25 Mar


Well, apparently not only mine actually...

When the apparent emergence of the so-called Covid virus was first announced it was billed as a 'pandemic' - a so-called 'pandemic' that was seemingly to rather quickly become a global pandemic...

Quite naturally, one would assume, i initially expected the effects of such a claimed 'pandemic' to translate itself in real terms within my local community of approximately 500 or so people...

However, despite what people were being continually fed via virtually every media outlet known to humankind, it simply wasn't seemingly being translated in real terms within my local community...

Nobody had become ill - and most certainly, nobody had died - most strange, thought i...

And so it remained - until the vaccines were made available, and people were being implored to become vaccinated of course - a tactic that seemed to rather muddy the observational waters somewhat...

...For no longer were we able to see whether people would have remained overwhelmingly healthy, if they had all chosen to remain unvaccinated...

Oh well, thought i, i'll simply choose to maintain my 'canary in a coalmine' status...

So, unmasked, unsanitised, and unvaccinated, i chose to remain - vowing that if i did become ill, then i would simply self-isolate within my rather humble abode - and if my body recovered then it recovered, and if it didn't then it didn't, and orft i would return Home...

I had enough food after all - so would have had no need of any assistance whatsoever...

So, off i went, virtually every weekday, to my local and most logical 'covid' hotspot' (a large and well-known supermarket) and breathed in the air, unmasked, and with hands unsanitised...

...With only five occasions upon which i was told that i had to put on my mouth and nose covering bandana - well, until i had passed beyond such security guards anyway - upon which, said bandana somehow managed to slide off at least my nose...

...Which, rather conveniently perhaps, left my 'canary in a coalmine' status intact...

Anyway, the weeks and months went by, and i still remained unaffected/healthy - even though, being a pensioner, i was said to have been in one of the most vulnerable age brackets/groups, apparently...

Hmmm, thought i, maybe i should be mixing with the people who possibly mix with the most people themselves - the working people, who tend to do their shopping during the busier weekends - they would possibly constitute a more representative sample for the effective transmission of such 'virus' after all...

So, every Saturday and Sunday (as well as maintaining my week-day immersions of course) off i trotted to breathe in the unmasked air of the weekend shoppers also - week after week...

...And healthy i remained - throughout all the claimed covid variants - simply amazing eh...

And what of the others within your local community?, you may reasonably ask...

Well, one person who is a couple of years older than myself apparently became quite ill with what was deemed to be 'covid' symptoms - he apparently lost about two stones in weight before making a full recovery, unassisted, within his home - as he simply refused to go into hospital, as he feared losing his Earthly life if he did so...

Then there was a retired married couple who were both apparently deemed to have caught 'covid' - they lost some weight also - but, once again, made a full recovery within their home...

Then, earlier this year, there was a lady who apparently experienced the much milder flu-type symptoms - a lady who simply self-isolated for about a week, before emerging fully recovered...

And then there were the two deaths of course...

...One was a robustly healthy golfing regular, in his mid-seventies apparently, who used to march to the local newsagent and back each day - he died rather suddenly of a non-covid related 'something' - shortly after having had his second covid vaccination apparently...

...And then there was a woman, in her eighties apparently, who suddenly died, possibly within a week of her close 'golfing regular' neighbour - whether she had also recently had her second vaccination, i have no idea...

...Oh, and then, possibly a month ago now, there was a 52 year old obese, asthmatic alcoholic who had recently returned from hospital, after having been treated for pneumonia (which apparently kills about 28000 people per year in the UK btw) in one of his lungs - to the very great surprise of all of us, the post-mortem examination result declared his death to have been due to covid apparently - but hey, none of the people (including myself) who he used to regularly, and closely (sometimes we would 'fist bump') chat to didn't catch what he allegedly died of, and neither did any of his drinking buddies...

And that's it basically...

Rather exceptional news huh - as is the fact that the seasonal flu virus that kills around 1600 people annually in the UK, apparently plummeted to almost zero during such a declared covid pandemic - silver linings huh...

And what about the vaccinated?, one may reasonably ask...

Hmmm - interesting indeed...

What seemingly started off as being billed as an annual vaccination, then became a six monthly one - and soon afterwards seemingly became a three monthly one - in that these were the periods of time that such vaccinations were apparently progressively deemed to be effective for, before another one was seemingly required...

And did such vaccinated people feel safe?, one may further enquire...

Well initially, apparently so - although many seemingly still chose to wear masks and to sanitise their hands regularly...

Well, safe until they realised that they could still readily transmit such a stated virus anyway - and i guess fairly safe, until they realised that vaccinated people were still being hospitalised - something that said vaccinations were supposed to prevent apparently (or severely reduce anyway) ...

So what happened then?...

Some of them then turned their attentions to the healthy unvaccinated people - with such multiple-vaccinated and predominantly(???) still mask-wearing, hand-sanitising, and still virus transmitting people deeming such healthy unvaccinated, non-mask-wearing people to be a danger to them (yeah, strange, i know) - some of them even wished such healthy non-vaccinated people to be made to self-isolate on an ongoing basis, and for such vaccinations to be made mandatory...

...Even though some vaccinated people were seemingly dying, simply by being vaccinated...

And some of these were seemingly the so-called intelligent people within society - yeah, strange, i know...

