that - 'ridiculous', thought i, rightly or wrongly - followed by 'now they're really taking the piss'...

...What's happened regarding passing on the 'economies of scale' that i learned about, earlier in my life, whilst studying, amongst many other subjects, Economics - and what about 'customer loyalty' and the more favourable prices that such long-standing customers/subscribers used to benefit from - seemingly they simply vanished like dust in the wind, many years ago...

And thirdly, after some A Team Members had seemingly successfully passed Their Tests, all seemed to go comparatively Quiet onth Vibrational/Inspirational front...

So, i simply informed such an internet service provider to officially 'do one' basically, by giving them the required 30 days notice - one that ended onth 31st May 2023 - resulting in them sending me two emails, onth 8th and 11th of May, offering me a much higher speed service for £25 per month for the first 18 months, followed by £44 per month for the rest of the contractual period...

It wasn't that i couldn't afford to pay almost £50 per month - it was simply the feeling, rightly or wrongly of course, of simply being 'ripped off'/taken advantage of - so, 'enough is enough' decided i resolutely...

I realised that such a change would possibly be a rather fundamental one - for i had spent many days/months/years(???) simply getting up inth morning, walking intooth living-room, plugging in and firing up me 'lappy' and spending many an hour going through the same general surfing routines - and when i thought about it, it simply didn't feel like a healthy ongoing lifestyle to slavishly follow / accede to...

I decided that i would go back to doing daily meditations - i had already purchased a rather expensive 'Kapok'-filled meditation cushion after all - and i had not done any dedicated sitting meditation since circa 1997???...

...And then there was the Tai chi qi-gong exercises that i had very much enjoyed doing daily - and, once again, i had not done any such exercises for a similar amount of time - and i already had a couple of instructional videos to remind me of how to do such energy developing/enhancing exercises after all...

...And then there were all the books (both physical and electronic) that i had purchased, over an extended period of time, to start reading...

But, much more appealing were the thoughts of doing some summer travelling - a week or two in Scotland, a place that i have never been to at all - and a few days in Ireland, including Dublin perhaps...

However, in the event, i found that i never went holidaying/travelling at all...

The first reason being that i noticed that the living-room ceiling was in need of repainting - and, as most of us know, once you do so you realise that, then, everything else starts looking comparatively shoddy, so you then move on to the walls, and then the woodwork - and then the carpets, curtains, and sofa start looking rather in need of renewing...

...And then the hall, kitchen, and bathroom start looking in need of a 'make-over' too - not to mention the bedrooms of course - but hey, apart from new nets, they will have to wait for another year's attentions...

So, with only the hallway ceiling to paint, tis with a phew that one can at least start putting one's rather Inspirational mind to some use once again - well, occasionally at least dahlings - as one is still officially on one's self-awarded holidays, after all, isn't one...

...Aaaah, the many joys of having one's many Muses at one's disposal dahlings - providing They don't get too pushy and expect too much, obviously - moderation in all things dahlings, moderation in all things...

...For, seemingly, there are now a new set of Interns eager for me to play ball with Them - like the previous One's were - oh, the sheer responsibility of it all dahlings...

Anyway, let's move quickly back to one's 'make-over' shall we...

Yes, i have indeed had new carpets fitted in both hall and living-room - and very pleased with them i am - with the new carpet replacing the old 1980 one inth living-room, and the same coloured carpet replacing some 15 yr old(???) flooring inth hall...

And, yes, i am now almost at the point of replacing my living-room celing fan with some lights - 'let their be light' was the cry - there's absolutely no point in undertaking such a rather extensive living-room 'make-over' if one can't show them off, unofficially of course, to one's neighbours durinth winter evenings, after all, is there dahlings...

So, moving on to the curtains and nets...

In all honesty, i simply didn't have a clue where best to buy such items from - all i did know was that i would most obviously require some assistance in getting them 'sorted' - so, where better to start than by asking some of the neighbours, thought i...

Two of such companies were recommended - so, orft one trotted, one sunny day, in search of the seemingly favoured one - only to firstly happen upon the other recommended one instead...

So, inside of such an interior curtain company one ventured - only to be greeted by what turned out to be a rather excellent, Judy Murray look-a-like, manageress - who, without further ado, showed me some rather plush curtain material that seemed to match my new carpet sample to perfection...

