06 May


Well it most certainly wouldn't be my planet of choice to live on, that's for sure...

But we are seemingly being led to believe that for some it would be so...

Even though such a planet currently resides outside of the 'goldilocks zone' (tis just outside the rim of such a 'goldilocks zone' apparently)...

...And is not survivable upon, without the constant aid of technology to supply the human body with enough breathable air to oxygenate its myraid of cells with...

...Mars's atmospheric volume is apparently only 1% of Earth's after all - with it's atmospheric constituents being significantly differently balanced than Earth's anyway...

And then there is the lack of heat and light that a much more distant sun is able to bathe Mars within of course (Mars apparently only receives a maximum of 44% of the light that Earth does) - with an average temperature of -81F/-62C (according to www.worldatlas.com) apparently (tis a wonder that the various 'rovers' tyres aren't veritably skating over the surface of such a planet (at times at least), rather than leaving Earth-like tread marks ain't it - damn it must be one heck of an arid/desert-like place eh)...

To say nothing of the lack of water that is seemingly naturally available on the Marsian surface - no apparent streams, no rivers, no lakes, and no oceans - in actual fact there are seemingly not even any puddles to splash around in are there...

In fact there's seemingly not much of anything upon its surface - other than plentiful amounts of rocks, and sometimes violently swirling (with such a thin atmosphere??? - really??? - oh well, what the heck do i know about such things after all eh) dust, of course...

No apparent vegetation, and no apparent fauna of any kind/type - and most importantly still, no apparent arable soil in which to grow crops...

And, on top of all this, there is seemingly no hierarchy of life-forms to help keep them company, or for 'the lucky(??? - really???) few' to feast upon either...

...And seemingly, surprise surprise, no available fast-food outlets either - bummer huh...

No - just an abundance of similarly coloured rocks for them to feast their rather deprived eyes upon...

...As well as a seeming abundance of that, sometimes violently swirling, dust of course...

And yet we are seemingly being led to believe that there are a certain number of people who are veritably chomping at the bit to have the chance to win their one-way tickets to live there...

So maybe it's the half(???) gravity that such people find to be so alluring eh - and the muscle wastage that would surely naturally accompany it of course...

...Unless you actually look forward to living a hamster-in-a-cage type of existence of course - with treadmills and other exercise equipment, rather than 'wheels' to be metaphorically chained to of course...

Yep, who'd want to continue living on good ole Earth, with choices like that thrown your way eh...

...Apart from people with fully functioning brains perhaps...

So, my rather obvious question is, why the heck are seemingly intelligent and successful people seemingly willing to put so much of their time, effort and money into pursuing such a dream(??? - nay, nightmare surely) of enabling certain people to go live there...

...Given that they actually survived such a potentially perilous journey in the first place of course...

It simply doesn't add up to being, in any way, anyone's planet of choice does it...

But we are seemingly being led to believe that it is...

So what's really going on then???...

Are we simply being duped/misled regarding such seeming efforts???...

Does somebody know something about the impending future of planet Earth that we ordinary folk don't???...

Is it simply attempted camouflage for a much more ambitious journey to a perhaps already known 'goldilocks zone' Earth-like planet that is currently orbiting within another, presumably nearby (comparatively speaking anyway) solar system???...

Or has someone simply been smoking WAAAAY too much of the green stuff perhaps??? - (treat da 'erb with the respect it deserves ain't it dude lolz)...

Answers on a postcard please - or, alternatively, within an email perhaps...

Oh, this 'ere website hasn't currently got a correspondence one, has it...

Maybe i should get 'round to sorting that out sometime eh...

In a similar way to which i should perhaps start adding some appropriate 'tags' to the 'management' part of the website also...

...So that it at least stands a chance of being highlighted/found when other web users type in certain search parameters - and i actually start getting any website visitors showing up within the 'statistics' eh...

Hmmmmm, i wonder why i never seem to have thought of that before??? - oh well, there's always tomorrow i s'pose - no biggie eh...
