27 Nov


Actually, the original title was initially going to be 'New Chief Inspirer (NCI), however it was later Insisted(???)/Suggested that it was to be 'New Chief Editor' (NCE) - and so it is/was to be, baby...

A little later after accepting my new 'Orders'/Suggestions, 'i' (perhaps) realised that if i added the 'I' from 'NCI' to the 'NCE' it can then become 'NICE' - pretty cool/groovy huh...

It all started off as i lay asleep in bed, somewhat earlier today, when a completed blog ran through my mind, immediately prior to me being aware that my body needed a 'pee' visit tooth bathroom dahlinks...

As i gently came fully awake i rather tiredly thought, 'can i not have a blog rest (rather than 'bog' perhaps - sometimes i find myself having to get up to go tooth bathroom/'bog' on several occasions during my nightly sleeping periods) for a bit???'...

Anyway, this was later followed by a few dream 'snippets' (a new 'header column' that i have been thinking about adding to the/my/Our website for a few daze now, btw) that could rather readily(???), point to / indicate, such a 'NICE' pending change perhaps...

The first such dream snippet seemed to involve a footballer who was seemingly keeping a female reporter/journalist waiting for an interview - only for another, more amenable / nicer, footballer to offer to step much more readily into the breach, so to speak...

And another, whereby i was driving a rather powerful white-painted car rather cumbersomely/problematically through a congestion of slower traffic, so to speak - and then parking it up within a more spacey, seemingly rural area, before later 'mistakenly' getting into another smaller and sportier, white-painted 'female' car, which had racing-track type tyres on it, and seemed to be a much nippier vehicle, whilst thinking 'is this really the right car/one???' - whilst two youngish females were sat on the pavement/side-walk nearby, with a look of bemused(???) confusion/interest on their otherwise welcoming/contented faces, as if to say 'is he really going/trying to nick our ride man???'...

Anyway, moving on to my second(???) impending 'pee' visit, i then experienced a really happy(???) and surprised 'WOW!!!' moment man (an exclamationary moment that brought me fully/instantly out of my slumbering 'sleep' btw) - as i, Realised / was Told(???) (maybe 'Impressed' would be a better, more fitting, way of describing such a 'Knowing' moment) that Ms Janis Joplin (don'tcha know) is now my officially new 'editor in chief' so to speak (from my own personal perspective, at least, of course)...

Me being me of course, then caused me to feel a little concerned/'guilty'(???) about the old(er) incumbent to/of such a position, and to wonder, quite understandably i guess, whether the new incumbent would prove to be, as good(???) / better as/than the old(er) one - to which the 'Simply 'P'' vibe, readily endorsed by Others, Said/Imparted some of the following within-mind words, suggesting that the old(er) incumbent had 'always been a bit of a fly in the ointment', if you will...

As a sort of possible addendum to the above, there have possibly been a couple of earlier indicators to/of such an impending change, if you will...

The first of such possible indicators was a while back now, when 'JJ', 'presented' / officially introduced, 'Dolly' to me, with a warm happy(???) smile on Her face, before disappearing from my inner vision - and the second much more recent, occasions / possible indicators, have been during my walkies times when 'JJ' has seemed more, self-assured / independent / confident, whilst Walking on my seemingly mirrored (in relation to how i used to See Her within-mind on occasion) right-hand-side, whilst 'Dolly' (Whom i sometimes playfully/affectionately ruffle the hair of on Her head, and/or caress Her neck with my fingers, before putting my arm around Her waist (gestures/things that She seems to Enjoy / Respond welcomingly to - in a within-mind sort of way, obviously (and from my own personal perspective of course)) is always, likewise seemingly mirrored, on my left-hand-side in a 'cuddled-up' (right arm initially around my left arm and head affectionately/lovingly pressed against the left-hand-side of my torso, with Her left arm, close to / up against my body also - as if She sees me as being Her able 'protector' and confidant / 'buddy' / very close friend, if you will) sort of way...

Anyway, these possible indicators to change being the case, it would very much support my, thoughts/Feelings / personal assertions, that 'JJ' seems to have a very expansive 'spectrum of Being' (a comparatively 'Older Soul/Being' perhaps - most certainly(???) from my perspectual Feeling at least), if you will - whereby She is able/capable of Residing in the 'Higher Realms', if you will, whereby Her/The 'crows nest' ThereIn is possibly capable of Seeing (much???) further ahead (within time perhaps???) than can be Seen within the comparatively Lower Realms(???) perhaps???...