And then, of course, we moved on to the nets (oops, sorry, 'voils' dahlings, 'voils') - with the 'Juniper' sample deemed, by myself, to be the desired ones - and then, after also selecting some thermal linings and poles for the curtains, and blinds for the kitchen window, the approximate pricing was undertaken, in order to give me some idea of how much it would all cost, of course...

The successfully concealed 'gulp' moment dahlings - one wouldn't wish such an excellent manageress to sense that such selected items were possibly out of one's reach, after all, would one dahlings - one has one's image to maintain after all, does one knot???...

Okay, i announced, i am now going to pay 'Dunelm' a visit in order to see what they have to offer, before making a final decision - tis important to show such people that one has other options available, after all, is it not dahlings - so, after being rather kindly offered a glass of water on such a warm day, orft one trotted, once again...

The 'Nightmare On Dunelm Street' experience...

I had actually phoned up such a company earlier in the morning, explaining to them that i was in need of assistance within such a respect, and receiving conformation that such assistance would indeed be accommodated...

So, what were my initial thoughts upon entering such a store, the reader of these words may perhaps enquire???...

Wow, it's a heck of a lot bigger than i had expected, thought i, with unexpected amazement - i didn't realise that they would be offering so many other items for sale, other than window products - an amazed and completely unexpected realisation that i shared with one of the staff members, before telling her about my earlier phone call and the assistance i had been promised...

...Whereby i was directed towards a desk where the lady i had presumably spoken to on the phone earlier was sat - so introduce myself i did - as well as explaining that it was in fact me that had telephoned earlier...

Unfortunately she seemed rather preoccupied with the slow running of her HP personal computing system - so where are the curtains, enquired i rather eagerly - over there, she pointed, they are in three different price bands...

...And what about the nets, i further enquired, with already rising dissatisfaction - over there, she pointed, dismissively once again - do you know, i've a good mind to simply walk out, thought i...

...And what about the blinds, enquired i further - they're in there, she replied, whilst pointing to a large red file which was positioned on one corner of her desk - maybe i should simply browse through it whilst she gets her computer working more effectively, thought i...

...Oooh, these look nice, thought i, with arising hope, only to be told that there were no more left in store - will you be getting any more, enquired i hopefully - i don't know, she replied dismissively once again, before looking down, once again, at her computer monitor...

Hmmm, maybe i'll go look at the curtains and nets whilst she gets it all sorted out thought i, with a growing sense of dissatisfaction...

Geez, there's only one that's green, and i'm pretty sure that it won't go well with my new living-room carpet, decided i, before moving onto the nets...

You've got a rather interesting looking spider on one of the nets, pointed i - i thought it may have been a 'toy' one to scare the customers with, announced i - but it's definitely a real one, i continued...

...An announcement that she completely ignored, without even batting an eyelid of surprise btw...

It looks like i'll be taking my business to the interior curtain company that i've just visited, announced i - nope, even that didn't spur her into action - she's obviously not financially incentivised/invested to secure sales, decided i, before i asked her where the curtain poles were located...

...Over there at the back of the store, she pointed once again - so orft i trotted to see what they were like - nah, decided i, they won't be long enough for my main living-room window...

So orft i trotted once again, towards the direction i had come in - before deciding to peruse the lighting section - with none of them (all rather 'tacky', in one's personal opinion dahlings, all rather 'tacky') appealing to me, apart from a cheap and cheerful one that i thought may suffice as a temporary one, in case i was unable to readily find a much more suitable one elsewhere...

How do i get out, i asked another employee who was about to come back into the store - step back, she motioned, before continuing walking towards me, and thus activating the swinging metalwork into the open position - causing me to smile appreciatively, whilst still wondering where the official exit point was...

And thus concludes the remembrance of my non-verbatim recollection of such a personally perceived 'Nightmare On Dunelm Street' experience...

My next day return to the interior curtain company...

Although such unofficially quoted selected items would seemingly cost me more than twice the amount i had paid for both my rather nice living-room and hall carpets, i had amassed more than enough to pay for such items within my current account - i simply don't spend very much, on an ongoing basis, so such a current account always seems to gradually grow larger over time, so the unofficially quoted price simply wasn't an issue really - and the service i had received from previously said most excellent manageress was exactly what i required, and the quality of such chosen items seemed 'top notch'...

