13 Apr


I do not own any of the following photos btw...

And thus they are not, in any way, my personal property...

I have simply chosen to share them, on this 'ere website of ours, for the sole purpose of the entertainment and upliftment of others - and nothing more...

1) One Of My More Adventurous Walkies Perhaps...

Some rather attractive gal i met whilst walking through a field...

If my memory serves me correctly some guy was playing a guitar and singing...

'In my mind i'm going to Carolina'...

2) Eeehhh, This Were Sum Trek...

On a walkies with friends...

I think we may have got a little lost along the way somehow...

In my mind i'm going to...um...oh yes, Carolina...that's it...

3) Did I Really Walk All The Way There???...

One of my very special girlfriends...

Come to think of it, i've not seen her in a while...

In my mind i'm going to...umm...now where is it again...oh yes...Dorset...that's where it is...
