01 Dec


I guess some people/folks may, quite understandably perhaps, wonder/ask why someone who has People/Folks waiting to greet him in what we sometimes commonly/readily, call / refer to as, the 'after-Life', is doin' 'preppin' for survival within possible 'hard (transitionary???) times', here on planet/Mother Earth...

I think one of the answers anyway is that although my body is inevitably getting older, the 'me' inside such an ever-aging 'vehicle of expression' still feels quite young/vibrant and perhaps eager(???) for a, challenge / more realistic/meaningful kind/type of life...

Quite obviously 'i' do not know for certain that any form of change(s) are on the horizon - but there again i do sense(???)/feel(???) that the world is already  changing / readying itself for perhaps major (???) changes - in terms of climate, an uptick in earthquake activity(???) , flooding(???), uncertain variability of seasons(???), rocks flying past our home planet(???), signs of possible increased/pending volcanism(???)...

Who knows, such 'preppin-arations' may be a complete waste of time - in the sense of either no meaningful changes taking place during my life-time here on planet/Mother Earth, or, in the sense that i could simply and rather quickly/suddenly be 'taken out of the game', by a rather large and unexpected wave for example ('bummer' huh - or there again perhaps not so much of a 'bummer' eh)...

But hey, on the food stockin' and storin' side of things, that can never be a, bad thing to do / complete waste of time, can it??? - after all, in terms of possible, personal illness / periods of inclement weather / possible general food shortages or indeed price rises / etc, having a rotating stock of food (and possibly other stuff also) is a pretty prudent thing to do, is it not??? (especially so within uncertain times, one would most readily suggest)...

We simply cannot expect, things / life-styles, to forever stay the same, or indeed continually improve, surely??? - for as is sometimes said, 'impermanence rules', man...

My general passage through life has meant that (to a certain extent at least) i've sort of grown/gotten used to challenging-preparing(???) myself (or indeed being involuntarily challenged) - for example, this will be my fourth consecutive winter of choosing not to heat my comparatively(???) humble abode (whether it will stay/remain unheated throughout the winter duration (on/during this particular occasion), well, only time will tell i guess)...

Such things/experiences have also taught/caused me to naturally, rise above / separate myself from, a possibly pre-conditioned(???) attitude of, 'woefullness'/resentment / feelings of my glass being half-empty, rather than half-full (a somewhat gladsome state of mind, rather than a woeful one perhaps) - causing / resulting in, me now being of a comparatively happy disposition towards both myself and others, so, as they sometimes say, 'job's a good-un', no???...

Anyway, talking about possible changes, there is another aspect to my 'preppin' activities; what if there are once in a few/several thousand years, possibly cyclic, changes on the horizon??? - wouldn't you want to experience as much of it/them as possible??? (twood look mighty good/impressive on one's Spiritual CV after all, would it not??? - if we chose to adopt as skillful an attitude / life-style as possible, anyway (a 'woah, ride that 'wave' (possible period of time) with great skill man' (for Improved/Good/ more Assured after-Life conditions) type of attitude, no???))...
