02 Apr


The planet had recently recovered/stabilised from its most recent Cyclic Renewal - and the remnants of the surface dwelling survivors had began organising themselves into larger groups...

Their physical vehicles of expression had unfortunately been deleteriously compromised/altered, shortly before the previous cycle of renewal to the one they were just recovering from had taken place, by the now departed members of a rather hindered technologically advanced species who had near crash-landed on such a planet in their damaged spaceship, after fleeing from capture/destruction/justice - a rather hindered species who had used them to mine the minerals needed to repair such a spaceship, after such genetic tinkering/'upgrades' had taken place...

Thus their physical vehicles of expression were now akin to a car/vehicle whose driver battles constantly to keep it from going off course...

It was Decided that a World Teacher would be sent down onto such a planet amongst such surviving surface dwellers - in order that they may be taught how best to 'steer' such metaphorical cars/vehicles skillfully...

...With such a World Teacher being 'housed' in an uncompromised/unhindered, but identical, physical vehicle of expression...

Such a male child was deposited onto the surface of such a planet, close to a small village - whereby he was quickly found and taken in by a fairly young and so far childless couple...

Such a child quickly proved himself to be very wise indeed, and quickly had everybody listening to what he had to say, and acting upon his advice regarding how to live their lives more skillfully...

However there was another, previously controlling, remnant of such a species, who had secretly tunnelled beneath the surface and taken what limited technology and weaponry that they were able to with them, before such a most recent cycle of renewal had taken place...

Their physical vehicles of expression were equally compromised/hindered also of course - and they were angry and frustrated by the fact that they would almost have to start from near scratch once again...

So when they eventually resurfaced with such remaining technology and weaponry, they were in a rush to get started - and eager to round up the surface surviving remnants of their own now hindered species, in order to bring them quickly into subservience once again...

So, when they found that such a World Teacher had convinced such surface dwelling survivors to live their lives differently to how they had done so before, such a newly emerged, previously controlling, group were not well pleased...

...Resulting in such a World Teacher being tortured, humiliated, and finally, publicly put to death, as a warning to such surface survivors that such a different way of living their lives was simply not acceptable...

As time passed such a species formed ever more technologically advanced civilisations - wars were fought for supremacy - and such a species moved further and further out of balance with nature...

More Advanced and Balanced souls/beings, from other, now destroyed/damaged, star systems, had arrived to incarnate on such a planet amongst such a species - but, being 'housed' within such compromised/hindered physical vehicles of expression, resulted in them too finding it difficult to 'steer' such vehicles skillfully - especially so, within such an out of balance way of life...

So, the technological advances continued, at an ever increasing pace - and the biosphere of such a planet became increasingly more out of balance / compromised, polluted, and rubbish-tip-like - with the many species that once inhabited both land and sea/water becoming increasingly extinct and fewer in numbers...

And with yet another cycle of renewal approaching, measures had been taken by such a controlling hindered species to safeguard such technological advances by storing them, as well as a selected number of such a hindered species, within deep underground advanced technological facilities, in the hope of riding out such a, now imminent, cycle of renewal...

...And then to later re-emerge onto such a planet's surface - with A.I. enabled species-looking/identical robots set to replace the vast majority of deemed comparatively 'troublesome' biological ones, whose numbers had been so vastly denuded both prior to and during such a cycle of renewal...

...And to then, later still, move through space within spaceships to live within/upon other previously chosen and 'more pleasing' planetary systems / planets - and in so doing, taking their hindered ways of being/living with them...

However, in reality, ALL would be returning Home during the next planetary cycle of renewal - and then, after the planet had recovered, the more Advanced and Balanced Ones would introduce uncompromised/unhindered physical vehicles of expression for such souls to reincarnate into...

...And new ways of living would be taught - ways that would ensure that such a species would evolve in a balanced way - in harmony with the planet upon which they lived...

And the galaxy would, at last, be freed from such a spread of compromised/hindered ways of being/living - and the damage done by such an earlier visiting highly hindered species would finally have been corrected...
