08 Mar


Within the recently offered A 'Protonic' Dream i made reference to the Sperm & Ovum blog within the accompanying notes that follow the comments...

This was originally published within the NewLightBeings website - seemingly on or around 24 August 2016...

Anyway, after reading such A 'Protonic' Dream and its accompanying comments and notes fully last evening i decided to offer such a Sperm & Ovum blog for the first time, on this 'ere website of O/urs, today, in its verbatim form...

Whilst playing 'Ong Namo' and watching the accompanying video, i wondered what the meaning of the symbol to be seen in the centre of the lotus(???) flower at circa 1:53 minutes, and at circa 6:57 minutes, and at circa 10:02 minutes, was ( http://www.newlightbeings.com/video/ong-namo-guru-dev-namo-snatam-kaur-path-of-peace-visualization?xg_source=activity ) - i still do not know btw, so if anyone here at NLB does, i would very much appreciate them, telling me / letting me know ...

Yesterday, in relation to the above, the thought of looking at some Hindu symbols, on the internet, came to me/mind - and so i did, but without finding the meaning to/of such a symbol...

However, such a search did start a train of thought regarding the AUM, Tilak, and Bindi symbols - examples of which can be found at, http://hinduismfacts.org/hindu-symbols , for example...

AUM can be pronounced as 'ow' (an exclamation of pain) and/plus 'um' (an exclamation of indecision/hesitation/wondering) - and is, apparently, the symbol of 'the sound heard at the time of [the] creation of the universe', and 'represents Brahman, the Almighty' / that which is often called God / the Creator of the universe / our Father (which, interestingly perhaps, within the context of this blog especially, can also be interpreted as, 'fat her' = pregnant female)...

(As an aside - in the past i have sometimes found myself humorously interpreting the AUM (ow-um) sound, which is sometimes repeated verbally during meditation, as the dual sound that a meditator, sat in the full lotus position for the first time, perhaps, may exclame/make - firstly the, 'ow', at the discomforture of such a newly tried advanced meditational position/posture, and then the, 'um', in/when wondering how to extricate/free himself/herself from such an advanced meditational position/posture)...

The Tilak symbol is, apparently, worn/placed/painted on the forehead, between the eyebrows of a Hindu male, at a time of rituals, or a religious ceremony - and can, perhaps, be seen to symbolically represent a single sperm...

The Bindi symbol is, apparently, worn/placed/painted on the forehead, between the eyebrows of a Hindu female - and can, perhaps, be seen to symbolically represent a single ovum...

So, anyway, in summary/explanation, the combination of the three, said / described / previously mentioned, symbols, caused me to, realise / understand / ponder upon the possibility, that the 'ow' (of the AUM) sound, if only humorously, could be seen to represent the moment the sperm (represented by the Tilak, perhaps) penetrated the ovum (represented by the Bindi, perhaps), and said ovum's verbal/thought reaction to such spermal penetration - and that the 'um' (of the AUM) sound, if only humorously, could be seen to represent the start of a creation within the ovum, and said ovum's verbal/thought reaction, in wonderment at exactly what it was that had/was started/starting to take place within her being...

As the reader may realise, i currently have little knowledge of Hinduism, as it is a religion that i have not yet/previously been Inspired to study, even though my interest in its seeming, richness / possible all encompassing-ness, is a growing one - so please know that no offense is intended by the contents/nature of this blog, and thus, my apologies, if such is the, unintended, case...
