07 Oct


During my earlier walkies a number of understanding moments unfolded within mind...

Firstly an foremostly i now realise that JJ is our Chief Editor, and not simply a run of the mill (meeow) Editor - misrepresentations and a dodgy memory eh...

And now, of course, i realise that my earlier April(???) 'hibernationatory' break constituted MY awarded holiday period - with my ever-so-darling Rhio taking HER'S at a slightly(???)/somewhat(???) later date...

And that, perhaps the main body of, the A Team Members taking THEIRS during what would constitute the summer months (for us, at least, anyway) - perhaps leaving a skeleton Crew behind yeah...

And that this was the reason that JJ seemingly, Gave me so mucherous Work to do - over 30 wotsits to work on and publish, whilst everyone was seemingly on THEIR Holidays...

You would have thought/expected that They would have kept me in the Loop, by explaining it all to me though, wouldn't you, for Heaven's sake...

Talk about a gradually increasing light-bulb moment eh - of the dimmer switch variety, obviously...

Such very Loving and Thoughtful Individuals obviously wouldn't wish to make me feel somewhat deva-stated after all would they - so i  very much thank Them very much indeed for that (Mercy, Mercy Oh Merciful Ones)...

In truth such a sudden Deluge of Work (over 30 wotsits within what seemed like a very short period of time, for Heaven's sake) sort of overwhelmed me really...

And then when summertime came, and i very much 'sensed' that They (apart from the very Lovingly Rhio of course) had seemingly done an exit Stage Left, the prospect of being left to do so much on my seeming own seemed to be a very unapeeling, and sort of overwhelming, option indeed...

Well looking on the bright side of Life, at least me and Rhio got SOME things done (not that i am wishing to implicate Her in any way whatsoever of course - i simply think too much of Her to do that, for She is very Lovely indeed...

... And i now think/realise that the ever-so-Lovely Rhio was possibly very acceptingly (under such circumstances especially) disappointed in me within Deed (looking back, there were some, now rather obvious(???), unacknowledged signs of this - i simply interpreted such m/Moments wrongly/inaccurately); yet another of them oops/numbnutz moments eh...

And looking back of course, i now realise that i could have possibly/simply have published one wotsit a day, couldn't i (in theory at least) - what an absolute numbnutz eh...

But the rather simple reality was that i simply found an extended break (without the implicit constraining thoughts of doing such Stuff inbetween/within such a time-frame) to be very apealing indeed - no wonder They disappeared once again, immediately (???) after They very Happily/expectantly(???)/Smilingly Returned (oops) ...

So anyway in summnation, i now realise that i treated JJ (especially) very shoddily, dismissively, and therefore disrespectfully, indeed - but how extremely Nice of them to break such news in such a Gentle and possibly reluctantly Accepting way eh...

...That, from my perspective at least, just shows what very nice Individuals the great majority of them have proved Themselves to be...

So anyway, it now seems rather obvious to me that i have some rather (hopefully Redemptive) ketchering up to do - bummer eh...

Anyway, onwards (and hopefully) upwards, as They are possibly rather/silently Saying...   