...So, although i had earlier realised that such items were most probably more suited to the middle-classes and above, i simply wanted items that would look really good onth eye - items that would uplift me, and most probably last a lot longer than cheaper alternatives, before needing replacing once again - so i simply decided to see how i felt upon awaking the next morning...

...Upon which i took a deep metaphorical breath and decided to 'bite the bullet', so to speak - i tend to spend a lot of time inth living-room after all, so the 'feel good factor'/upliftment that such quality items will hopefully provide is obviously of importance to me - so, after breakfast etc, orft i cycled, this time, in order to give them the good news...

So, after securing my mountain bike to some railings facing such an interior curtain company's shop, in i went...

Hi, after having had my 'Nightmare On Dunelm Street' experience, i've decided to go with the curtains and nets that i chose yesterday, announced i, to 'Judy', in a rather upbeat and genial manner...

And down i was invited to sit - with 'Judy's' (i didn't know her name at that particular time) full and enthusiastic attention afforded me - and official business was thusly conducted...

So orft i cycled back home - with a time and date set (but not match of course) for David to come 'round and measure up etc - with me, rather incorrectly as it turned out, presuming that 'Judy' was in actual fact the curtain shop business owning David's wife...

David's Home Visit...

So, come the day, David arrived - and, upon noticing my new hall carpet, he rather politely and considerately took his shoes off and left them in front of the front door - with me responding to such shown consideration by saying, 'i wouldn't leave them there, unattended, if i were you', whilst electing to pick them up and place them inside...

And into the living-room we initially went, in order for David to start 'doing his thang', so to speak...

What's your wife's name btw', asked i, not wishing to refer to 'Judy', rather rudely, as 'her' during our discussions - she has a certain likeness to Judy Murray, Andy's mother, continued i, conversationally - oh, that's not my wife, that is Sara, replied David...

...Oh, replied i, with unexpected surprise - she is excellent at her job, offered i, in continuance, rather appreciatively - and thus such relaxed conversations and discussions continued...

So, anyway, with all such measurements having been completed within three rooms, and all discussions being successfully concluded and agreed upon, David sat down to calculate the official total price of such personal requirements - followed by myself paying for the required first half of such total costs before work commenced - with the remaining half to be paid upon completion...

So, after David had informed me that an official invoice would be sent in the post, and with all business having now been completed, up we both stood, with me shaking David's offered hand, before he took his offered shoes from me and left...

...But not before i asked, in passing, if David had done business with any famous people - and, yes, as expected, he had indeed - it is a company that most obviously caters for the requirements of the middle classes and above, after all...

...But such peoples names were simply between David and myself, of course - 'name-dropping'???, moi???, don't be so silly dahlings - one is simply above such crass temptations after all...

And thus concludes my personally perceived remembrances of such non-verbatim verbal interactions between the relaxed and very congenial David and myself...

During the weekend, following David's Friday visit, i had realised that instead of hanging the bedroom nets by metal poles affixed to the wooden batons, i could, instead, affix them within the middle of the vertical window recess walls, as i had indeed planned for the kitchen window...

...Such a change of mind had, in actual fact, most probably been unconsciously facilitated by David's suggestion to hang such bedroom nets within the window recess by tracking - a suggestion that didn't really appeal to me, as it would have necessitated the heavy drilling and plugging of several holes into the unseen horizontal metal girder above - and i also didn't like the idea of using tracking, within such a way, from a visual point of view...

...I had, in actual fact, bought two metal poles some days before David's visit, after awakening, one morning, with the clear determination of not hanging such nets via tracking affixed to such wooden batons, as before agreed with Sara - simply because i thought that double-tracking upon the fairly slim batons would simply not be visually appealing, as it would look far too 'busy'/'cramped' - hence the reason for me purchasing said slim metal poles, for that specific purpose...

So anyway, orft i cycled, once again, to said shop in order to talk such intended changes over with Sara before such nets were made up, in-house...

My third interior curtains shop visit...

You got my text regarding the problem with the 'Juniper' voils???, enquired Sara, upon my arrival - no, stated i (i generally have my mobile switched off, as i only use it very occasionally), i've simply come in to discuss some changes i would like to be made to the bedroom nets - further explaining to both Sara and David that if all nets were hung within the window recesses then it would look a lot neater/tidier, and that such nets would hang much more freely...

