24 Mar


Yesterday, within the 'Bits n Bobs' area of this 'ere website, i mentioned some strange goings-on that i had discerned/noticed within my local supermarket of late...

...The fact that the check-out lady who served me yesterday seemed to be most obviously averse to the presumably rather aromatic wafts of garlic that seemingly must be flowing rather freely out of the pores of my skin - and the fact that i had most astutely observed the general denudation of offerings that had taken place upon the shelves (something that i have now realised must have been due to some sort of 'work-to-rule' action by the lowly paid shelf-stackers in search of a perhaps rather understandable pay rise btw)...

Well, believe it or not, these were not the only rather strange and perhaps astute observations/deductions that my obviously keen eyes have most recently detected - for during my walkies yesterday i noted a rather definite change in some of the younger folks attitude towards me...

...Whereas before, some such people seemed to take some sort of rather perverse pleasure in trying to rather unsuccessfully get me to move aside for them, now they seem to have learned the meaning of 'respect' don'tcha know - for they are not only giving me a rather wide berth as they pass me by, but they are also smiling and enquiring into my general state of well-being, in what would seem to be a rather polite and genuinely caring manner...

So, what have i put this rather sudden change in attitude down to, you may ask???...

...Well, if i had been a television watching sort of person, who likes to keep up with the news, documentaries and wot-knot, i would perhaps not have had to rely on my rather keen 'instincts', which have most readily led me to the conclusion that there must have been a most recent, and obviously most successful, educational / deep subliminally-conditioning, public broadcast regarding the virtues of such respectful behaviour towards society's more elder statesmen (as well as ladies, of course - lest we, to our possibly most obvious cost, forget eh) - proving, perhaps, that intuition can be such a wonderful gift to possess dahlings...

Anyway, moving on, (rather swiftly perhaps) it has more recently come to my attention that our most esteemed Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, (may God bless his soul) is now pushing for increased health within this great nation of ours...

Seemingly, (according to the local 'grape-vine' perhaps), Boris now wants us to take not only one walkies a day, but also a daily bike ride, and a run also...

...Hmmm, thought i, probably best, (if only in the name of continued good health), if us older folk build up to such levels 'little by little, bit by bit, over and over again' eh - we wouldn't wish to experience a possible heart attack in pursuit of such increased levels of personal fitness, (together with a corresponding improvement in our all-round sense of well-being obviously), after all, would we Prime Minister; we have the constraints of our Health Service to consider after all, do we not???...
