18 Dec


Although there are possibly, on occasion at least, many different interpretational perspectives to be garnered from from listening to O/offered tune selections (including blog accompanying tunes - both in relation to and independent of such accompanying blog details) in a descending order, there may also be so when such selected O/offerings are listened to within an ascending order also...

...As there may well be (inevitably perhaps) from listening to such O/offered tune/song selections in/from any of the other possible orders/permutations - within both a purely auditory (eyes closed perhaps) way, as well as an observational way...

...Or indeed both an auditory and visual/observational way - given that this particular selected way doesn't overpower/confuse/muddy the interpretational senses of course...

If nothing else it can be an interesting game to play in search of other possible perspectives - re such group musical offerings - games that can possibly promote certain expansions within consciousness, to perhaps greater or lesser extents..

Whilst an active member of Lightworkers.org, many moons ago now (circa 2011 - 2013), whilst offering various pieces of music for possible contemplation, some advice was offered regarding music and the possible perspectives that could be derived / arise from listening to, not only the lyrics but, the sometimes transporting overall vibrations/ambience of such music also...

In essence the following comprised such an offered advice...

Firstly, i suggested thinking about what such O/offered music (both singular as well as grouped) could be saying about the listener...

And then what it could possibly be saying about the listener's friends and family (both present and/or Those who have passed on to the Other side of Life also), both individually and collectively, for example...

And then i went further, by asking what such O/offered music could possibly be saying about the area/village/town/city/country, and people therein, in which the listener lived...

And then further still, to encompass/contemplate other, possibly specific, countries of the world - both individually and/or collectively, or part(s) thereof perhaps - and in relation to the possibly differing/different types of mind-sets that the people therein hold/have, also, perhaps...

And then, finally, to consider what such O/offered music could possibly be saying about planet Earth as a whole, as well as our solar system - and then the galaxy perhaps - and ultimately, the whole universe of course...

Once again, if nothing else, it can possibly be an interesting game to play, both individually or collectively, in search/contemplation of perhaps a multitude of possible perspectives - simply as a way of expanding the ways/perspectives in/from which we can possibly see things from - something / an activity that can possibly promote a greater, and possibly more in-depth, flexibility of mind, and in so doing help to prise us away from what can sometimes be self-damaging / self-limiting, and sometimes singular, fixed states of mind / views / ways of thinking/being...