And then, after agreement had been reached, and new shorter net lengths established, Sara then realised that this very much solved such a problem with said 'Juniper' voils - but only if the 'Juniper' pattern was hung sideways - well, if nothing else, such a pattern reorientation of said nets would possibly be rather unique, thought i, before perhaps agreeing too hastily to such changes...

So, voil-aah, dahlings, all was back on track (if only metaphorically speaking) once again...

And then, before cycling back home, Sara and i agreed a time and date for Andy to come and affix the two metal tracks ontooth both of the living-room window batons - with the made-to-measure nets and curtains to be ready some five weeks later - excellent, thought i, whilst still wondering, quizzically, about the reorientation of the net patterns, as i cycled my way home once again...

...I say 'quizzically', btw, purely because i'm having difficulty understanding why there should be any seeming 'size problems', given that the largest of the windows that are to be fitted with nets is only 70 1/4" (180cm) wide and 48 1/2" (122cm) high - my current net curtains easily accommodate such a size of window after all - as do other peoples btw...

The affixing of the living-room windows tracking...

So, come the day, as well as the hour of course, Andy arrived and started affixing the first of the two lengths of metal tracking to the main living-room window baton - with each of the supporting blocks being positioned and screwed into place in turn - without any marking up or drilling of pilot holes for the fairly sturdy screws taking place first...

I haver a ruler, if you would like to use it, announced i, upon becoming rather quickly concerned that his 'sight of eye' approach to such positioning of the supporting blocks would result in a lack of visual symmetry being established - but no, Andy simply seemed to know better - not that i was in any way thinking he was possibly trying to rush such a job, you understand...

So, twenty rather quick minutes later, such a job was seemingly completed - with Andy seemingly eager to make his way to his next appointment - only for him to then return with the curtain sample that i had asked the seemingly ever-so-dependable Sara to supply me with, in order that i may match a future new sofa to both carpet and curtains...

Anyway, upon a more recent detailed inspection, i noticed that there is now a split in one end of the main window wooden baton, and that the positioning of such curtain rail mounting blocks was not as easy onth eye as it most definitely should have been, and that the metal, curtain-supporting, rails were not correctly positioned...

As far as i am concerned, if you are paying 'top dollar' then it is far from unreasonable to expect a top rate job...

...And as the following details will hopefully reveal, a top rate job it was not...

a) Horizontal spacing of the metal rail supporting blocks...

i) Main Window Baton (6 supporting blocks) ...

1cm (from edge of left-hand baton), 47.1cm gap, 42.2cm gap, 49.2cm gap, 41.8cm gap, 46.2cm gap, 1.2cm (from edge of right hand baton) ...

ii) Secondary Window Baton (3 supporting blocks)...

2mm (from edge of left-hand baton), 33.2cm gap, 34cm gap, 7mm (from edge of right hand baton) ...

b) Vertical alignment of the metal rail supporting blocks in relation to the top of baton...

i) Main Window Baton...

1mm below, 1mm above, level, level, 1.2mm below, 1.8mm above...

ii) Secondary Window Baton...

3.1mm below, 2mm below, 2mm below...

c) Metal Rail Baton Over-reach...

i) Main Window Baton...

15.5cm (left-hand side) - 17cm (right-hand side) ...

ii) Secondary Window Baton...

15cm (left-hand side) - 13cm (right-hand side) ...

In all honesty, if i had known previously (which obviously i couldn't have done) then i would have elected to have done the job myself, for i feel sure that i would have done a much more visually pleasing and accurate/symmetrical one...

One thing that is of importance to appreciate is that the two curtain rails are, vertically stiff, metal ones - so if the vertical alignment of the supporting blocks are not in harmony with one-another (correctly aligned) then stress is obviously going to be put on the integrity of the wooden batons, on an ongoing and continuous basis - and this, i suspect is another reason (other than the non-drilling of pilot holes) that there is now a horizontal split along the left-hand-side of the much longer main window baton (a split which may of course get worse over time - and a split that seems to have loosened the left-hand-side of such a main living-room baton from the wall - joy upon joy eh) ...

