12 Dec


A previously ordered Marc Bolan & T-Rex album passed through my letterbox on Tuesday...

An online order that came about after i suddenly realised (whether it came about after perhaps listening to a track onth Jo Whiley Show, or it simply came to mind (along with another now unremembered one) i can no longer remember...

However i do remember thinking something like 'wow, how could i have forgotten Marc Bolan and T-Rex', as i have always, from back inth day especially, enjoyed hearing their music - what an obvious omission / four par eh...

Anyway, after the CD album arrived i duly transferred its contents onto my iTunes software and typed in the track titles - job sorted (or so i thought)...

And then a few days ago i downloaded a trial version of the 'dBpoweramp' software in order to see (well hear actually) what difference a higher codec would make inth listening/appreciating department - and where better to start than with the Marc Bolan & T-Rex CD album, thought i...

Yep, it definitely seemed to make a difference, that's for sure - the phrase 'music to my ears' comes most readily to mind...

Anyway, this then led me to think about offering a selection of said music on this 'ear website of O/urs...

So orft i went, listening to and selecting some possible candidates - i wrote them down in my little (A6) notebook actually...

Which, in turn, then later led to me wondering about which ones to actually select - (i had by that time decided to offer four, rather than my customary three, as there seemed to be so many possible contenders to choose from)...

...Upon which i Heard the following Words - 'you're the boss, and I'm happy for you to make the choices' (if my memory serves me correctly anyway)...

I sort of knew what He meant (at the end of the day it's down to my free-will choices, if i wish it to be so, after all) but still felt a little uncomfortable with the 'you're the boss' bit - causing me to explain to Him that i'm simply part of the Team, and no more than that...

So anyway, this in turn seemed to result in a perceived within-mind Marc seemingly taking a greater interest in such a selection - whereby the 'not that one, and 'I'm not sure about that one yet' (usually meaning/resulting in it/them being later discounted) routine followed...

Until yesterday (Thursday - i'm typing this on Friday evening btw), when W/we inevitably arrived at a definite 'final four' selected tunes - with the seemingly correct order being finalised also...

However, this morning (i think it was this morning anyway) i was still toying with the idea of whether the first two selections should perhaps be swapped around - whereby Marc seemingly didn't want the order to be changed, and Rhio Chirped in with 'let Him have His way - He's a sweet Guy after all'...

And so realising that Rhio was correct within such an Observation (Marc is indeed a very nice Guy - in my personal opinion anyway), i decided to leave such an order as it was...

...Resulting in me being Given a departing(???) appreciative Kiss/Peck on the, presumably etheric, within-visual mind, cheek - yep, He's definitely a Nice, fairly Light-Hearted, and seemingly fun Guy, that's for sure...

Oh, i forgot to mention that the 'Deborah' tune has been playing within mind upon several occasions over the last few days - hence its definite before-decided inclusion...

So that's the blog concluded - simply in order to explain the way in which this particular Selection of, now accompanying (i had intended to simply offer such a selection within MUSIC - however whilst taking my first walkies of the day i realised that a blog would/should be part of it also), tunes came about...
