18 Apr


During 2011 (if my memory serves me correctly), whilst making comments on The Sun online newspaper, there seemed to be at least one article that reported that certain governmental(???) websites were seemingly coming under fairly heavy hacking attacks...

Then, at a later date (if my memory serves me correctly), a nuclear sub suddenly surfaced in the waters of Scotland(???) with its doors locked(???)...

I remember, rightly or wrongly, 'sensing' what seemed to be a rather stunned 'silence'/surprise...

I then read the text at the top of a 'page 3' photo that i, rightly or wrongly, thought could perhaps be some sort of message to a secret operative (my rather furtive imagination perhaps???)...

Then at an even later date (possibly a couple of years or more???) i noticed that governmental leaders were meeting in China - with all(???) visiting heads of state wearing rather nice classical Chinese shirts/tops/apparel...

Now if i chose to 'join the dots' of such choosing, then i could, rather readily perhaps, have come to the conclusion that China was then controlling all the nukes of the western(???) world - and thus calling the shots in a sort of 'fait accompli' way...

But then my mind went back to a previous article i had seen/read somewhere onth web that purportedly showed an orange ball of light stationed outside of a supposed American nuclear weapons installation...

According to such a story such a 'ufo' had deactivated all of the nukes at such a site for a short while - before giving back control of such nukes to the American base and disappearing from sight...

So, from this perspective, slightly different 'dots' could now be joined up that could lead one to perhaps believe that some 'ET's' had now deactivated all the world's nukes (for perhaps good or bad purposes/reasons) - and that the fact that all of the visiting heads of state were wearing classical Chinese apparel was perhaps simply a sign of solidarity and common purpose to all the influential, possibly non-political, people of the world, could it not???...

Two chosen perspectives from perhaps many more, if i had more 'dots' to play with...

So what i am suggesting is that we can all 'join the dots', but it doesn't necessarily mean that we are doing so in any truthfully reflective sort of way - although, obviously perhaps, such could indeed be the case...

All such 'joining of the dots' results in is a possible perspective...

...And if a perspective cannot be discounted/denied, then it is simply an active perspective - until otherwise proven not to be, is it not???...

In a similar way, i could look at the so-called coronavirus pandemic and think 'well no-one that i know has ever knowingly contracted it - and no neighbour that i have personally asked knows of any other near or reasonably near neighbour who has contracted it (apart from one neighbour who very recently said that he knows of someone with an apparently very poor immune system who had reportedly died from it)...

Then i could, rightly or wrongly, think 'why are 'they' seemingly exaggerating it all so much???' - and thinking 'is there perhaps some sort of world-wide disaster looming on the horizon???'...

Or i could perhaps wonder if it was some sort of smokescreen that was being used to replace many human workers with A.I. enabled robotic ones, at a later date perhaps - could i not???...

Or i could perhaps wonder whether it was being used as a cover/opportunity to help alleviate the pressures on the climate in order to prevent a possible 'tipping point' being reached perhaps??? - less cars on the roads; much less aircraft in the skies; and less industrial pollutants being produced/emitted...

The only thing that i personally can say is that there could be perhaps many active perspectives in play regarding such a 'coronavirus pandemic' at this present time...

So as in all such situations like this i simply observe (in a relaxed way and from a point of perhaps comparative/seeming neutrality) what is possibly unfolding on a day to day basis, in order to see which way the dice possibly later falls, so to speak...

So, bottom line, my advice would be to avoid having fixed, singular views if you can (Buddhists see fixed views as a type of hindrance btw) - and never fall into the trap of thinking that just because you have joined some 'dots' that this automatically gives you the correct answer...

Having fixed views, in my opinion at least, is like/akin to a horse wearing blinkers - only being able to see a portion of what is perhaps really happening around it...

Here is an example of an errant fixed view that i formed, many years ago now - given purely to indicate how potentially problematic (in the karmic sense particularly) holding such singular fixed views can perhaps become...

I was giving my then live-in girlfriend a lift to a nearby train station, whilst on my way to work - remembering how 'strange' her 'good-bye' seemed/sounded as she exited my car...

At the end of my slightly worrisome working day i arrived home to find that there were no longer any curtains hanging in the living-room; and that the living-room dimmer-switch had been removed - leaving only bare live wires protruding in its place; and that quite a lot of furniture owned by said girlfriend was now gone; but that the chest-freezer that i didn't particularly like was still there; and that there was a pile of 'rubbish' left in the centre of said living-room for me to, clean up / take care of / dispose of...

Surprise, surprise eh...

Later my next-door neighbour told me than another girl and three lads had been laughing as they had been removing said furniture - rising anger eh...

I then, possibly correctly, deduced that the other girl was said girlfriend's best married friend - and that said three lads must have been said best friend's husband (whom i had never met and had absolutely no idea what he looked like btw) and two of his unknown mates...

And what???, they had been laughing??? - now that's just taking the 'peace', though i...

...Causing me to phone up his place of work on a number of occasions in order to have a little chat into his 'shell-like' ('in my mind i'm going to Carolina') - and always being told that he was currently unavailable to take such calls...

...Causing me conclude - 'yep, it's definitely him, and now he's trying his best to avoid me'...

Anyway, i later let go of the situation (after a 'voice' in my head very clearly said, 'i thought that is what you wanted') - realising that i had regained the freedom that i had wished for, and that such missing 'stuff' could easily be replaced with 'stuff' of my own choosing...

And then, at a later date still, i found that said husband and his mates had absolutely nothing to do with such furniture removal...

The scenario that could have perhaps transpired, and the possible trouble i could have perhaps gotten myself into eh...

...And the possible personal karma that i could possibly have amassed...

Yep, i definitely joined some 'dots' alright - but they simply weren't the correct 'dots'...

Active perspectives and simple observation, rather than fixed singular views would be my advice - but yeah if you have any genuine concerns/misgivings, then definitely voice them if you feel the need to do so...
