09 Nov


...And talking of Good Friends...

I think i may have first Linked with this particular Person (from my own personal perspective, of course) whilst either looking at or reading something, perhaps...

He's a really great Guy who i've felt honoured to be in the company of...

He has a certain Warmth and assured Happiness to him...

I used to See Him within mind (from my own personal perspective, of course) fairly close behind me, and slightly off-set to my right - with TMG close on my immediate right-hand-side, and JJ close on my immediate left-hand-side...

I Sense that They may have moved on, to a possibly higher 'Octave' now...

What i very much liked about 'P' was that i could ask Him for His Advice and He would tell me what, in His personal opinion, i needed to hear - rather than what He may have thought i may wish to have heard instead...

He's a really solid Guy...

A Guy with a ready and reassuring smile on His face...

I personally don't wish/want to bring any further attention to Him than is necessary, for i feel, rightly or wrongly, that those still residing on this Earth-plane of existence who love Him dearly may, or may not of course, wish to contact me personally, in search of further(???) proof perhaps - something that i feel very disinclined to get involved in, at this particular moment in time, at the very least...

And i also Feel, rightly or wrongly, that 'P' simply wishes such people to reside within happy, reassured patience regarding such matters...

The words, 'I'm completely okay, so please just carry on with your lives as normal and i'll See you all later' come most readily to mind - once again, from my own personal perspective, of course...
