24 Nov


Inspiration can seemingly come in many different ways/forms...

This morning whilst still lying half-asleep in my bed a series of blog pages were passing fairly rapidly through my mind - without there being any discernible information being evident...

Anyway, i must have been coming slowly awake when i simply 'realised' that i was to offer a Janis blog...

Rocky then came to give me one of his fairly frequent early morning wake-up calls/visits, so although it was still fairly dark i decided to get up and start the day...

As i was getting dressed i realised that i pretty much knew what three songs would accompany such an intended blog offering - but then another specific song title came to mind, causing me to realise that this was an Offered one to be included in three such accompanying ones...

Anyway, later in the day i realised that i could simply share a rather interesting blog, entitled 'I Love You', that i shared on the 'New Light Beings' website around three plus years ago now - so here it is, for those who may be interested in reading it...

During the second half of February [2016], an American Singer made Herself Known to me - from my Perspective at least, of course...

She turned out to be very Lovingly playful and somewhat 'quirky' in nature - and i often Felt her Presence during walkies times...

She would often Say, within mind, quite unexpectedly really - 'i Love you'...

To which i would, somewhat quizzically, initially reply - 'thank you, that is very nice of you to say so', or words to that effect...

Anyway, after a few times of Hearing such thought-Words within mind, i realised that there was a pregnant pause, so to speak, immediately after - as if She, a comparative Stranger really within my 'eyes', was expecting a likewise, similar reply of such Words of endearment...

Which caused me to ponder upon what truthfully meaningful reply i could offer - 'Love' can be an easy thing to say, and an easy thing to betray, after all...

Anyway, after a while, i came to realise that She was acting as a 'Teacher of Love' to me - causing me to Ponder upon the true nature of that which we often, sometimes very broadly, term as 'Love'...

Causing me to explain to Her that, for me, 'Love' was an action rather than a word, or, indeed, a series of such actions - something shown, in some way or another, rather than simply something said...

I very much enjoyed such Interactions with such a Warm and Playfully Loving Person/Soul/Being - as it allowed me to Ponder upon such matters in a gradually less reluctantly embracing way...

Eventually, another famous, Warm and 'motherly'-Lovingly natured, English Singer, whom i had briefly Interacted with at an earlier time, must have Wondered what it was all about, so to speak, and Advised that such a light and mutual preoccupation was interfering with the Work of the day, so to speak - causing me to rather Sadly let go, with a simple resignation/Understanding...

Anyway, to my very great and Happy/Welcoming surprise, i unexpectedly, Felt / became Aware of, the, within mind Vibrational Presence, of said American Singer, as She Returned yesterday afternoon - causing Happy tears to flow from my normally, now less, rarely tearful eyes...

And then, of course, came Her 'signature words' of 'i Love you' - causing me to chuckle, as i very much saw the, 'pregnant Pause' nature of such within-mind Words, once again, which then, once again made me wonder upon what words to offer in reply...

Associated Comment 1...

Such is the, Lovingly needy, somewhat insecure, somewhat vulnerable, and somewhat quirky/goofy nature, of such a 'Somebody', in search of 'Love' and the need 'To' be Recognised, perhaps...

Comment 2...

Or 'JJ' as i now light-heartedly and affectionately refer to Her as - whenever she pops into thought-mind, so to speak...

Comment 3...

And why do such People pop round, you may ask...

To which the answer would surely be, in order to be of Testament/Witness to the Truth of the continuance of Life after physical, bodily 'death', perhaps...

And why do They come to a self-acclaimed 'average Joe', such as myself, you may further wonder - to which i would answer, 'it would seem to constitute at least part of my possibly pre-destined life-Path'...

Comment 4...

Thank you for your words of kindness, Erin - and, in case you were wondering...

'JJ' is no longer 'needy, insecure, or vulnerable' in any way - so who knows, maybe She has paid some Visits to the 'Healing Monk', as i remember doing, within my dream blog entitled, 'Dreams And Ponderings'...

I sometimes Receive a Welcoming, 'i Love you', which now has the Quality of Warmth, rather than expectancy - i now Sense that She is within comparative Stillness in the Background, so to speak, on occasion at least, as She occasionally Offers Thought-words in Response to some of my thoughts/ponderings, which is a Nice way of letting me know that She is Close...


Comment 5...

As an addendum, Erin - JJ ain't overly impressed with my previous words...

The Response was, 'you make me Feel/seem like a bit of a lap-dog......Gramps'...

I think i may be challenging JJ's 'rock-chic cred', somehow - although i Know she finds it a bit of a 'blast' too...

Comment 6...

Well-cheeky innit :-) :-) :-) ...