But, hey, thankfully the government declared 'game over' soon afterwards, and everyone went back to living there lives normally once again, shortly afterwards - although a number of the multiple-vaccinated 'die-hards' still chose/choose to continue wearing masks...

'Game' over???, what do you mean by that???, one may reasonably ask...

Well, this is how it seemed to be - and not only for me, but for certain others also, apparently...

The mask-wearing for instance...

Apparently such a claimed virus is much smaller than the holes in the masks that people breathe easily through without putting any strain on their lungs at all...

And at the start it was only very vulnerable people who were advised to wear them, within certain limited situations - and they were advised to wear surgical masks specifically, rather than the generic ones - but apparently only if they became infected, or came into contact with the infected or particularly vulnerable...

...That was perhaps before the more generic masks seemingly became a fashion accessory of course - or a visible sign of commitment and solidarity perhaps...

But here's the thing yeah...

Workers, within the supermarket i frequent, at least, were only required to wear masks when they were stood up - if they were sat down, at the checkouts for example, serving perhaps hundreds of people from all walks of life, daily, then they were apparently fine - but whenever they were standing they were apparently vulnerable, and so required to wear masks...

...Even if such 'masks' were plastic see-through visors placed in front of their faces - they, apparently, were absolutely fine also - and were deemed to afford suitable protection from the possible inhalation of such microscopic viruses, apparently...

And then there were the children of course - same lung structure and tissues, and same general biology as the adults - but hey, they were seemingly deemed to be absolutely fine/safe without the need to wear such masks within such apparent/possible 'covid hotspots'...

...Indeed, the accompanying parents, also, seemed to be completely oblivious to any possible dangers to their children - it was apparently stated officially that such children were safe, and therefore didn't need to wear a mask, you see - so if it's apparently stated officially, it's correct, right???...

...Mind you, they were later advised to be vaccinated - seemingly increasingly so actually - yeah, strange, i know...

...Yep, they were then seemingly deemed to be just as vulnerable as adults seemingly were...

And then there were the hospital workers of course - incredibly vulnerable, one would have suspected - working within the many epicentres of such possible viral transmission...

Yet a sizable number of them apparently simply refused to be vaccinated - the very people who were supposedly most in the know - the very people who were apparently most at risk...

Yet a sizable number of them were apparently prepared to lose their jobs, rather than be vaccinated - caring, sensible people - yeah, strange, i know...

I wonder why, seemingly the most vulnerable and presumably knowledgeable, were so adamant not to be vaccinated???...

It sort of makes you wonder whether they possibly knew something, that we, the general populace, didn't really - doesn't it???...

Well, either that, or perhaps they simply fancied perhaps becoming possibly very ill themselves eh - possibly resulting in them returning Home also - but hey, as is said, people are strange yeah...

And then there were the government people who were advising us all of course...

Yet some of them were found not to be abiding by the rules that others were required to follow - seemingly at times anyway...

Going on trips around various parts of the country, during lockdowns for example - and only seemingly being concerned about being caught out...

Then, if my memory serves me correctly, there was that rather amusing spectacle within the House Of Commons last year - where the MPs on the Labour side of the House were seemingly overwhelmingly wearing their masks - whereas, on the Conservative side of the House the MPs were seemingly overwhelmingly not wearing their masks...

...One side of the House seemingly visually stating that the wearing of masks was very important, whilst sat side by side - and the other side seemingly visually stating that there was simply no need to wear masks, whilst sat side by side - mixed messages huh...

And then there was 'partygate' of course - with photo's - and this, in turn, led to possible fines being issued...

...At which point 'game over' was seemingly shortly afterwards announced - was it not???...

And most recently, even though some quarters apparently seemed to wish such a 'game' to go into extra time, a Government Minister has seemingly insisted that such a 'game' is indeed well and truly over...

Of course, to someone like myself, such a statement could be seen to be akin to saying, 'we've become bored with that game now, it turned out to be a lot easier than we thought, so we've decided to move on to a new one to captivate/enthral you all with'...

Most recently there was an article in one of the online newspapers that seemed to be asking the question of why some people were seemingly immune to such a stated 'covid' virus and its many ongoing mutations/variants...

My thoughts were that if it was indeed simply immunity then the spread of such 'immune' people would not be localised into seeming groups of people - local areas such as mine, and apparently others also, that seemed to prove themselves to be so - before vaccinations seemingly muddied the observational waters somewhat of course...

My view, perhaps, is that there are/were simply 'miracle zones' spread around the country - with my area seemingly being one of them of course...

...And one side of the House of Commons seemingly being another perhaps...

...And the gardens of certain alleged 'partygate' individuals seemingly being another perhaps...

...And the kitchen of another politician was possibly another one also...

...And at least one person possibly had a seemingly mobile 'miracle zone' at his disposal...

Indeed, there were/are perhaps many unacknowledged possible 'miracle zones' - but that certain people were/are simply too shy/embarrassed to openly acknowledge them - for fear of possible reprisals/consequences perhaps...

To think that certain seemingly jealous, multiple-vaccinated, people wished to seemingly punish such possible 'miracle zone' people (be such possible 'zones' static or mobile) by demanding that they be needlessly vaccinated - in fact possibly fatally vaccinated - talk about possible resentment eh...
