17 Oct


A few days earlier...

Hmmm, time to go to the supermarket to do some shopping...

'Don't forget the crisps bitch - if you know what's good for you' - ooh, i wonder who That is??? (that rather attitudinal Syd perchance???)...

It would seem that i have quite a few Friends ('Oliver's Army' perchance???) that Accompany me whilst i'm out n about btw - i often See big John Wayne within mind during such times...

...He seems more than Ready (would relish perhaps) to step into my shoes - should such a street-wise occasion ever arise ('make My day punk(s)')...

Anyway, after entering said supermarket...

'Try one of these 'TenderStem' stir fry mixes' -oh okay then, this one???...

'Yeah, why not'...

Oh, and i need some more bananas don't i...

Oooh and a Berry Medley - this one perhaps???...

...Oh yes - my focus is most definitely on this one...

Oh yes - and an avocado too...

Oh, and some of that live natural yogurt too - i think i'll have this one today (i like to mix a knife-blended banana into it)...

Okay, what next??? - oh yes, some of that freshly baked bread too (made daily by that rather helpful and cheery baker bloke)...

Oh, and let's look for some stuff to mix in with the salad - hmmm, some garlic sauce could be nice...

...And what about some mint sauce too - hmmm, which one of these two should i select i wonder???...

...'Try this one' - well it's a little more expensive, but it's got some of that Balsamic vinegar in it, so why not...

Oooh, and maybe some Tahini too - hmmm, i don't seem to be able to find any...

Aaaah, there's an assistant - maybe he knows where they are shelved...

'Let me find out for you sir' - oh, now that friendly baker is heading in my direction, 'i might have known it would have been you', he says, affably joking with me...

...A phew minutes later - 'here you go'...

Oh, thanks very much kind sir...

Right, lets go get those crisps - hmmm, 'if you know what's good for you'...

...Well, these Tyrrell's hand-cooked vegetable crisps are probably the best option available - ooh, they're about a pound more than the others though...

Aaaaah, i must have misheard - 'rich', not 'bitch', obviously...

...Probably not Syd then - maybe a more erudite, word playing Member of the A Team perhaps???...

Ooooh, Tyrrell's vegetable crisps, doncha know - that'll impress the check-out assistant (whoever it is will possibly think i've won some money onth Lottery - hmmm, that reminds me, maybe i'll buy a ticket some time)...

'How about some chocolate honey???' - hmmm, some of that Lindt Excellence again???...

'Yeah, why not' - a bar of the Orange Intense again???...

'No, let's go for this one (Cranberry, Almond & Hazelnut doncha know) this time' - oh, back on that one eh, okay then...

That seems to be it then - orft to the check-out w/We go then...

Anyway, back at home within the kitchen after unpacking the shopping...

Ooooh, let's start the feastin' with the fruit medley eh - that sounds particularly appetising...

Oh my goodness, my body definitely seems to need this - yummy yummy indeed...

Okay, i'll allow it time to digest a little then...

'Slice some bread first baby' - oh, okay, four slices perhaps???...

... *** gets the Feeling that it may be slightly over-doing it - but hey, i am feeling rather hungry after all *** ...

Okay, let's spread some avocado onto them - yeah You're right, let's be generous with it...

Oh, cut up some of the stir-fry stuff with a knife and put it in a cereal bowl eh??? - good Call...

Oh, and now sprinkle some of that fine sea salt over it eh, before mixing it in with the knife...

...A little more perhaps??? - oh, okay then...

And now let's dice a clove of garlic and mix that in too eh???...

And now lets add a little mint sauce - oh, some more eh...

And now for the garlic sauce too eh (Turkish style doncha know dahlings) - oh, a little more eh...

And now to mix it all up with the knife, before putting it all on top of two of the slices of bread...

Oh, add some of those canned new potatoes (slice 'em n dice 'em first of course dahlings) that have been stored in one of my cupboards for such a long time eh (oh, the BBE date is still okay) - hmm, some more carbohydrates, good Call...

...I'll put it on top of the other mixed stuff, on this occasion then...

Oh, and a tin of those sliced mangoes for afters - good Call indeed...

Anyway, back sat behind my computer desk - ready to rumble online...

Let's go for the butties - oh, my goodness, this is simply divine dahlings...

And now give it a little more time to digest before starting on the mangoes eh - okay, if i must...

Oh, Murder She Wrote by Chaka Demus & Pliers - great choice eh Jo...

So, as the reader can hopefully see - certain A Team Members definitely seem to be promoting healthy eating...

How nice and Lovingly thoughtful of Them to have my best interests at heart eh - boy did it taste good...
