25 Oct


Images/photographs that are shown to us publicly can possibly be subject to changes before publication - with such having been possible for many, many years now - indeed software packages/programs can readily facilitate such possible changes, can they not...

Individuals can do it, corporations can do it, media outlets can do it, for example...

Such possible changes can seek to paint different pictures in order to give a desired effect...

Still images such as photographs, for example...

And more recently such changes can seemingly be applied to moving images also - and perhaps not only within films/movies...

And people can possibly get duped by them, believing them to be true/original/raw images??? - whereas in some instances they could, perhaps, not be??? - be they still or moving images...

Wars/conflicts could possibly be justified by them also???...

Colin Powell for example??? - when he reportedly went to the UN with satellite images purporting to show the siting/locations of various weapons of mass destruction within Iraq??? - in, perhaps, justification of the perceived need to wage the well known/remembered 'shock and awe' conflict/attack/war on Iraq in order to purportedly help keep the world a safer place???...

Many years ago Winston Churchill was reported to have said, 'lies, damned lies, and statistics' - whereas nowadays, 'lies, damned lies, and altered images' could, perhaps, equally be said, could it not??? - so, next time you see any presented images, be they still or moving ones, my personal advice, rightly or wrongly, would be to look closely, in a more detached way, without being drawn in emotionally, for then you may be able to differentiate fact from possible fiction???...