Whilst i was observing Andy and thinking my thoughts, i was twice Told, 'tell him' - however, i simply chose to observe him instead - he was supposedly the professional after all, was he not...

Thank the Heavens that i have decided to affix my self-purchased net poles myself eh...

And in case you were wondering, yes i was indeed a fully qualified graduate member of the Institue Of Management Services, back inth day - and am thus used to observing people working, in order to find better ways of carrying out various tasks - and was also assigned various projects which necessitated the writing of detailed management reports may i add (i rest my case m'lud) ...

So anyway, that now leaves me waiting for the curtains and nets to be made-up - hopefully Sara and her female assistant will do a much better job than the seemingly not-so-handy Andy eh - an addendum will follow after all has been completed btw...

So, have i in actual fact done any reading during such a still-ongoing holiday, the reader of these words may reasonably wonder...

Well i bought a second-hand copy of The Unknown Guest by Brian Inglis (with Ruth West and the Koestler Foundation), and started reading it once again - i say 'once again' because it was one of a number of library books that i was drawn to during the second half of the '80's, if my memory serves me correctly - twas during a period of time that a certain Spiritual Unfoldment was taking place, and my Awareness was seemingly being expanded...

...I bought it mainly to read the third chapter called 'The Muses' once again, and only have the last four pages of such a chapter to read...

...It is, in actual fact, a chapter that i would highly recommend others to read...

But, hey, apart from that, the answer to such a question is a simple 'no'...

So why didn't i do any travelling???...

Well, apart from the painting, i had to give up my dedicated daily walkies for what seems to have been a couple of months due to hip and legs problems - however, for the past eight days, i have in actual fact enjoyed a dedicated daily walkies each day - whether such will continue without bodily complaint is anyone's guess, of course...

And have i done any sitting meditation during such a self-awarded holiday???...

Once again, the answer is a simple 'no', simply because i was unable to sit readily, so low to the floor - so my fairly newly purchased, and rather nice, 'kapok'-filled meditation cushion remains unused - although it does look rather good sitting perhaps patiently on my new carpet...

And have i done any Tai chi qi-gong exercises???...

Once again, the answer is a simple 'no' i have not - well, not yet anyway - but hey, who knows, maybe some time in the future eh...

So what have i been doing exactly???...

Well, i've been doing some wood-working - and i've rewatched quite a number of my film dvds - and i've been gaming on a fairly regular/ongoing basis...

...Playing more of the original IGI actually - a game that i have now become rather proficient at (well, apart from the last part of the final mission) actually - and i've also played a little more IGI2 too...

...And i've done a heck of a lot of painting of course - in spite of such physical impediments - i think they call it 'soldiering on', don't they...

And that, i think, brings such a blog to an end, for the time being at least - as there is that previously mentioned addendum to type later, also - so i guess it's a simple case of 'watch this space', isn't it...

...But obviously not literally eh - that would be rather boring after all, would it not - not to mention rather time consuming also, of course...

The much anticipated, long-awaited, and now one day late (i had planned to do it yesterday (Tuesday 10 October 2023), but simply became, perhaps rather uncharacteristically eh, otherwise distracted) addendum, dahlinks...

So, the curtains, roller-blind, and nets (nay, voils dahlinks) arrived last Tuesday - a little later than the earlier stated 5 week lead time, but that was simply because i had left it for 6 weeks before contacting them for a progress update/report (they had apparently sent me an unreceived text the week before (i think that my phone battery had perhaps run down, stored energy-wise)) - i tend to adopt a fairly relaxed attitude to such things when deemed to be not particularly important, as i don't like putting others under pressure unnecessarily (badgering them) ...

But hey, before continuing to discuss such things, let's go back in time a little, firstly, shall we...

I mentioned that i wasn't particularly happy with regard to the fitting of the living-room curtain tracking, and of the horizontal split that later developed on the left-hand-side of the main window baton...

So, about a week later, with my concern regarding the integrity of the main window baton growing, i decided to take it all down (both windows) and start again by doing it all myself...

Firstly there was the split to rectify of course - so i simply injected (as best as i could) some very powerful and highly recommended 'Gorilla Glue' into said split, before clamping both sides of the split firmly together (with such clamping rather generously (it doesn't take that long to bond actually, but i simply wanted to make sure) left in place until the next day) - and then filled in the redundant holes with 'Quick Drying Trade Polycell Polyfilla', and later repainted the whole of the front side of the baton......

