10 Oct


(A Ketchup One)

I had a friend once (yes really - surprise surprise eh) - i initially met him in an outside bar when on holiday abroad (as it turned out, he was a local, now sun-tanned, white guy)...

He was very experientially knowledgeable, regarding a number of different subjects actually...

Anyway, he was talking at length about da 'erb once - and apparently not all 'erbs are the same...

For instance, he said that there are two main varieties of da 'erb - sativa and indica...

The sativa 'erb, apparently tends to expand your conscious/awareness - so is particularly suitable for inner contemplation within wonderment, for example...

Whereas an indica based 'erb tends to relax your mind - and can therefore help you to unwind from the stresses of the day / life, for example...

Most commercial varieties are apparently a mix of both - and tend towards the indica component, rather than the sativa component...

Upon asking why, i remember him most readily saying that the smaller and bushier indica plant yields a more bountiful harvest, so attracts greater profits - and it also takes less time to cultivate apparently...

...Whereas, apparently, the sometimes much taller and more spindly sativa plant generally yields a less bountiful harvest - and can take up to a month more to bring to full cultivation...

Anyway, revisiting such a time in my mind, and recounting it as if talking about it with him today, i remember asking him more of the following questions...

 What about the squidgy stuff that i have heard about then???...

Well, he said, you should really be rather careful about purchasing any of that - for you don't readily know what chemicals may have been added to it in order to give it a potentially bigger, and perhaps not very pleasant 'kick'...

Although, he continued seemingly rather knowledgeably, there is a type called pollen, that, if pure, can potentially be very nice indeed...

And such 'squidgy stuff' is often far from being squidgy nowadays, he added, in a seemingly rather sage manner/way - in my admittedly rather uninformed opinion anyway...

Oh, right, okay - replied i, rather starry-eyedly...

You also need to take care when purchasing any type of 'erb he added - for some rather dodgy commercial growers sprinkle certain exotic chemicals over the buds during the period of time when they are flowering; or they may water them with plant stressing additives, in their rather greedy intent to produce larger buds...

...The former of which can, potentially at least, possibly cause you to experience psychological problems whilst partaking of it - sometimes inducing decidedly unwelcoming mental experiences...

Oooh, thanks for that potentially very important advise, i responded in a now serious manner...

So what's the best way of partaking of it then, i continued - obviously wishing to learn as much as possible about such a subject, before possibly partaking of any of it myself, at some possibly future time...

Well, generally da 'erb can either be smoked or ingested, he most readily replied...

In some countries/states where it is legal to imbibe, people will either partake of it in its pure form, or mix it with tobacco - but generally, tobacco detracts from its benefits, as it tends to make its effects less harmonically resonant, and can therefore result in you feeling somewhat less pleasantly chilled...

...Some people call it call a 'buzz' - as in the buzzing noise of a flying insect, for example...

Oh, cheers for that, i interjected in ready appreciation...

And some people add it to a cake or cookie recipe for example - which can take longer to take effect, depending upon how much food is already in your stomach, or how much food your body has digested soon before...

...However, i would most readily advise not to add too much of da 'erb into the recipe, he added - otherwise you could possibly find yourself increasingly locked-in to its developing effects...

...They don't sometimes refer to it a space-cake for nothing, after all...

And can you ingest the squidgy stuff too, i further enquired - now rather increasingly warming to such a subject of potential learning...

Indeed so, replied my increasingly impressive friend...

For instance, you can spread honey onto a Ryvita for example, before sprinkling some finely cut peaces of it - but, once again, be careful how much you sprinkle over it okay...

Wow - that seems like an interestingly appealing way of imbibing, i rather enthusiastically responded...

A reply that elicited a ready, seemingly knowing wink, from said new friend - along with a seemingly informed gentle smile...

So where would you advise imbibing of it then, i further asked, with increasing interest...

Somewhere quiet and peaceful - well away from any people of a potentially vexatious nature...

You're opening you mind after all, he added - and da 'erb has the tendency to magnify any real-time environmental feedback...

You don't want to end up having a potential panic attack, after all, do you - that could be extremely unpleasant for you...

Oh, right, nice one, i replied, in rather obvious agreement...

So what sort of benefits does it have then - apart from chillin' you out...

Well, a sativa based 'erb in particular, can most readily assist, and indeed promote, an enquiring type of mind - it has the potential to offer you rather surprisingly different, and perhaps much more indepth, perspectives, on many things, he rather intriguingly added...

Oooh that sounds good, i replied, within personally unexperienced understanding...

...Before perhaps rather timely noticing what was rather discretely printed on his rather cool looking t-shirt - 'May you Reside within Wonderment dude'...

Well, as i said, potentially at least dude, he responded, in a somewhat relaxed way...

So how often should you imbibe then, i further asked, with increasing appreciation for such generously provided advice...

I would say, only occasionally - perhaps during a peaceful sunny day for example...

Any more than that and it can rather quickly become a habitual experience of increasingly diminishing returns - and a complete waste of the Journey-man's money, he rather readily added...

...And only take a little at a time - at least until you get used to it, he added with another of his seemingly sage winks...

...Otherwise you may blow your mind dude, he added with a now somewhat serious look on his face...

So are there any occasions when you shouldn't imbibe, i enquired somewhat soberly...

Indeed so, he replied, equally seriously...

Don't be taking it if you have a troubled or anxious mind - don't forget it has the tendency to perhaps greatly magnify your mental state...

So if you have any pressing rather worrisome money problems for example, you're gonna be worrying a heck of a lot more - that's why it's sometimes referred to as the 'panic city blues'...

Definitely not to be recommended dude, he advised somewhat somberly...

Right, i've got places to go and people to see now dude - so catch you later perhaps...

...And enjoy any Wave surfin' you may responsively partake of okay, he concluded, before standing up and starting to walk amicably away...

Oh, and i forgot to mention that such partaking, in some particular instances, can act as a key to unlocking/providing a possibly deeper understanding within other arising perspectives, when listening to music, looking at visuals for example - particularly if such creative individuals were partakers themselves during such unusually creative periods within their expressively creative lives, he added as he paused in his departing steps and turned momentarily around, before continuing within his departing footsteps...

What a really knowledgeable guy, i wonder what he does for a living, i remember thinking - rather naively as it turned out...

Possibly some very informed and important advice indeed eh - if you happen to live in a country/state where it's legal to imbibe of such substances of course...

Otherwise, what a bummer eh - potentially at least...
