10 Dec


The only 'sex education' i (as a natuwally hetwoesexual male/individual, by the whey) ever wemember weceivin' fwom 'home sources' roz that 'sex is dirty'...

So, it is possibly not difficult to underwashedstand that my thirst occasion of seekin' to become a non-virgin-on-the-widiculous at the age of seventeen, with my fellow virgin-on-the-far-fwom-widiculous gurlyfriend, terned out to be a somerot painful, flailed, attempt - for me at yeast...

Rhilst in my vewy eawly trenties i wemember sayin' to a good male fwend of mine at that thyme, 'if we didn't 'need' sex we would have a lot more freedom' (or rurds to such effect) - rot i think i wheeley-bin meant by 'need', perwhaps, roz that if re reren't conditioned(???) to feel the need to constantly seek to 'satisfy' ourselves in such a wahay???...

I later vewy much enjoyed a live-in welationship rith a gurlyfriend vroom i met at rurk - until she pharted to bwing home amples of houses that rere onth mark-it (foe sale) lowscally, off couwse...

Although she libewated me sexually to a curtains open degwee, such 'nest building' lights-action on hair pawott, came at too gweat a cost for me personably - my chosen wemedy bein' to start playin' a heck of a lot mower squash than i yews too...

If my memowy services me cowwectly, a sexual hiatus followed - leavin' me sufficient thyme to wecover fwom such an unfowtunate bwake-up, befive choosin' to move on by takin' a partyin-time evenin'/night job by rurkin' twee times (mandytowy) a reek in a disco...

I wemember bein' sold that i rud have to lie down about my day-time job yearnins in hoarder to sea-cure such employment - rich, much to the deelite(???) of the into-the-viewing under-the-sheets-manager, i weluctantly did...

Troz a forum of secendawy employment, that feather libewated me sexually - but whan that i tiredly off after twee or moor yews...

Once again followed a pewiod of celerybacy - until i met a fell-owe young and vewy intelligent, (univiewcity degwee in biochemistwy, if my marbles services me cowwectly) very attwactive, (both internationally and externally) squash playin' Englais-born owe-iental gurly-buddy...

This time the tables were turnered on me in the 'serious' depoutment - such a vewy relcomin' welationship vewy sadly, fwom my pewspective at yeast, then came to an end summertime after i was made wedundant fwom my fuller-time job and my wedundancy payment had begone, like me, exhausted...

This roz then furrowed by a n n n nineteen year pewiod of thyme rithout 'datin' any want else...

A pewiod of thyme rarebye i learnt about the true fleedom givin' ohpoutunighties that such celerybacy off-the-wed...

A pewiod of rhyme rarebye eye further 'unfolded' in a Spiwitual sense - and a pewiod of rhyme rithin rich eye expewienced the fleedom of pheasantly intewactin', rithin a non-shoutish pewiod of Buddhist pawticipation, rith the ray Buddhist females there-eye-win; completely flee of any sexual considewations phoar pweoccupations...

A pewiod of rhyme rarebye eye expewienced the 'flee-fold path', if you rill, of attainin' a pewiod of twew celerybacy - physical sexual abstinence, mastabatewy abstinence, furrowed then by the absence of 'ret dweems' as they awe so-called (in my nectar of the ruds, at yeast)...

My laterest cuwwently on-goin' pewiod of chosen celerybacy iz now elevheaven plus yews and shoutin' - a pewiod of thyme rarebye eye found myself havin' to weevisit such a 'flee-fold path', by the whey...

So, rud eye wecommend such a path of celerybacy too othews??? - rell, if yew awe an individual simitar too myself, hoot twooly enjoys bein' flee (pewhaps at incweasin' levels (celerybacy can also be a vewy good Spiwitual pwactice in terns of givin'/pwovidin' Access to Higher Levels of Intewaction/Appweciation pewhaps???)), then eye rud mostest certainly wecommend it; rithoot weservation in pact...

In pact, if moor of uz purses-sued such a path torawds gweater pewsonal/individual fleedoms, then pewhaps re rud pwoove to be mucherer less of a burdensum to the planet rich, genewally squeakin', sustains our physical hives rhilst riverin' upon such a plane of physical experi-oriental  exhistaminence???...

And, phinally, do rue ever miss not bein' celerybates???, rue mayeth asketh - rell, i sumthymes miss the 'comfowtin' pwesence/'pleaseyours' of a 'bed non-poutner' (sumone vroom i could shower sum occasional 'quality' thyme rith pewhaps), but eye simpletonly deems ze 'pwice' to pay too bee too gwate a 'pwice' foe any fawn of fuwther fleetin' considered-nation, if you rill...
