30 Jul


This blog has been prompted after the typing of the following five comments that i made within an article within the Mail Online newspaper (entitled 'More than FIFTY Tory MPs are ready to vote against 'misguided' Covid passports after Government is accused of introducing them 'by stealth' by quietly updating NHS app - as Dominic Raab says they 'make sense' for returning to the office') within the last 24 hrs - the first four last night, and the fifth fairly early this morning...

1) The gradual introduction of national identity cards by stealth??? - all your details on one card (financial, medical and personal)??? - total/complete tracking of all individuals???...

2) I you tolerate this your children will be next - Manic Street Preachers - cheers Jo Whiley...

3) Well done to the 50+ - more needed please - do what is right and proper...

4) We supposedly live in a democracy - freewill choices, free from all forms of coersion, is part and parcel of democracy - simples...

5) Based on a dream i had last night (yes, i had a dream folks) the national identity/identifying card is based on a unique personal identifier (number/symbol/barcode) which links each person to all their financial, personal and medical information (which is stored online) - it would seem to make more sense really (in terms of information updating purposes) - welcome to the machine - pink Floyd...

Comment 2 was made as i was listening to The Jo Whiley Show onth radio - it was playing as i was reading some of the comments of others, and seemed like an apt comment inclusion to make...

The 'yes, i had a dream folks' part of comment 5, is, of course, in reference to the famous speech / public address made on August 28, 1963 by the American civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jnr, who was assassinated on 4 April 1968 aged 39 - it was delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. - the speech where he famously said 'I have a dream'...

It very much seemed to come to me Inspirationally, which led me to wonder, rightly or wrongly, whether such words had come from Martin Himself - 'maybe He is a Member of the 'A Team' also' thought i - 'He is not a Member of the 'A Team', but is a very welcomed Guest upon occasion' came the within mind Reply - prompting me to think, 'well i guess W/we're not the only Game in Town after all' (far from it i should think)...

So, are the proposed 'covid passports' really to be the start of what may turn out to be the introduction of a national identity/identifying card system??? - well, based upon a dream i had last night (see A NIC Dream within DREAMS), it would seem that it very well could be (given that such a dream actually represents a possible future reality of course)...

...And as such a dream also included what would seem to be the replacement of physical money with a electronic personal financial system (a proposal that has apparently recently been mentioned by our current Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak), then maybe both will possibly become part of such a future public monitoring and control system...

Other parts of such a possible overall system would almost inevitably include public CCTV surveillance cameras of course - which are already being used extensively throughout our own country - as well as throughout most of the world in general...

...As well as possibly orbiting satellites also...

...And not forgetting mobile phones, whose GPS systems are capable of locating the positions of their owners to within fairly high degrees of precision - as well as potentially having their cameras and microphones activated without our knowledge or permission/consent of course...

...And then there are our personal computers, laptops and tablets etc - which can potentially be accessed in a similar manner of course...

Even supermarket 'loyalty cards' and debit cards could be included as sources of overall  monitoring / information gathering - whereby it is known what items we buy, when we buy them, where we buy them from, and in what quantities we buy such items/products in...

Maybe all such potential monitoring points/systems/parts will be eventually consolidated/included within such personal/mobile phones (there are already 'loyalty card' apps available for download onto such personal/mobile phones after all, are there not???)...

...With all such gathered information being stored on a central computer (together with our medical records and financial details/accounts) for each and everyone of us, under a numeric/alpha-numeric heading/title, which may or may not be our national insurance or national identity/identifying 'numbers'...

And mobile/personal phones are held in the hand/fingers, whilst pointed at the users head/face, are they not - and what is it the Bible says about not being able to buy or sell without having the number of the 'beast' (Revelations 13:16 & 13:17)???...

So why this seemingly inexorable pushing forward with such public monitoring / control (limiting of movement???) systems???...

Well, if you haven't done so already, may i recommend the reading of a book called 'Stark' by Ben Elton (a book that was brought to my attention via a number of separate comments made within a recent Guardian online newspaper article regarding the successful launch and return of Jeff Bezos's 'penis-shaped' rocket actually) - it is a very entertaining read, and the electronic/kindle version can be downloaded very cheaply indeed, at the current/present time (for around £2 i think)...

Without spoiling it too much, it talks about a declining world environment (climate change), together with all of Earth's food sources and living organisms, due to the increasing levels of pollution etc - as well as talking about a group of some of the worlds richest people banding together and building spaceships to take a select group of people (including themselves of course), together with the requisite technology and supplies, to pre-built bases on the Moon whilst the Earth 'crashes and burns' basically (i've still got the final/last 15% of the book to read, and said select few have not yet taken off, so i don't as yet know how it finishes)...

Mere fiction/fantasy, i hear you possibly say...

Oh really, say i - but hey, perhaps you could be correct...

However, in the real world certain billionaires are seemingly getting involved (or making efforts to do so) in Moon-based projects apparently/reportedly - whilst at least one other is rumoured to have purchased quite a considerable amount of land and is further rumoured to be (preparing to???) digging into mountain sides and building their own 'cataclysm retreat centres' (for the want of a better description)...

...And then there are rumours of possible asteroid impacts of course (Apophis for example - or some possibly known and publicly undisclosed ones perhaps) also - as well as the rumoured existence of 'deep underground bunkers' also...

So, are such possible future scenarios really completely fictional / conspiracy theories??? - well i guess time will tell eh...

But hey, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that there is indeed some sort of pending/unfolding cataclysmic scenario on the horizon - and that the powers that be, perhaps through Spiritual ignorance (or indeed defiance) have decided that certain actions need to be undertaken in order to save the 'best' of the human race in order to ensure (as best the can of course) its survival, then maybe such possible actions could be more readily understandable...

However, from my own personal perspective (and based upon a series of 'UFO' dreams that i experienced many years ago now), within such a possibly unfolding/emerging/ongoing scenario, it is the responsibility of the Higher Beings to both decide and enact who are to be the 'chosen ones' that will possibly be taken upon high  until a post cataclysmic Earth has recovered and been suitably reseeded, before returning them to Earth and possibly providing assistance to get things started once again...

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter, given that such a possible future scenario does indeed unfold, i personally am quite at peace with the inevitable returning Home upon my body's physical death, and would highly recommend that others remain at peace, as much as they are able, also (if only in order not to attract unnecessary/avoidable negative karma to themselves due to enacting very unskilful and selfish actions upon others) - for we would not wish to return Home, only to find ourselves Abiding within possibly much less favourable conditions than we would otherwise have done, would we - and in a likewise manner, we wouldn't wish to compromise/limit our future life/lives conditions/opportunities, here upon planet Earth, also, would we... 
