29 May


A couple of days ago i was looking for a precis of a book that i had read many years ago, and although i have yet to locate it i did find a typed copy of a letter, entitled 'Re: Environmental Issues' (dated 10 July 1991), that i apparently posted to 10 Downing St, to the then Prime Minister John Major - it was within one of two 'Thoughts And Insights' A4 files that contain my personal writings from between late 1989 and December 1996...

I had of course completely forgotten about such a letter, and so it came as quite a surprise to me, as it constitutes the only ever letter i have seemingly sent to No 10 Downing St - i can only guess that i must perhaps have been Inspired to do so...

Anyway, it had tentatively crossed my mind to share it here, but i didn't most readily have an accompanying song to offer alongside it so i simply left it in obeyance, so to speak...

...Until i set out on my walkies today, when The Beatles 'Mr Postman' song came surprisingly to mind - this, within my mind at least, being the cue to indeed share such a letter here on this website of ours...

So here it is, after all these years, verbatim...



    May i applaud your newly voiced stance concerning the world's environmental problems.

    In the past Great Britain sought to civilise the world through conquest - now is the time to civilise the world through conscience. The only way to do this is to become the conscience of the world, and the only way to bring this about is by leading by example.

    The days where we can justify inaction due to the inaction of others is surely now gone. We can no longer sit back idly and accept the current moratorium of neglect and irresponsibility, like ostriches burying their heads in the sand in the futile hope that some Divine Power will wave it's magic wand and put right the consequences of our own ignorant transgressions. No. The time has now come for us to accept our responsibilities like mature human beings and to clean up our own back yards before the task defeats us.

    Most of the general public now seems to be cynically suspicious of the apparent concern of many of todays political leaders, regarding environmental concern. We now view it all as merely paying lip service in the hope of either gaining office or maintaining their present positions in office. It is my hope that you really do care ; that what you say publically about environmental issues, actually reflects your own point of consciousness - and hopefully that of other members of your party.

    I would like to vote your party into office again with a clear conscience. I would like to be able to tell my future grandchildren that i supported the political party that was courageous and responsible enough to lead the rest of the world back onto the path of health and sanity - a party that were not afraid to lead by example and to shine the torch of conscience into the eyes of ignorance, selfishness and lethargy. I do not wish to tell them that their world is on the point of extinction because nobody cared enough to do anything about it - for i am not a member of the Green Party, nor do i contribute to the funds of Greenpeace, nor am i a member of C.N.D.; i have never taken part in a demonstration march and have never been on strike. I am simply another member of the general public who is genuinely concerned about the state of the planet on which i live. I believe we are known as the silent majority.

    It is always the few who lead the many. Today, more than any other day, we - the silent majority - are looking and waiting for leadership. You and your fellow colleagues are able to fulfill our needs and help disolve our frustrations, caused by apparent indifference. You are in the enviable position of being able to instigate change. You have, perhaps, the unique opportunity to demand the change of perspective that will lead to a cleaner and healthier world - please do not waste it.

    In future history books, let Great Britain and it's current leaders be recorded as being responsible for leading the rest of mankind out of the fog of environmental indecision and indifference. The country that, by example, shone the torch of conscience for all to see and to follow. Surely that is our heritage.

    We have the technology to save our planet. The only question is, do we have the will?? If so, who is going to nurture it?? I hope it will be the Conservative Party, under the leadership of yourself.

                       Yours, with hope and prayers,

Although i have no proof that such a letter was ever sent, i did type the following at the top left hand side of such a typed letter ( with my personal address, at that time, likewise, typed at the top right hand side)...



     10 DOWNING ST



...And as i would presumably have had to go to the trouble of finding/verifying such an address and postcode, i cannot see that i would not have sent such a typed letter (no doubt i shall find out the truth of the matter after having shed my mortal coil and returned Home) - especially so, having mentally processed its contents, typed it up on my then computer, and printed it out on my then rather large, heavy and loud 'Ricoh' daisywheel(???) printer...

So, given that it was indeed sent and received, one can only speculate as to why i was not at least sent a confirmatory letter from 10 Downing St, in recognition of my efforts and concerns - maybe there were other more pressing preoccupations for the then Prime Minister, John Major, to attend to???...