...And then spent some of the next day measuring the spaces between (no, not 'friends' dahlinks - a rather unnecessary 'If' (by Pink Floyd) reference doncha know - unnecessary self-indulgencies eh) the proposed accurate positioning of the tracking support blocks - followed by the drilling of the pilot holes, before securing said support blocks firmly into place with the rather substantial screws provided...

...And voila dahlinks, both curtain trackings then snapped much more readily, and pleasingly, into place - 'aaah, that's much better', decided i, upon appraising them both from a distance (and no, that's not a Cliff Richards song reference dahlinks - well, not an intentional one anyway - but hey, if such a non-intentional reference floats yer boat then by all mean go for it yeah) - much more pleasing onth eye, decided i, with an air of great self-satisfaction...

So, getting back on track once again...

Whilst Andy was hanging my rather substantial 'black-out' lining-backed velour 'Forest' curtains, i took the opportunity to check the length of each of the supplied 'Juniper' net curtains - and, yes, they were indeed of a satisfactory, anxiety-reducing, length - i had only managed to get perhaps 3 hours sleep the night before, due to all sorts of possible 'catastrophic' scenarios running through my much awake and anxiety-ridden mind...

...The unsettling effects of deep anxiety eh - i wouldn't wish it on anyone - although, experientially, time has taught me that such bouts of anxiety often turn out to be ill-founded / much over-exaggerated...

So, then feeling much more 'chipper' - especially so having seen the very pleasing results of Andy's curtain hanging efforts - i then closely observed Andy positioning and securing the kitchen roller-blind into place...

...And a very good and personally satisfying job he did of it, may i add...

So, feeling very pleased indeed with both Sara's and Andy's efforts, i both gladly and readily elected to pay the second half of the full amount due, there and then - rather than later cycling tooth shop and settling the bill there instead - and, yes, by all means feel free to call me 'Mister Lazy' (rather than 'Misstra Know It All' perhaps - well, obviously - i'm a real stand-up guy after all (well, at least i try to be - on most occasions at least - or so i think anyway)) if you wish, dahlinks...

...During which, upon realising who i was, very cordial pleasantries were conducted between a then much more upbeat/welcoming/animated Sara and myself, via Andy's phone - (obviously yet another of those completely understandable 'I Can't Help Falling In Love With You' moments from the very lovely and accommodating Sara, dahlinks - if only within my rather imaginative/fertile mind eh - :-) ;-) :-) ) - during which i couldn't help but congratulate Sara for the rather excellent job she had done with both curtains and nets...

Andy, rather generously, offered to help me hang the nets whilst he was still there actually - however, as i explained to him, i wished to complete such a task at a much preferred rather leisurely pace, at a later date - so, after thanking him for his efforts, orft he trotted, to the third of his five appointments scheduled for that day...

...But not before i had requested an extra pre-measured length of identical tracking (together with some spare rail 'gliders' and curtain hangers for possible future needed use btw) for my bedroom (the current, very old, one is in need of definite replacement) - which Andy said he would ask Sara about, upon returning to the office - an extra order that was later agreed upon with Sara, onth phone btw...

So, onto the hanging of the nets...

I had actually decided that i would like all three nets to be hung by the end of the working week if possible - so had planned to try to hang one per day (Wednesday to Friday) in order to do so - a task that i successfully completed on time btw...

I am really pleased that i chose the Interior Curtain Centre to accomplish the replacement of such living-room curtains, nets etc...

The curtains (together with the tracking) are really, really nice, and improve my living-room greatly within such a respect...

And the new nets look so much better than the old ones...

And the kitchen roller-blind is really, really nice also...

So i deem the total cost of such much overdue improvements (circa £2150 including the extra length of tracking ordered) to be well worth the money spent - and would not hesitate to call upon the services of such a company, once again, in the future - although, in all truthfulness, now that i know how, i would elect to install any further needed tracking by myself (as i have elected to do with the additional length of tracking, upon delivery by Andy btw), as, in the name of generosity perhaps, i do, admittedly, tend to be a bit of a perfectionist within such respects...
