05 May


I think that i've possibly mentioned once before, the ongoing awareness that i have regarding the amount of packaging that we all seem to be obliged to take into our homes, every time we choose to do some shopping - be it in the sense of physically paying regular visits to our local supermarket for example, or when we take delivery of goods that we have purchased online, within the comforts of our homes...

But then, of course, we are reminded of the stark reality of the sheer magnitude of such a situation, when we dispose of such packagings by discarding them all within our dustbins/trashcans - often, perhaps, on a near daily basis...

Thank the heavens for that 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality that most seem to most readily adopt upon each occasion, after so doing eh - say the producers of such packagings perhaps...

But as for us worriers, what are we threatened with if we decide to make our voices heard by returning such packagings to those who have caused us to take possession of them in the first place, by depositing them all within the car-parks of those very same supermarkets from whence they originally came for example??? - yep, you got it, legal actions...

So where do such packagings end up??? - on/within the seemingly ever-growing rubbish tips - either within our own countries, and/or within the countries of others - as well as within the many waters of planet Earth seemingly...

And so on it goes, day after day, week after week, year after year - in endless cycles of seeming normality...

And in general, nobody seems to be bothered in the slightest do they...

Sure, some of us complain about it - but nothing fundamentally changes does it...

And yes, there seems to be a growing ecological awareness of such problems that our consumer-type lifestyles cause - but once again, nothing seems to change, in a fundamental way at least, does it...

So on and on we go, despoiling both our own habitats, and the habitats of those creatures that we share such a planet with...

And once again, no one seems to care enough to enforce fundamental change, do they - or the few that try to do so, on our behalf, seem powerless to in any way encourage such fundamental changes themselves, don't they...

And meanwhile, our oceans, especially perhaps, are being despoiled - and the life-forms that inhabit such oceans seem to be further denuded with each passing day...

...To the extent where we are now seemingly being primed, within certain media outlets at least, to consider the many supposed benefits of eating insects - causing at least some of us to wonder whether such seeming priming/conditioning is simply a reflection of such a denuding of the life-forms that are currently continuing to be consumed...

And nobody seems to be giving any thoughts to seemingly ever increasing population numbers do they - 'they', seemingly, wouldn't want to reduce us units of consumption after all would 'they' - come on, be reasonable, think of the effects upon the economies of the world if 'they' did so after all...

...And of the reduced incomes/profits of 'those' that produce and entice us all to consume, if such units of consumption (us) were so reduced...

It can be likened to an out of control freight train that seems to be completely unstoppable really, can't it...

And, surprise surprise, those who give further considerations to such an ongoing situation, start to wonder why there are seemingly no concerted efforts being made by those in positions of power - when, quite obviously, there should be, should there not???...

Who knows, maybe there is some sort of plan in progress for 'them' to do an exit stage left to some other planet, perhaps within another solar system, when the proverbial really starts hitting the fan - or maybe, in the interim at least, such 'thems' plan to live within orbiting habitats, or indeed underground ones, until another suitable planet is found, and can be voyaged to...

There seems to be plenty of effort being made to find other 'goldilocks zone' Earth-like planets, after all, does there not???...

And efforts would seem to be being possibly made to develop suitable propulsion systems that could facilitate such possible one way ticket journeys after all, are they not??? - to say nothing of A.I. enabled robotics etc...

So let's face it yeah - who could blame such people for harbouring such thoughts - especially so when there is seemingly so much secrecy possibly being practised by those within such positions of high powers...

And especially so also, when some members of the general populace, at least, seemingly seem to suspect that the masses are possibly being milked for all they are worth...

As is said, sometimes truth can be much stranger than fiction, can it not...

But hey, let's be reasonable yeah - it's not like there is any meaningful/real distrust being voiced within the general masses towards those in positions of such powers after all, is there...

So let the worried minorities cast all such worries aside yeah - and go back to being the very trusting and reasonable-minded citizens that they fundamentally are...

...As i feel sure that everything will work itself out in the best interests of all of us in the end...

We are a civilised and highly evolved/developed species after all, are we not???...

So of course measures will be introduced in order to get us back into a state of balance with the very planet that supports and nurtures our ongoing Earthly existence/experiences - it's not as if those in positions of power are in any way psychopathic in nature / mentally/socially unbalanced after all, is it...

And within the democracies in which we live we have good, solid, upstanding people who have pledged their lives to be of service to us all, and to put our well-beings / best interests ahead of their own after all, do we not???...

So come on, let's put any rising anxieties firmly to one side and get back to enjoying our daily distractions yeah...

Hmmmm, i wonder what's currently onth net that's possibly worth watching???...

Oh yeah, there's that Seaspiracy movie that i've been meaning to watch, isn't there - i seem to remember it being mentioned on The Jo Whiley Show a while back - maybe i should give that one a whirl eh...

Or, if not that one, there's always A Plastic Ocean to consider - that one seems like it could be fun - i wonder if it's some sort of science fantasy movie???...
